NAnimatCarlSim | Contains the classes for a firing rate neural model |
▼NAnimatSim | Root namespace for the base simulation library for AnimatLab |
NAdapters | Namespace for the adapter objects |
NBehavior | Contains objects related to neural networks |
NCharting | Namespace for objects related to collecting the data for charts |
▼NEnvironment | This namespace contains all of the objects that are related to the physical part of the virtual 3-D world. All of the neural components are located in the Behavioral namespace |
NBodies | Contains all of the different body parts that can be used in a structure |
NJoints | Contains all of the different joint types that can be used to connect body parts |
NExternalStimuli | Contains all of the classes that are used to generate external stimuli to body parts, joints, or neural items |
NGains | Contains the different gain type classes that can be used |
NRecording | Contains classes related to recording the simulation parameters at a specific time frame so it can be reset to that point, or replayed from that point |
NAnimatWizard | |
▼NBulletAnimatSim | Classes for implementing the cm-labs vortex physics engine for AnimatLab |
▼NEnvironment | |
NBodies | Body part classes that use the vortex physics engine |
NJoints | Implements an override of the btGeneric6DofConstraint so I can access key data. |
▼NFiringRateSim | Contains the classes for a firing rate neural model |
NNeurons | Contains the neuron classes for the firing rate neuron model |
NSynapses | Contains all of the synapse classes for the firing rate neural model |
▼NHybridInterfaceGUI | |
NRobotIOControls | |
▼NIntegrateFireSim | Contains all of the classes to implement a basic integrate and fire neural model |
NGains | Gain classes for the integrate and fire neural model |
NSynapses | Synapse classes for the integrate and fire neural model |
NUtilities | Utility classes for the integrate and fire neuron model |
NManagedAnimatInterfaces | |
▼NOsgAnimatSim | Classes for implementing the cm-labs vortex physics engine for AnimatLab |
NEnvironment | Implements the light object within osg |
NVisualization | Classes involved in displaying the simulation in OSG |
▼NRoboticsAnimatSim | Classes for implementing the cm-labs vortex physics engine for AnimatLab |
▼NEnvironment | Classes for the virtual world simulation that use the vortex physics engine |
NBodies | Body part classes that use the vortex physics engine |
▼NRoboticsGUI | |
NRobotInterfaces | |
▼NRobotIOControls | |
NDynamixelUSB | |
NFirmata | |
NStdUtils | Namespace for the standard utility objects |
▼NVortexAnimatSim | Classes for implementing the cm-labs vortex physics engine for AnimatLab |
▼NEnvironment | Implements the light object within osg |
NBodies | Body part classes that use the vortex physics engine |
NJoints | Joint classes that use the vortex physics engine |
NExternalStimuli | Classes that produce external stimuli |
NVisualization | Classes involved in displaying the simulation in OSG |