AnimatLab  2
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 ActivatedItem.cppImplements the activated item class
 ActivatedItem.hDeclares the activated item class
 ActivatedItemMgr.cppImplements the activated item manager class
 ActivatedItemMgr.hDeclares the activated item manager class
 Adapter.cppImplements the adapter class
 AnimatBase.cppImplements the animat base class
 AnimatBase.hBase class file for all Animat simulation objects
 ArrayChart.cppImplements the array chart class
 ArrayChart.hDeclares the array chart class
 Attachment.cppImplements the attachment class
 Attachment.hDeclares the attachment class
 BallSocket.cppImplements the ball socket class
 BallSocket.hDeclares the ball socket class
 BellGain.cppImplements the bell gain class
 BellGain.hDeclares the bell gain class
 BistableNeuron.cppImplements the bistable neuron class
 BistableNeuron.hDeclares the bistable neuron class
 BlBallSocket.cppImplements the vortex ball socket class
 BlBallSocket.hDeclares the vortex ball socket class
 BlDistanceJoint.cppImplements the vortex distance joint class
 BlDistanceJoint.hDeclares the vortex distance joint class
 BlEllipsoid.cppImplements the vortex ellipsoid class
 BlEllipsoid.hDeclares the vortex ellipsoid class
 BlFluidPlane.cppImplements the vortex fluid plane class
 BlFluidPlane.hDeclares the vortex fluid plane class
 BlHinge.cppImplements the vortex hinge class
 BlHinge.hDeclares the vortex hinge class
 BlMotorizedJoint.cppImplements the vs motorized joint class
 BlPlane.cppImplements the vortex plane class
 BlPlane.hDeclares the vortex plane class
 BlPrismatic.cppImplements the vs prismatic class
 BlPrismatic.hDeclares the vs prismatic class
 BlRPRO.cppImplements the vortex ball socket class
 BlRPRO.hDeclares the vortex relative position, relative orientation class
 BlTorus.cppImplements the vortex Torus class
 BlTorus.hDeclares the vortex Torus class
 BlUniversal.cppImplements the vortex universal class
 BlUniversal.hDeclares the vs universal class
 BodyPart.cppImplements the body part class
 BodyPart.hDeclares the body part class
 BoundingBox.cppImplements the bounding box class
 BoundingBox.hDeclares the bounding box class
 Box.cppImplements the box class
 Box.hDeclares the box class
 btAnimatGeneric6DofConstraint.cppImplements an override of the btGeneric6DofConstraint so I can access key data
 btAnimatGeneric6DofConstraint.hDeclares the btGeneric6DofConstraint class
 CaActivation.cppImplements the ca activation class
 CaActivation.hDeclares the ca activation class
 Cone.cppImplements the cone class
 Cone.hDeclares the cone class
 Connexion.cppImplements the connexion class
 Connexion.hDeclares the connexion class
 ConstraintFriction.cppImplements the material pair class
 ConstraintFriction.hDeclares the material pair class
 ConstraintLimit.cppImplements the constraint limit class
 ConstraintLimit.hDeclares the constraint limit class
 ConstraintRelaxation.cppImplements the material pair class
 ConstraintRelaxation.hDeclares the material pair class
 ContactAdapter.cppImplements the contact adapter class
 ContactAdapter.hDeclares the contact adapter class
 ContactSensor.cppImplements the contact sensor class
 ContactSensor.hDeclares the contact sensor class
 CsAdapter.cppImplements the current stimulus class
 CsAdapter.hDeclares the current stimulus class
 CsClassFactory.cppImplements the class factory class
 CsFiringRateStimulus.cppImplements the current stimulus class
 CsFiringRateStimulus.hDeclares the current stimulus class
 CsNeuralModule.cppImplements the firing rate module class
 CsNeuronDataColumn.hDeclares the data column class
 CsNeuronGroup.cppImplements the neuron class
 CsNeuronGroup.hDeclares the CsNeuronGroup class
 CsSpikingCurrentSynapse.cppImplements the synapse class
 CsSpikingCurrentSynapse.hDeclares the synapse class
 CsSynapseGroup.cppImplements the synapse class
 CsSynapseGroup.hDeclares the synapse class
 CurrentStimulus.cppImplements the current stimulus class
 CurrentStimulus.hDeclares the current stimulus class
 Cylinder.cppImplements the cylinder class
 Cylinder.hDeclares the cylinder class
 DataChart.cppImplements the data chart class
 DataChart.hDeclares the data chart class
 DataChartMgr.cppImplements the data chart manager class
 DataChartMgr.hDeclares the data chart manager class
 DataColumn.cppImplements the data column class
 DataColumn.hDeclares the data column class
 DelayLine.cppImplements the delay line class
 DelayLine.hDeclares the delay line class
 DoubleList.cppImplements the double list class
 DoubleList.hDeclares the double list class
 ElectricalSynapse.cppImplements the electrical synapse class
 ElectricalSynapse.hDeclares the electrical synapse class
 Ellipsoid.cppImplements the Ellipsoid class
 Ellipsoid.hDeclares the ellipsoid class
 EnablerStimulus.cppImplements the enabler stimulus class
 EnablerStimulus.hDeclares the enabler stimulus class
 EquationGain.cppImplements the equation gain class
 EquationGain.hDeclares the equation gain class
 ExternalInputStimulus.cppImplements the external input stimulus class
 ExternalInputStimulus.hDeclares the external input stimulus class
 ExternalStimuliMgr.cppImplements the external stimuli manager class
 ExternalStimuliMgr.hDeclares the external stimuli manager class
 ExternalStimulus.cppImplements the external stimulus class
 ExternalStimulus.hDeclares the external stimulus base class
 FileChart.cppImplements the file chart class
 FileChart.hDeclares the file chart class
 FiringRateModule.cppImplements the firing rate module class
 FiringRateModule.hDeclares the firing rate module class
 FluidPlane.hDeclares the fluid plane class
 Gain.cppImplements the gain base class
 Gain.hDeclares the gain base class
 GatedSynapse.cppImplements the gated synapse class
 GatedSynapse.hDeclares the gated synapse class
 Hinge.cppImplements the hinge class
 Hinge.hDeclares the hinge class
 HudItem.cppImplements the heads-up display item class
 HudText.cppImplements the heads-up display text class
 IntegrateFireModule.cppImplements the integrate fire module class
 IntegrateFireModule.hDeclares the integrate fire module class
 IonChannel.cppImplements the ion channel class
 IonChannelSigmoid.cppImplements the ion channel sigmoid class
 IonChannelSigmoid.hDeclares the ion channel sigmoid class
 Joint.cppImplements the joint class
 Joint.hDeclares the joint class
 KeyFrame.cppImplements the key frame class
 KeyFrame.hDeclares the key frame class
 LengthTensionGain.cppImplements an inverted quadratic gain class used to calculate length-tension relationship for muscle
 LengthTensionGain.hDeclares an inverted quadratic gain class used to calculate length-tension relationship for muscle
 Light.cppImplements a light object
 Light.hDeclares a light object
 LightManager.cppImplements a LightManager object
 LightManager.hDeclares a light manager object
 LinearHillMuscle.cppImplements the linear hill muscle class
 LinearHillMuscle.hDeclares the linear hill muscle class
 LinearHillStretchReceptor.cppImplements the linear hill stretch receptor class
 LinearJoint.cppImplements the linear 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D class
 LinearJoint.hDeclares the linear 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D class
 LineBase.cppImplements the line base class
 LineBase.hDeclares the line base class
 Link.cppImplements the link class
 Link.hDeclares the link base class
 Materials.hDeclares the materials class
 MaterialType.cppImplements the material pair class
 MaterialType.hDeclares the material pair class
 MemoryChart.cppImplements the memory chart class
 MemoryChart.hDeclares the memory chart class
 Mesh.cppImplements the mesh class
 ModulatedSynapse.cppImplements the modulated synapse class
 ModulatedSynapse.hDeclares the modulated synapse class
 ModulateNeuronPropSynapse.cppImplements the neuron property modulatory synapse class
 ModuleThreadProcessor.cppImplements the thread processing class for a specific module
 ModuleThreadProcessor.hDeclares the thread processing class for a specific module
 MotorStimulus.cppImplements the vs motor velocity stimulus class
 MotorStimulus.hDeclares the vs motor velocity stimulus class
 Mouth.cppImplements the mouth class
 Mouth.hDeclares the mouth class
 MovableItem.cppImplements the body part class
 MuscleBase.cppImplements the muscle base class
 MuscleBase.hDeclares the muscle base class
 NervousSystem.cppImplements the nervous system class
 NervousSystem.hDeclares the nervous system class
 NeuralModule.cppImplements the neural module class
 NeuralModule.hDeclares the neural module class
 IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cppImplements the neuron class
 IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.hDeclares the neuron class
 Node.cppImplements the node class
 Node.hDeclares the node class
 NonSpikingChemicalSynapse.cppImplements the non spiking chemical synapse class
 NonSpikingChemicalSynapse.hDeclares the non spiking chemical synapse class
 Odor.cppImplements the odor class
 Odor.hDeclares the odor class
 OdorSensor.cppImplements the odor sensor class
 OdorSensor.hDeclares the odor sensor class
 OdorType.cppImplements the odor type class
 OdorType.hDeclares the odor type class
 Organism.cppImplements the organism class
 Organism.hDeclares the organism class
 OsgFreeJoint.cppImplements the vortex universal class
 OsgFreeJoint.hDeclares the vs universal class
 OsgHinge.cppImplements the vortex hinge class
 OsgHinge.hDeclares the vortex hinge class
 OsgHud.cppImplements the vortex heads-up display class
 OsgHud.hDeclares the vortex heads-up display class
 OsgHudText.cppImplements the vortex heads-up display text class
 OsgHudText.hDeclares the vortex heads-up display text class
 OsgLight.cppImplements the vortex Light class
 OsgLight.hDeclares the vortex Light class
 OsgMeshMgr.hDeclares the vortex MeshMgr class
 OsgMouth.cppImplements the vortex mouth class
 OsgOdorSensor.hDeclares the vortex odor sensor class
 OsgOrganism.cppImplements the vortex organism class
 OsgOrganism.hDeclares the vortex organism class
 OsgPrismatic.cppImplements the vs prismatic class
 OsgPrismatic.hDeclares the vs prismatic class
 OsgStructure.cppImplements the vortex structure class
 OsgStructure.hDeclares the vortex structure class
 PacemakerNeuron.cppImplements the pacemaker neuron class
 PacemakerNeuron.hDeclares the pacemaker neuron class
 PhysicsNeuralModule.cppImplements the firing rate module class
 PidControl.cppImplements the adapter class
 Plane.cppImplements the plane class
 Plane.hDeclares the plane class
 PolynomialGain.cppImplements the polynomial gain class
 PolynomialGain.hDeclares the polynomial gain class
 Prismatic.cppImplements the prismatic class
 Prismatic.hDeclares the prismatic class
 PropertyControlAdapter.cppImplements the property control adapter class
 PropertyControlStimulus.cppImplements the enabler stimulus class
 PropertyControlStimulus.hDeclares a stimulus class that can set any property on any object in the system
 RandomNeuron.cppImplements the random neuron class
 RandomNeuron.hDeclares the random neuron class
 RbBallSocket.cppImplements the vortex ball socket class
 RbBallSocket.hDeclares the vortex ball socket class
 RbEllipsoid.cppImplements the vortex ellipsoid class
 RbEllipsoid.hDeclares the vortex ellipsoid class
 RbFreeJoint.cppImplements the vortex universal class
 RbFreeJoint.hDeclares the vs universal class
 RbHinge.cppImplements the vortex hinge class
 RbHinge.hDeclares the vortex hinge class
 RbMotorizedJoint.cppImplements the vs motorized joint class
 RbMouth.cppImplements the vortex mouth class
 RbMouth.hDeclares the vortex mouth class
 RbOdorSensor.hDeclares the vortex odor sensor class
 RbOrganism.cppImplements the vortex organism class
 RbOrganism.hDeclares the vortex organism class
 RbPrismatic.cppImplements the vs prismatic class
 RbPrismatic.hDeclares the vs prismatic class
 RbRPRO.cppImplements the vortex ball socket class
 RbRPRO.hDeclares the vortex relative position, relative orientation class
 RbStructure.cppImplements the vortex structure class
 RbStructure.hDeclares the vortex structure class
 RbTorus.cppImplements the vortex Torus class
 RbTorus.hDeclares the vortex Torus class
 RbUniversal.cppImplements the vortex universal class
 RbUniversal.hDeclares the vs universal class
 ReceptiveField.cppImplements the receptive field class
 ReceptiveField.hDeclares the receptive field class
 ReceptiveFieldPair.cppImplements the receptive field pair class
 ReceptiveFieldPair.hDeclares the receptive field pair class
 RigidBody.cppImplements the rigid body class
 RigidBody.hDeclares the rigid body class
 RobotInterface.cppBase class for the robotics interface for AnimatLab
 RobotInterface.hDeclares the robotics inerface for animatlab
 RobotIOControl.cppImplements the base class for Robot IO controllers
 RobotIOControl.hDeclares the Robot IO control interface base class
 RPRO.cppImplements the relative position, relative orientation class
 RPRO.hDeclares the relative position, relative orientation joint class
 Sensor.cppImplements the sensor class
 Sensor.hDeclares the sensor class
 SigmoidGain.cppImplements the sigmoid gain class
 SigmoidGain.hDeclares the sigmoid gain class
 SimulationRecorder.cppImplements the simulation recorder class
 SimulationRecorder.hDeclares the simulation recorder class
 SimulationWindow.cppImplements the simulation Windows Form
 SimulationWindow.hDeclares the simulation Windows Form
 SimulationWindowMgr.cppImplements the simulation window manager class
 SimulationWindowMgr.hDeclares the simulation window manager class
 Simulator.cppImplements the simulator class
 Simulator.hDeclares the simulator class
 Sphere.cppImplements the sphere class
 Sphere.hDeclares the sphere class
 SpikingChemicalSynapse.cppImplements the spiking chemical synapse class
 SpikingChemicalSynapse.hDeclares the spiking chemical synapse class
 Spring.cppImplements the spring class
 Spring.hDeclares the spring class
 StdClassFactory.cppImplements the standard class factory class
 StdClassFactory.hDeclares the standard class factory class
 StdColor.cppImplements the standard color class
 StdColor.hDeclares the standard color class
 StdCriticalSection.cppImplements the standard critical section class
 StdCriticalSection.hDeclares the standard critical section class
 StdErrorInfo.cppImplements the standard error information class
 StdErrorInfo.hDeclares the standard error information class
 StdFixed.cppImplements the standard fixed-point number class
 StdFixed.hDeclares the standard fixed-point calculation class
 StdFont.cppImplements the standard font class
 StdFont.hDeclares the standard font class
 StdLookupTable.cppImplements the standard lookup table class
 StdLookupTable.hDeclares a standard lookup table class
 StdPostFixEval.cppImplements the standard post fix equation evaluation class
 StdPostFixEval.hDeclares the standard post fix evaluation class
 StdSerialize.cppImplements the standard serialize class
 StdSerialize.hDeclares the standard serialize class
 StdUtilFunctions.cppImplements the standard utility functions class
 StdUtilFunctions.hDeclares the standard utility functions class
 StdVariable.cppImplements the standard variable class
 StdVariable.hDeclares the standard variable class
 StdVariant.cppImplements the standard variant class
 StdVariant.hDeclares the standard variant class
 StdXml.cppImplements the standard xml class
 StdXml.hDeclares the standard xml class
 Stomach.cppImplements the stomach class
 Stomach.hDeclares the stomach class
 Structure.cppImplements the structure class
 Structure.hDeclares the structure class
 Synapse.cppImplements the synapse class
 Synapse.hDeclares the synapse class
 SynapseType.cppImplements the synapse type class
 SynapseType.hDeclares the synapse type class
 Terrain.hDeclares the terrain class
 Terrrain.cppImplements the terrrain class
 ThreadedModule.cppImplements the base class for threaded neural module
 ThreadProcessor.cppImplements the thread processing class
 ThreadProcessor.hDeclares the thread processing class
 TonicNeuron.cppImplements the tonic neuron class
 TonicNeuron.hDeclares the tonic neuron class
 Torus.cppImplements the Torus class
 Torus.hDeclares the Torus class
 TypeProperty.cppImplements the TypeProperty class
 TypeProperty.hDeclares the type property class
 VoltageClamp.cppImplements the voltage clamp class
 VoltageClamp.hDeclares the voltage clamp class
 VsBallSocket.cppImplements the vortex ball socket class
 VsBallSocket.hDeclares the vortex ball socket class
 VsDistanceJoint.cppImplements the vortex distance joint class
 VsDistanceJoint.hDeclares the vortex distance joint class
 VsEllipsoid.cppImplements the vortex ellipsoid class
 VsEllipsoid.hDeclares the vortex ellipsoid class
 VsFluidPlane.cppImplements the vortex fluid plane class
 VsFluidPlane.hDeclares the vortex fluid plane class
 VsFreeJoint.cppImplements the vortex universal class
 VsHinge.cppImplements the vortex hinge class
 VsHinge.hDeclares the vortex hinge class
 VsHud.cppImplements the vortex heads-up display class
 VsHud.hDeclares the vortex heads-up display class
 VsHudText.cppImplements the vortex heads-up display text class
 VsHudText.hDeclares the vortex heads-up display text class
 VsLight.cppImplements the vortex Light class
 VsLight.hDeclares the vortex Light class
 VsMeshMgr.hDeclares the vortex MeshMgr class
 VsMotorizedJoint.cppImplements the vs motorized joint class
 VsMotorVelocityStimulus.cppImplements the vs motor velocity stimulus class
 VsMotorVelocityStimulus.hDeclares the vs motor velocity stimulus class
 VsMouth.cppImplements the vortex mouth class
 VsMouth.hDeclares the vortex mouth class
 VsOdorSensor.hDeclares the vortex odor sensor class
 VsOrganism.cppImplements the vortex organism class
 VsOrganism.hDeclares the vortex organism class
 VsPlane.cppImplements the vortex plane class
 VsPlane.hDeclares the vortex plane class
 VsPlaneTest.cppImplements the vortex plane class
 VsPlaneTest.hDeclares the vortex plane class
 VsPrismatic.cppImplements the vs prismatic class
 VsPrismatic.hDeclares the vs prismatic class
 VsRPRO.cppImplements the vortex ball socket class
 VsRPRO.hDeclares the vortex relative position, relative orientation class
 VsStructure.cppImplements the vortex structure class
 VsStructure.hDeclares the vortex structure class
 VsTorus.cppImplements the vortex Torus class
 VsTorus.hDeclares the vortex Torus class
 VsUniversal.cppImplements the vortex universal class
 VsUniversal.hDeclares the vs universal class