141 virtual float CalculateFiringFrequency(
float fltVn,
float fltVth);
143 virtual float CalculateIntrinsicCurrent(
FiringRateModule *lpModule,
float fltInputCurrent);
145 Synapse *LoadSynapse(CStdXml &oXml);
152 virtual void Cn(
float fltVal);
155 virtual void Gn(
float fltVal);
158 virtual void Vth(
float fltVal);
160 virtual float Fmin();
161 virtual void Fmin(
float fltVal);
163 virtual float Gain();
164 virtual void Gain(
float fltVal);
166 virtual float ExternalI();
167 virtual void ExternalI(
float fltVal);
168 virtual void AddExternalI(
float fltVal);
170 virtual float IntrinsicCurrent();
171 virtual void IntrinsicCurrent(
float fltVal);
173 virtual float Vrest();
174 virtual void Vrest(
float fltVal);
176 virtual float VNoiseMax();
177 virtual void VNoiseMax(
float fltVal);
179 virtual bool UseNoise();
180 virtual void UseNoise(
bool bVal);
182 virtual bool UseAccom();
183 virtual void UseAccom(
bool bVal);
185 virtual float RelativeAccommodation();
186 virtual void RelativeAccommodation(
float fltVal);
188 virtual float AccommodationTimeConstant();
189 virtual void AccommodationTimeConstant(
float fltVal);
191 virtual float Iinit();
192 virtual void Iinit(
float fltVal);
194 virtual float InitTime();
195 virtual void InitTime(
float fltVal);
197 virtual bool GainType();
198 virtual void GainType(
bool bVal);
203 virtual unsigned char NeuronType();
205 virtual CStdPtrArray<Synapse> *GetSynapses();
217 virtual void AddSynapse(Synapse *lpSynapse);
218 virtual void AddSynapse(std::string strXml,
bool bDoNotInit);
219 virtual void RemoveSynapse(
int iIndex);
220 virtual void RemoveSynapse(std::string strID,
bool bThrowError =
221 virtual Synapse *GetSynapse(
int iIndex);
222 virtual int TotalSynapses();
223 virtual void ClearSynapses();
224 virtual int FindSynapseListPos(std::string strID,
bool bThrowError =
226 virtual void AddExternalNodeInput(
int iTargetDataType,
float fltInput);
250 virtual void SetSystemPointers(Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule, Node *lpNode,
bool bVerify);
251 virtual void VerifySystemPointers();
252 virtual void Initialize();
253 virtual void TimeStepModified();
254 virtual void ResetSimulation();
255 virtual void StepSimulation();
257 virtual void InjectCurrent(
float fltVal);
259 #pragma region SnapshotMethods
260 virtual long CalculateSnapshotByteSize();
261 virtual void SaveKeyFrameSnapshot(byte *aryBytes,
long &lIndex);
262 virtual void LoadKeyFrameSnapshot(byte *aryBytes,
long &lIndex);
265 #pragma region DataAccesMethods
266 virtual float *GetDataPointer(
const std::string &strDataType);
267 virtual bool SetData(
const std::string &strDataType,
const std::string &strValue,
bool bThrowError =
268 virtual void QueryProperties(CStdPtrArray<TypeProperty> &aryProperties);
269 virtual bool AddItem(
const std::string &strItemType,
const std::string &strXml,
bool bThrowError =
bool bDoNotInit =
270 virtual bool RemoveItem(
const std::string &strItemType,
const std::string &strID,
bool bThrowError =
273 virtual void Load(CStdXml &oXml);
float m_fltIinit
The initialization current to turn on at the beginning of the simulation.
Firing rate neural module.
float m_fltAdapterI
current added from all of the adapters.
float m_fltAccomTimeConst
The accomodation time constant tells how fast the neuron accomodates to a new membrane potential...
float m_fltFiringFreq
Current firing frequency.
float m_fltVndisp
this is the membrane voltage that is reported back to animatlab.
float m_fltAccomTimeMod
If we are setting the accomodation time constant through modulation then this keeps track of it...
float m_fltVNoise
This is the random noise that should be added to the membrane voltage at a timestep.
float m_fltVthadd
The component added to Vthi for accomodation.
float m_fltVNoiseMax
Tells the maximum noise to use when running sim.
CStdPtrArray< Synapse > m_arySynapses
The array of synapses that are in-coming to this neuron.
float m_fltExternalI
Externally injected current.
float m_fltAdapterMemoryI
Used to allow datacharts to track current input from adapters.
float m_fltFmin
Minimum Firing frequency.
float m_fltIntrinsicI
Intrinsic current.
float m_fltInvCn
Inverse membrane capacitance.
Firing Rate Neuron model.
bool m_bUseAccom
true use accomodation
float m_fltInitTime
The duration for how long the Iinit current is on at the beginning of the simulation.
float m_fltVn
Current membrane voltage.
float m_fltVth
Firing frequency voltage threshold.
float m_fltRelativeAccom
The relative accomodation rate.
float m_fltCn
Membrane capacitance.
float m_fltVthi
Initial firing frequency voltage threshold.
Base class for body parts and neural network nodes.
Contains the classes for a firing rate neural model.
float m_fltTotalMemoryI
Total current applied to the neuron.
bool m_bUseNoise
Tells if we should use noise or not.
float m_fltGn
Membrane conductance.
float m_fltDCTH
expon decline working factor for thresh accomm
bool m_bGainType
Tells whether to use the old type gain or new type gain.
float m_fltSynapticI
Current synaptic current.
float m_fltVthdisp
this is the theshold voltage that is reported back to animatlab.
FiringRateModule * m_lpFRModule
Pointer to the parent FiringRateModule.
float m_fltVrest
this is the resting potential of the neuron.