6 #if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__AC7276DB_F5B0_4434_A20E_8194C391BF3C__INCLUDED_)
7 #define AFX_STDAFX_H__AC7276DB_F5B0_4434_A20E_8194C391BF3C__INCLUDED_
14 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
18 #define ANIMAT_PORT __declspec( dllexport )
23 #define STD_TRACING_ON
32 #include "AnimatConstants.h"
33 #include "AnimatUtils.h"
134 namespace ExternalStimuli
182 #include "AnimatUtils.h"
187 #endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__AC7276DB_F5B0_4434_A20E_8194C391BF3C__INCLUDED_)
Movable Item callback to the GUI.
The base class for all of the joint type of objects.
Base manager class for ActivatedItem's.
Nervous system for an organism.
This class is derived from the ActivatedItemMgr and it handles all of the external stimuli...
Simulates the entire environment.
A muscle that is connected between two attachment points.
Root namespace for the base simulation library for AnimatLab.
The Stomach object is responsible for holding food energy.
Handles processing of a single thread of the simulation.
Base class for the light object.
Contains all of the classes that are used to generate external stimuli to body parts, joints, or neural items.
Base class for a simulation window.
Class that stores information about types for QueryProperty information.
Contains all of the different body parts that can be used in a structure.
Implements a Delay line of float values.
Records the simulation keyframes and videos.
A BallSocket type of joint.
Base class for all activated items.
A ground plane type of rigid body.
Base class for all link type objects. This is typically used for synapses.
Namespace for the adapter objects.
Manager for simulation windows.
A Robot IO controller base class.
Handles processing of a single module within a thread of the simulation.
Odor type that can be emitted from a RigidBody and sensed by an OdorSensor.
A "static" structure in the simulation.
Specifies a point on a rigid body where a muscle is to be attached.
Bounding box class for geometric objects.
Base class for all body parts and joints.
Keeps track of all of the materials and the various material pair interaction parameters for the enti...
Current stimulus for neural items.
Contains all of the different joint types that can be used to connect body parts. ...
Contains the different gain type classes that can be used.
Saves the data in memory.
This namespace contains all of the objects that are related to the physical part of the virtual 3-D w...
External stimulus base class.
A dynamic organism that is controlled by a neural network.
Base class for body parts and neural network nodes.
Contains objects related to neural networks.
A muscle that is connected between two attachment points.
A Linear movement type of joint.
Namespace for objects related to collecting the data for charts.
A Prismatic type of joint.
Base class for Line body part types.
Receptive field that generates current based on the amount of contact force, and how close it is to t...
The base class for all of the basic rigid body type of objects.
The Robotics interface configures a simulation to run on a microcontroller board. ...
This stimulus enables or disables a joint or body part for a specified period of time.
Contains classes related to recording the simulation parameters at a specific time frame so it can be...