8 #include "IMovableItemCallback.h"
9 #include "ISimGUICallback.h"
13 #include "IPhysicsMovableItem.h"
14 #include "IPhysicsBody.h"
16 #include "MovableItem.h"
Base class file for all Animat simulation objects.
Declares the simulation recorder class.
virtual ~RPRO()
Root namespace for the base simulation library for AnimatLab.
Declares the body part class.
virtual bool IntoElem()
Goes into the next element where the cursor is located.
float CylinderHeight()
Gets the height of the cylinder that extends out from the ball for this joint.
Declares the key frame class.
float BallRadius()
Gets the radius of the ball that is siutated at the center of this joint.
Declares the joint class.
Declares the relative position, relative orientation joint class.
Declares the organism class.
Declares the activated item class.
Declares a light manager object.
float CylinderRadius()
Gets the radius of the cylinder that extends out from the ball for this joint.
Declares the bounding box class.
A standard xml manipulation class.
float m_fltSize
Scales the size of the graphics for this joint.
Default constructor.
virtual bool OutOfElem()
Goes out of the element where the cursor is located.
Declares the data chart manager class.
Declares the rigid body class.
Declares the structure class.
Declares the odor type class.
Declares the simulator class.
Declares the activated item manager class.
Declares the external stimuli manager class.
Declares the receptive field class.