33 Connexion(
int type,
int id,
double d,
float topBlock=75,
float botBlock=25);
35 virtual void Load(CStdXml &oXml);
37 virtual void ResetSimulation();
38 virtual bool SetData(
const std::string &strDataType,
const std::string &strValue,
bool bThrowError =
39 virtual void QueryProperties(CStdPtrArray<TypeProperty> &aryProperties);
40 virtual float *GetDataPointer(
const std::string &strDataType);
43 virtual void VerifySystemPointers();
45 #pragma region Accessor-Mutators
47 void BaseConductance(
double dVal);
48 double BaseConductance();
50 void Delay(
double dVal);
53 std::string SynapseTypeID();
54 void SynapseTypeID(std::string strID);
56 std::string SourceID();
57 void SourceID(std::string strID);
59 std::string TargetID();
60 void TargetID(std::string strID);
128 double HebbIncrement();
129 double HebbTimeWindow();
131 bool AllowForgetting();
132 double ForgettingWindow();
133 double Consolidation();
134 double MaxGVoltDepRel();
159 void DecrementLatencies(
double dt,
bool FreezeLearning=
160 void DecrementFacilitation();
171 double ProcessOutput(
bool bFreezeHebb=
172 double GetProspectiveCond(
bool bFreezeHebb);
173 void IncrementHebbian();
Neuron * m_lpSource
Pointer to the source Neuron.
int m_iType
Zero-based index of the synaspe type.
Integrate and fire neural module.
DoubleList m_TransitCx
Sets whether there is a partial block hold.
double m_dPreviousSpikeLatency
The partial block.
double m_dGFacilCx
facilitated increase in g when input occurs
Integrate and fire neuron model.
float m_fltGReport
The reported variable for synaptic conductance.
int m_iTarget
Zero-based index of the target neuron.
Neuron * m_lpTarget
Pointer to the target Neuron.
void AppendTransitSpike()
Appends the transit spike.
Base class for all link type objects. This is typically used for synapses.
double m_dBaseG
The base conductance.
double m_dTimeSincePrevHebbEvent
The time since previous hebb event.
IntegrateFireNeuralModule * m_lpIGFModule
The pointer to the parent IntegrateFireNeuralModule.
float m_fltGFailCxReport
reported variable for facilitated increase in g when input occurs
std::string m_strSynapseTypeID
GUID ID for the synapse type to use.
double m_dG
The synaptic conductance.
SynapseType * m_lpSynType
Pointer to the synapse type for this connection.
std::string m_strTargetID
GUID ID for the target Neuron.
DoubleList m_HebbList
List of hebbian events.
int m_iID
Identifier ID for this connection.
std::string m_strSourceID
GUID ID for the source Neuron.
int m_iSource
Zero-based index of the source neuron.
double * GetTimeToNextSpikePtr()
Gets the time to next spike pointer.
double m_dDelay
The synaptic delay.
Contains all of the classes to implement a basic integrate and fire neural model. ...