AnimatLab  2
AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge Class Reference

A hinge type of joint. More...

#include <Hinge.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge:
+ Collaboration diagram for AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge:

Public Member Functions

 Hinge ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~Hinge ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void AddExternalNodeInput (int iTargetDataType, float fltInput)
 Adds an external node input. More...
float CylinderHeight ()
 Gets the height of the cylinder used to display the hinge in the environment. More...
float CylinderRadius ()
 Gets the radius cylinder of the cylinder used to display the hinge in the environment. More...
virtual void Enabled (bool bValue)
 Enables the node. More...
float FlapWidth ()
 Gets the width of the flaps used to display the hinge in the environment. More...
virtual float GetLimitRange ()
 Gets the entire range of movement within the limits. If limits are not enabled then it returns -1. More...
virtual float GetPositionWithinLimits (float fltPos)
 Gets a position value within the constraint limits. More...
virtual int GetTargetDataTypeIndex (const std::string &strDataType)
 Used to convert a string target data type into an integer index. More...
virtual void Load (CStdXml &oXml)
virtual ConstraintLimitLowerLimit ()
 Gets a pointer to the lower limit ConstraintLimit. More...
virtual void ResetSimulation ()
 Resets the simulation back to time 0. More...
virtual bool SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const std::string &strValue, bool bThrowError=true)
virtual void UpdateData ()
 Called to collect any body data for this part. More...
virtual ConstraintLimitUpperLimit ()
 Gets a pointer to the upper limit ConstraintLimit. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint
virtual int AssistCountdown ()
 Gets the assist countdown. More...
virtual void AssistCountdown (int iVal)
 Sets the assist countdown. More...
virtual CStdPIDAssistPid ()
 Gets a pointer to the motor assist pid controller. More...
virtual float DesiredPosition ()
 Gets the desired Position. More...
virtual void DesiredPosition (float fltPosition)
 Sets the desired Position. More...
virtual float DesiredVelocity ()
 Gets the desired velocity. More...
virtual void DesiredVelocity (float fltVelocity)
 Sets the desired velocity. More...
virtual void EnableLock (bool bOn, float fltPosition, float fltMaxLockForce)
 Enables/disables the motor lock. More...
virtual bool EnableMotor ()
 Tells if the motor is enabled. More...
virtual void EnableMotor (bool bVal)
 Enables the motor. More...
virtual float * GetDataPointer (const std::string &strDataType)
virtual void Initialize ()
 Initializes this object. More...
virtual void MaxForce (float fltVal, bool bUseScaling=true)
 Sets the Maximum torque. More...
virtual float MaxForce ()
 Gets the maximum torque. More...
virtual float MaxForceNotScaled ()
 Gets the maximum force/torque a motor can apply. This is the unscaled value. More...
virtual float MaxVelocity ()
 Gets the maximum velocity. More...
virtual void MaxVelocity (float fltVal, bool bUseScaling=true)
 Sets the maximum velocity allowed by the motorized joint. More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorAssistForceToA ()
 Gets the force vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorAssistForceToA (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the force vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (scaled units). More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorAssistForceToAReport ()
 Gets the force vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (un-scaled units). This is used for reporting purposes. More...
virtual void MotorAssistForceToAReport (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the force vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (un-scaled units). This is used for reporting purposes. More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorAssistForceToB ()
 Gets the force vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorAssistForceToB (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the force vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (scaled units). More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorAssistForceToBReport ()
 Gets the force vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (scaled units). This is used for reporting purposes. More...
virtual void MotorAssistForceToBReport (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the force vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (un-scaled units). This is used for reporting purposes. More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorAssistTorqueToA ()
 Gets the torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorAssistTorqueToA (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (scaled units). More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorAssistTorqueToAReport ()
 Gets the torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (un-scaled units). This is used for reporting purposes. More...
virtual void MotorAssistTorqueToAReport (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (un-scaled units). This is used for reporting purposes. More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorAssistTorqueToB ()
 Gets the torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorAssistTorqueToB (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (scaled units). More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorAssistTorqueToBReport ()
 Gets the torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (un-scaled units). This is used for reporting purposes. More...
virtual void MotorAssistTorqueToBReport (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (un-scaled units). This is used for reporting purposes. More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorForceToA ()
 Gets the force vector that the motor is applying to body A. (un-scaled units). This includes any motor assist within it. More...
virtual void MotorForceToA (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the force vector that the motor is applying to body A. (un-scaled units). This includes any motor assist within it. More...
virtual float MotorForceToAMagnitude ()
 Gets the magnitude of the force that the motor is applying to body A. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorForceToAMagnitude (float fltVal)
 Sets the magnitude of the force that the motor is applying to body A. (scaled units). More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorForceToB ()
 Gets the force vector that the motor is applying to body B. (un-scaled units). This includes any motor assist within it. More...
virtual void MotorForceToB (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the force vector that the motor is applying to body B. (un-scaled units). This includes any motor assist within it. More...
virtual float MotorForceToBMagnitude ()
 Gets the magnitude of the force that the motor is applying to body B. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorForceToBMagnitude (float fltVal)
 Sets the magnitude of the force that the motor is applying to body B. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorInput (float fltInput)
 Sets the desired velocity. More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorTorqueToA ()
 Gets the torque vector that the motor is applying to body A. (un-scaled units). This includes any motor assist within it. More...
virtual void MotorTorqueToA (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the torque vector that the motor is applying to body A. (un-scaled units). This includes any motor assist within it. More...
virtual float MotorTorqueToAMagnitude ()
 Gets the magnitude of the torque that the motor is applying to body A. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorTorqueToAMagnitude (float fltVal)
 Sets the magnitude of the torque that the motor is applying to body A. (scaled units). More...
virtual CStdFPoint MotorTorqueToB ()
 Gets the torque vector that the motor is applying to body B. (un-scaled units). This includes any motor assist within it. More...
virtual void MotorTorqueToB (CStdFPoint &vVal)
 Sets the torque vector that the motor is applying to body B. (un-scaled units). This includes any motor assist within it. More...
virtual float MotorTorqueToBMagnitude ()
 Gets the magnitude of the torque that the motor is applying to body B. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorTorqueToBMagnitude (float fltVal)
 Sets the magnitude of the torque that the motor is applying to body B. (scaled units). More...
virtual void MotorType (eJointMotorType eServo)
 Sets the type of motor to use for this joint. More...
virtual eJointMotorType MotorType ()
 Gets the type of motor to use for this joint. More...
virtual IMotorizedJointPhysicsMotorJoint ()
 Gets the physics body interface pointer. This is an interface reference to the Vs version of this object. It will allow us to call methods directly in the Vs (OSG) version of the object directly without having to overload a bunch of methods in each joint.. More...
virtual void PhysicsMotorJoint (IMotorizedJoint *lpJoint)
 Sets the physics motorized joint interface pointer. This is an interface reference to the Vs version of this object. It will allow us to call methods directly in the Vs (OSG) version of the object directly without having to overload a bunch of methods in each joint.. More...
virtual float PrevSetPosition ()
 Gets the previous set position. More...
virtual void PrevSetPosition (float fltVal)
 Sets the previous desired Position. More...
virtual float PrevSetVelocity ()
 Gets the previous set etVelocity. More...
virtual void PrevSetVelocity (float fltVal)
 Sets the previous desired velocity. More...
virtual float PrevVelocity ()
 Sets the previous velocity that is actually used by the physics method. More...
virtual void PrevVelocity (float fltVal)
 Sets the previous velocity that is actually used by the physics method. More...
virtual void QueryProperties (CStdPtrArray< TypeProperty > &aryProperties)
virtual bool ReachedSetPosition ()
 Gets whether the servo motor has reached its target position. If it has then it switches to position only control until the user sets a new target position. More...
virtual void ReachedSetPosition (bool bVal)
 whether the servo motor has reached its target position. More...
virtual void RobotMotorControl (RobotPartInterface *lpPart)
virtual RobotPartInterfaceRobotMotorControl ()
 Gets the robot motor control interface. More...
virtual void ServoGain (float fltVal)
 Sets the servo gain used to calculate the new velocity for maintaining a position with a servo motor. More...
virtual float ServoGain ()
 Gets the servo gain. More...
virtual float SetPosition ()
 Gets the position that is actually set using the physics method. More...
virtual void SetPosition (float fltVal)
 Sets the Position that is actually set using the physics method. More...
virtual float SetVelocity ()
 Gets the velocity that is actually set using the physics method. More...
virtual void SetVelocity (float fltVal)
 Sets the velocity that is actually set using the physics method. More...
virtual void SetVelocityToDesired ()
 Sets the desired velocity to use for the motor. More...
virtual float Temperature ()
 Gets the motor temperature. More...
virtual void Temperature (float fltVal)
 Sets the motor temperature. More...
virtual float Voltage ()
 Gets the motor voltage. More...
virtual void Voltage (float fltVal)
 Sets the motor voltage. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Joint
 Joint ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~Joint ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void AfterResetSimulation ()
 Called after a simulation reset for some objects. More...
virtual RigidBodyChild ()
 Gets the child RigidBody part for this joint. More...
virtual void Child (RigidBody *lpValue)
 Sets the Child RigidBody part for this joint. More...
virtual void CreateJoint ()
 Creates the joint. More...
virtual bool EnableLimits ()
 Tells if ConstraintLimits are enabled. More...
virtual void EnableLimits (bool bVal)
 Sets whether ContrainLimits are enabled or not. More...
virtual ConstraintFrictionFriction ()
 Gets the pointer to the friction. More...
virtual void Friction (ConstraintFriction *lpFriction)
 Sets the pointer to the friction. More...
virtual void Friction (std::string strXml)
 Sets the friction. More...
virtual float JointForce ()
 Gets the joint force. More...
virtual void JointForce (float fltForce)
 Sets the joint force. More...
virtual float JointPosition ()
 Gets the joint position. More...
virtual void JointPosition (float fltPos)
 Sets the joint position. More...
virtual float JointVelocity ()
 Gets the joint velocity. More...
virtual void JointVelocity (float fltVel)
 Sets the joint velocity. More...
virtual ConstraintRelaxationRelaxation1 ()
 Gets the pointer to the primary axis displacement relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation1 (ConstraintRelaxation *lpRelax)
 Sets the pointer to the primary axis displacement relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation1 (std::string strXml)
 Sets the primary axis displacement relaxation. More...
virtual ConstraintRelaxationRelaxation2 ()
 Gets the pointer to the secondary axis displacement relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation2 (ConstraintRelaxation *lpRelax)
 Sets the pointer to the secondary axis displacement relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation2 (std::string strXml)
 Sets the secondary axis displacement relaxation. More...
virtual ConstraintRelaxationRelaxation3 ()
 Gets the pointer to the secondary axis displacement relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation3 (ConstraintRelaxation *lpRelax)
 Sets the pointer to the third axis displacement relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation3 (std::string strXml)
 Sets the third axis displacement relaxation. More...
virtual ConstraintRelaxationRelaxation4 ()
 Gets the pointer to the secondary axis rotation relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation4 (ConstraintRelaxation *lpRelax)
 Sets the pointer to the secondary axis rotation relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation4 (std::string strXml)
 Sets the secondary axis rotation relaxation. More...
virtual ConstraintRelaxationRelaxation5 ()
 Gets the pointer to the thirdary axis rotation relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation5 (ConstraintRelaxation *lpRelax)
 Sets the pointer to the thirdary axis rotation relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation5 (std::string strXml)
 Sets the thirdary axis rotation relaxation. More...
virtual ConstraintRelaxationRelaxation6 ()
 Gets the pointer to the thirdary axis rotation relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation6 (ConstraintRelaxation *lpRelax)
 Sets the pointer to the thirdary axis rotation relaxation. More...
virtual void Relaxation6 (std::string strXml)
 Sets the thirdary axis rotation relaxation. More...
virtual float Size ()
 Gets the size of the graphical representation of this joint. More...
virtual void Size (float fltVal, bool bUseScaling=true)
 Sets the size of the graphical representation of this joint. More...
virtual void StepSimulation ()
 Step the simulation for this object. More...
virtual void UpdatePhysicsPosFromGraphics ()
 Updates the physics position from graphics. More...
virtual bool UsesRadians ()
 Tells whether this joint uses radians or meters for its measurements. More...
virtual int VisualSelectionType ()
 Gets the visual selection type for this part. More...
virtual void WakeDynamics ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::BodyPart
 BodyPart (void)
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~BodyPart (void)
 Destructor. More...
virtual void AddBodyClicked (float fltPosX, float fltPosY, float fltPosZ, float fltNormX, float fltNormY, float fltNormZ)
 Called when the user clicks on this object while the AddBody mode is active. More...
virtual int FindRobotPartListIndex (std::string strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Finds the index of a robot part attached to this body part with the matching ID. More...
virtual CStdArray< RobotPartInterface * > * GetRobotPartInterfaces ()
 Gets a pointer to the roboto part interface associated with this body part. More...
virtual bool NeedsRobotSynch ()
virtual IPhysicsBodyPhysicsBody ()
 Gets the physics body interface pointer. This is an interface reference to the Vs version of this object. It will allow us to call methods directly in the Vs (OSG) version of the object directly without having to overload a bunch of methods in each box, sphere, etc.. More...
virtual void PhysicsBody (IPhysicsBody *lpBody)
 Sets the physics body interface pointer. This is an interface reference to the Vs version of this object. It will allow us to call methods directly in the Vs (OSG) version of the object directly without having to overload a bunch of methods in each box, sphere, etc.. More...
virtual void Resize ()
 Called when this object has been resized. More...
virtual void Selected (bool bValue, bool bSelectMultiple)
virtual void SetSystemPointers (Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule, Node *lpNode, bool bVerify)
virtual float SynchUpdateInterval ()
 This is how often we need to update this particular adapter. More...
virtual void SynchUpdateInterval (float fltVal)
 Determines how often we need to update this particular adapter. More...
virtual bool SynchWithRobot ()
 Gets whether the m_bRobotAdpaterSynch flag applies to this adapter. More...
virtual void SynchWithRobot (bool bVal)
 Determines whether the m_bRobotAdpaterSynch flag applies to this adapter. More...
virtual void TimeStepModified ()
 If the time step is modified then we need to recalculate the length of the delay buffer. More...
virtual void UpdateExtraData ()
 UpdateData is called during this body parts sim update call, and before any of its child updates because those children may need import information like this parts position. However, there are a number of pieces of information that are not critical to the part itself, but that a user may have asked for. I do not want to collect that info for every part if it is not needed. So instead, if a user asks for it then this part is added to a list on the simulation. After all parts have been updated for a simulation step then we loop through the list of just the necessary parts and call UpdateExtraData to collect this additional data. It is important that this be done after all parts have stepped becasue some of this data will only be correct at the end. An example of this is force applied to a part. Forces can be added by any child parts, so it is only at the end that these values are valid. More...
virtual void VisualSelectionModeChanged (int iNewMode)
 Called when the visual selection mode changed in GUI. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Node
 Node ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~Node ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void Copy (CStdSerialize *lpSource)
virtual bool Enabled ()
 Tells whether this node is enabled. More...
virtual void Kill (bool bState=true)
 Kills. More...
virtual void SetSystemPointers (Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule, Node *lpNode, bool bVerify)
 Sets the system pointers. More...
virtual void VerifySystemPointers ()
 Verify that system pointers have been set correctly. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::AnimatBase
 AnimatBase ()
 Constructs an AnimatBase object. More...
virtual ~AnimatBase ()
 Destroys the AnimatBase object.. More...
virtual bool AddItem (const std::string &strItemType, const std::string &strXml, bool bThrowError=true, bool bDoNotInit=false)
 Adds a new object to this parent. More...
virtual long CalculateSnapshotByteSize ()
 Calculates the snapshot byte size. More...
virtual NeuralModuleGetNeuralModule ()
 Gets the neural module. More...
virtual NodeGetNode ()
 Gets the node. More...
virtual SimulatorGetSimulator ()
 Gets the simulator pointer. More...
virtual StructureGetStructure ()
 Gets the structure for this node. More...
virtual bool HasProperty (const std::string &strName)
 Queries this object if it has a property with the given name. More...
virtual std::string ID ()
 Gets the unique GUID ID of this object. More...
virtual void ID (std::string strValue)
 Sets the unique GUID ID of the object. More...
virtual void Load (StdUtils::CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the item using an XML data packet. More...
virtual void LoadKeyFrameSnapshot (byte *aryBytes, long &lIndex)
 Loads a key frame snapshot. More...
virtual std::string Name ()
 Gets the name of this object. More...
virtual void Name (std::string strValue)
 Sets the name of the object. Blank is acceptable. More...
virtual AnimatPropertyType PropertyType (const std::string &strName)
virtual void ReInitialize ()
 Re-initialize this object. More...
virtual bool RemoveItem (const std::string &strItemType, const std::string &strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Removes a child item from this parent. More...
virtual void Reset ()
 Resets this object. More...
virtual void RigidBodyAdded (std::string strID)
virtual void RigidBodyRemoved (std::string strID)
virtual void SaveKeyFrameSnapshot (byte *aryBytes, long &lIndex)
 Saves a key frame snapshot. More...
virtual bool Selected ()
 Tells if this items is selected or not. More...
virtual bool SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const float fltValue, bool bThrowError=true)
 Set a variable based on a string data type name. More...
virtual bool SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const long lValue, bool bThrowError=true)
 Set a variable based on a string data type name. More...
virtual void SimPausing ()
 Called just before the simulation pauses. More...
virtual void SimStarting ()
 Called just before the simulation starts. More...
virtual void SimStopping ()
 Called just before the simulation stops. More...
virtual std::string Type ()
 returns the string type name of this object. More...
virtual void Type (std::string strValue)
 Sets the class type for this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MovableItem
 MovableItem (void)
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~MovableItem (void)
 Destructor. More...
virtual CStdFPoint AbsolutePosition ()
 Gets the absolute position of this body part. More...
virtual void AbsolutePosition (CStdFPoint &oPoint)
 Sets the absolute position of this body part. (m_oAbsPosition) More...
virtual void AbsolutePosition (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ)
 Sets the absolute position of this body part. (m_oAbsPosition) More...
virtual bool AllowMouseManipulation ()
 Tells if a given part can be manipulated using the mouse and draggers. More...
virtual bool AllowRotateDragX ()
 Gets whether this body part can be rotated along the x-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowRotateDragY ()
 Gets whether this body part can be rotated along the y-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowRotateDragZ ()
 Gets whether this body part can be rotated along the z-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowTranslateDragX ()
 Gets whether this body part can be translated along the x-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowTranslateDragY ()
 Gets whether this body part can be translated along the y-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowTranslateDragZ ()
 Gets whether this body part can be translated along the z-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual float Alpha ()
 Gets the current alpha. More...
virtual void Alpha (float fltAlpha)
 Sets the current alpha. More...
virtual CStdColorAmbient ()
 Gets the ambient color value. More...
virtual void Ambient (CStdColor &aryColor)
virtual void Ambient (float *aryColor)
 Sets the Ambient color. More...
virtual void Ambient (std::string strXml)
 Loads the Ambient color from an XML data packet. More...
virtual bool CalculateLocalPosForWorldPos (float fltWorldX, float fltWorldY, float fltWorldZ, CStdFPoint &vLocalPos)
 Calculates the local position values for matrix transform for the part to be in a specific world position. More...
virtual IMovableItemCallbackCallback ()
 Gets the callback interface pointer. This is an interface pointer to a callback class that allows us to notify the GUI of events that occur within the simulation. More...
virtual void Callback (IMovableItemCallback *lpCallback)
 Sets the callback interface pointer. This is an interface pointer to a callback class that allows us to notify the GUI of events that occur within the simulation. More...
virtual float CollisionsAlpha ()
 Gets the collisions alpha. More...
virtual void CollisionsAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the collisions alpha. More...
virtual CStdColorDiffuse ()
 Gets the diffuse color. More...
virtual void Diffuse (CStdColor &aryColor)
virtual void Diffuse (float *aryColor)
 Sets the Diffuse color. More...
virtual void Diffuse (std::string strXml)
 Loads the Diffuse color from an XML data packet. More...
virtual BoundingBox GetBoundingBox ()
 Gets the bounding box for this part. More...
virtual float GetBoundingRadius ()
 Gets the bounding radius of this part. More...
virtual CStdFPoint GetCurrentPosition ()
 Gets the current position of this part. More...
virtual float GraphicsAlpha ()
 Gets the graphics alpha. More...
virtual void GraphicsAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the graphics alpha. More...
virtual bool IsSelected ()
 Query if this object is selected. More...
virtual bool IsVisible ()
 Query if this object is visible. More...
virtual void IsVisible (bool bVal)
 Sets whether this part is visible or not. More...
virtual float JointsAlpha ()
 Gets the joints alpha. More...
virtual void JointsAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the joints alpha. More...
virtual std::string LocalTransformationMatrixString ()
 Returns a string representation of the transformation matrix of this object. This is primarily used to save off the transform matrix into the project file. More...
virtual void OrientNewPart (float fltXPos, float fltYPos, float fltZPos, float fltXNorm, float fltYNorm, float fltZNorm)
 Orients a new part based on where the parent was clicked and the normal of the surface face. More...
RigidBodyParent ()
 Gets the parent RigidBody of this part. More...
void Parent (RigidBody *lpValue)
 Sets the parent RigidBody of this part. More...
virtual IPhysicsMovableItemPhysicsMovableItem ()
 Gets the physics body interface pointer. This is an interface reference to the Vs version of this object. It will allow us to call methods directly in the Vs (OSG) version of the object directly without having to overload a bunch of methods in each box, sphere, etc.. More...
virtual void PhysicsMovableItem (IPhysicsMovableItem *lpBase)
 Sets the physics body interface pointer. This is an interface reference to the Vs version of this object. It will allow us to call methods directly in the Vs (OSG) version of the object directly without having to overload a bunch of methods in each box, sphere, etc.. More...
virtual CStdFPoint Position ()
 Gets the local position. (m_oPosition) More...
virtual void Position (CStdFPoint &oPoint, bool bUseScaling=true, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the local position. (m_oPosition) More...
virtual void Position (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ, bool bUseScaling=true, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the local position. (m_oPosition) More...
virtual void Position (std::string strXml, bool bUseScaling=true, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the local position. (m_oPosition). This method is primarily used by the GUI to reset the local position using an xml data packet. More...
virtual float ReceptiveFieldsAlpha ()
 Gets the receptive fields alpha. More...
virtual void ReceptiveFieldsAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the receptive fields alpha. More...
virtual CStdFPoint ReportPosition ()
 Gets the reported local position. (m_oReportPosition). More...
virtual void ReportPosition (CStdFPoint &oPoint)
 Sets the reported local position. (m_oReportPosition). More...
virtual void ReportPosition (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ)
 Sets the reported local position. (m_oReportPosition). More...
virtual CStdFPoint ReportRotation ()
 Gets the reported rotation of this part. (m_oReportRotation) More...
virtual void ReportRotation (CStdFPoint &oPoint)
 Sets the reported rotation of this part. (m_oReportRotation) More...
virtual void ReportRotation (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ)
 Sets the reported rotation of this part. (m_oReportRotation) More...
virtual CStdFPoint ReportWorldPosition ()
 Gets the reported world position. (m_oReportWorldPosition) More...
virtual void ReportWorldPosition (CStdFPoint &oPoint)
 Sets the reported world position (m_oReportWorldPosition) More...
virtual void ReportWorldPosition (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ)
 Sets the reported world position (m_oReportWorldPosition) More...
virtual CStdFPoint Rotation ()
 Gets the rotation of this body in radians. More...
virtual void Rotation (CStdFPoint &oPoint, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the rotation of this body in radians. (m_oRotation) More...
virtual void Rotation (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the rotation of this body in radians. (m_oRotation) More...
virtual void Rotation (std::string strXml, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the rotation of this body in radians. (m_oRotation). This method is primarily used by the GUI to reset the rotation using an xml data packet. More...
virtual CStdFPoint SelectedVertex ()
 Gets the relative position of the selected vertex. (m_vSelectedVertex) More...
virtual void SelectedVertex (CStdFPoint &vPoint, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdatePhysics=true)
 Sets the relative position of the selected vertex. (m_vSelectedVertex) More...
virtual void SelectedVertex (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdatePhysics=true)
 Sets the relative position of the selected vertex. (m_vSelectedVertex) More...
virtual void SetBoundingBox (int iIdx, float fltVal)
 Sets one dimension of the bounding box. This does nothing for all parts except a mesh. More...
virtual float Shininess ()
 Gets the shininess. More...
virtual void Shininess (float fltVal)
 Sets the shininess value. More...
virtual float SimulationAlpha ()
 Gets the simulation alpha. More...
virtual void SimulationAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the simulation alpha. More...
virtual CStdColorSpecular ()
 Gets the specular color. More...
virtual void Specular (CStdColor &aryColor)
virtual void Specular (float *aryColor)
 Sets the Specular color. More...
virtual void Specular (std::string strXml)
 Loads the Specular color from an XML data packet. More...
virtual std::string Texture ()
 Gets the texture filename. More...
virtual void Texture (std::string strValue)
 Sets the Texture filename. More...
virtual CStdFPoint UpdateAbsolutePosition ()
virtual void UserDefinedDraggerRadius (float fltRadius)
 User defined dragger radius. More...
virtual float UserDefinedDraggerRadius ()
 Gets the user defined dragger radius. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static HingeCastToDerived (AnimatBase *lpBase)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint
static MotorizedJointCastToDerived (AnimatBase *lpBase)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Joint
static JointCastToDerived (AnimatBase *lpBase)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::BodyPart
static BodyPartCastToDerived (AnimatBase *lpBase)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Node
static NodeCastToDerived (AnimatBase *lpBase)

Protected Attributes

float m_fltDesiredPositionDeg
 The desired rotation of the hinge in degrees.
float m_fltRotationDeg
 The rotation of the hinge in degrees.
 Lower limit constring pointer.
 Pointer to a constraint that is used to represent the position flap.
 Upper limit constring pointer.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint
bool m_bEnableMotor
 If true then the motor for this joint is enabled.
bool m_bEnableMotorInit
bool m_bReachedSetPos
eJointMotorType m_eMotorType
 Determines the type of motor control this joint uses. The default is velocity controlled, but it can be position controlled, or both position and velocity controlled.
float m_fltDesiredPosition
float m_fltDesiredVelocity
float m_fltMaxForce
float m_fltMaxForceNotScaled
 The un=scaled maximum force.
float m_fltMaxVelocity
float m_fltMotorAssistMagnitude
 The motor assist Force magnitude.
float m_fltMotorAssistMagnitudeReport
 The reportable motor assist Force magnitude.
float m_fltMotorForceAMagnitude
 The magnitude of the motor Force being applied to body A. (scaled units)
float m_fltMotorForceBMagnitude
 The magnitude of the motor Force being applied to body B. (scaled units)
float m_fltMotorTorqueAMagnitude
 The magnitude of the motor torque being applied to body A. (scaled units)
float m_fltMotorTorqueBMagnitude
 The magnitude of the motor torque being applied to body B. (scaled units)
float m_fltPrevSetPosition
float m_fltPrevSetVelocity
 The previous velocity set for the motorized joint in the last time step.
float m_fltPrevVelocity
float m_fltReportSetPosition
 This is the variable that is reported to AnimatLab on what the set position was.
float m_fltReportSetVelocity
 This is the variable that is reported to AnimatLab on what the set veloicty was.
float m_fltSetPosition
float m_fltSetPositionDeltaCheck
 Used to check whether the set position has changed.
float m_fltSetVelocity
float m_fltTemperature
float m_fltVoltage
float m_ftlServoGain
 The gain of the servo motor.
int m_iAssistCountdown
 The PID controller for the motor assist system.
 The pointer to the physics joint instance.
RobotPartInterface * m_lpRobotMotorControl
 The RobotPartInterface responsible for motor control for this motorized joint.
CStdFPoint m_vMotorAssistForceToA
 Force vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (scaled units).
CStdFPoint m_vMotorAssistForceToAReport
 Force vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (un-scaled units).
CStdFPoint m_vMotorAssistForceToB
 Force vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (scaled units).
CStdFPoint m_vMotorAssistForceToBReport
 Force vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (un-scaled units).
CStdFPoint m_vMotorAssistTorqueToA
 Torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (scaled units).
CStdFPoint m_vMotorAssistTorqueToAReport
 Torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body A. (un-scaled units).
CStdFPoint m_vMotorAssistTorqueToB
 Torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (scaled units).
CStdFPoint m_vMotorAssistTorqueToBReport
 Torque vector that the motor assist is applying to body B. (un-scaled units).
CStdFPoint m_vMotorForceToA
CStdFPoint m_vMotorForceToB
CStdFPoint m_vMotorTorqueToA
CStdFPoint m_vMotorTorqueToB
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Joint
ConstraintRelaxationm_aryRelaxations [6]
 The relaxations for the constraints.
bool m_bEnableLimits
 If true then any ConstraintLimits for this joint are enabled.
float m_fltForce
 The current force being applied to the joint by the motor.
float m_fltPosition
float m_fltSize
 Scales the size of the graphics for this joint.
float m_fltVelocity
 The child rigid body for this joint.
 The friction for this joint.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::BodyPart
CStdArray< RobotPartInterface * > m_aryRobotParts
 Array of pointers to robot part interfaces connected to this body part.
bool m_bSynchWithRobot
float m_fltSynchUpdateInterval
 This is how often we need to update this particular adapter.
int m_iSynchCount
 Keeps track of the last time we did a synch for the robot.
int m_iSynchUpdateInterval
 The number of ticks between each call to update for this adapter till the next update time.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::Node
bool m_bInitEnabled
 Keeps track of the enabled state at sim startup.
float m_fltEnabled
 This is used for reporting the enabled state in a GetDataPointer call.
Organism * m_lpOrganism
 The pointer to this node's organism.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::AnimatBase
bool m_bEnabled
 Tells if this item is enabled or not. If it is not enabled then it is not run.
bool m_bSelected
 Tells whether the object is selected or not.
 The pointer to this items parentNeuralModule. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL.
 The pointer to this items parent Node. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL.
 The pointer to a Simulation.
 The pointer to this items parent Structure. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL.
std::string m_strID
 The unique Id for this object.
std::string m_strName
 The name for this object.
std::string m_strType
 The type for this object. Examples are Box, Plane, Neuron, etc..
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MovableItem
bool m_bIsSelected
 Keeps track of whether this movable item has been selected or not.
bool m_bIsVisible
float m_fltAlpha
 The current alpha transparency for this body part.
float m_fltCollisionsAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Collisions VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltGraphicsAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Graphics VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltJointsAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Joints VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltReceptiveFieldsAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Receptive Fields VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltReportIsVisible
float m_fltShininess
 The shininess of the part. A value between 0 and 128.
float m_fltSimulationAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Simulation VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltUserDefinedDraggerRadius
 User defined drag handle radius. If this is -1 then the user has not set the value and the default is used.
 The pointer to a Simulation.
CStdFPoint m_oAbsPosition
CStdFPoint m_oPosition
 These are rotation and position coords relative to the parent if this is a body part.
CStdFPoint m_oReportPosition
 This is used for reporting the position back to the GUI. It is the position scaled for distance units.
CStdFPoint m_oReportRotation
CStdFPoint m_oReportWorldPosition
 This is used for reporting the position back to the GUI. It is the world position scaled for distance units.
CStdFPoint m_oRotation
std::string m_strTexture
 An optional texture to apply to the rigid body.
CStdColor m_vAmbient
 The ambient color to apply to this part. It is specified as red, green, blue, and alpha.
CStdColor m_vDiffuse
 The diffuse color to apply to this part. It is specified as red, green, blue, and alpha.
CStdFPoint m_vSelectedVertex
 The relative position of the selected vertex.
CStdColor m_vSpecular
 The specular color to apply to this part. It is specified as red, green, blue, and alpha.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint
virtual void AddRobotPartInterface (RobotPartInterface *lpPart)
virtual void ApplyMotorAssist ()
 Applies the motor assist. More...
virtual void ClearAssistForces ()
 Clears the assist forces. More...
virtual void EnableFeedback ()
 Enables joint feedback. More...
virtual void RemoveRobotPartInterface (RobotPartInterface *lpPart)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Joint
virtual void ClearRelaxations ()
 Clears the relaxation pointers. More...
virtual ConstraintFrictionLoadConstraintFriction (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads constraint Friction object. More...
virtual ConstraintRelaxationLoadConstraintRelaxation (CStdXml &oXml, std::string strName)
 Loads constraint relaxation object. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MovableItem
virtual void LoadPosition (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the items position. More...
virtual void LoadRotation (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the items rotation. More...

Detailed Description

A hinge type of joint.

This type of joint is constrained so that it can only rotate about one axis. You can define which axis it rotates around in the configuration file using the normalized RotationAxis vector element. You can also specify the rotational constraints for this joint. This prevents it from rotating further than the constrained value.
Also, this joint is motorized. So you can specify a desired velocity of motion at a given time step using a motor velocity stimulus and the physics engine will automatically apply the forces necessary to move the joint at the desired velocity.


Definition at line 39 of file Hinge.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::Hinge ( )

Default constructor.


Definition at line 52 of file Hinge.cpp.

References m_fltDesiredPositionDeg, m_fltRotationDeg, m_lpLowerLimit, m_lpPosFlap, and m_lpUpperLimit.

AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::~Hinge ( )



Definition at line 67 of file Hinge.cpp.

References m_lpLowerLimit, m_lpPosFlap, m_lpUpperLimit, and StdUtils::Std_TraceMsg().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::AddExternalNodeInput ( int  iTargetDataType,
float  fltInput 

Adds an external node input.

This is used by the adapter to add a new external value to this node. It is up to the node to interpret what that value means. For example, if it is a neuron then it can interpret it to be a current. This value is added to the current total so that multiple adapters can call this in a given time step. It is cleared out to zero at the beginning of the time step. You can now also specify which data you are adding to for this method call. This allows adapters to be setup to change multiple different variables in the system.

iTargetDataTypeThe index of the target data type we are adding to.
fltInputThe new input.

Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Environment::Joint.

Definition at line 204 of file Hinge.cpp.

References AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint::m_fltDesiredPosition, and AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint::m_fltDesiredVelocity.

float AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::CylinderHeight ( )

Gets the height of the cylinder used to display the hinge in the environment.

Height of hinge cylidner.

Definition at line 114 of file Hinge.cpp.

References AnimatSim::Environment::Joint::m_fltSize.

Referenced by VortexAnimatSim::Environment::Joints::VsHinge::CreateCylinderGraphics().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

float AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::CylinderRadius ( )

Gets the radius cylinder of the cylinder used to display the hinge in the environment.

Radius of hinge cylinder.

Definition at line 101 of file Hinge.cpp.

References AnimatSim::Environment::Joint::m_fltSize.

Referenced by VortexAnimatSim::Environment::Joints::VsHinge::CreateCylinderGraphics().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::Enabled ( bool  bValue)

Enables the node.

Some types of nodes can be enabled/disabled. This sets the enabled state of the object.

bValuetrue to enable.

Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Node.

Definition at line 132 of file Hinge.cpp.

References AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint::EnableMotor(), AnimatSim::AnimatBase::m_bEnabled, and AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint::m_bEnableMotorInit.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

float AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::FlapWidth ( )

Gets the width of the flaps used to display the hinge in the environment.

Flap width.

Definition at line 127 of file Hinge.cpp.

References AnimatSim::Environment::Joint::m_fltSize.

float AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::GetLimitRange ( )

Gets the entire range of movement within the limits. If limits are not enabled then it returns -1.

The calculated limit range.

Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Environment::Joint.

Definition at line 171 of file Hinge.cpp.

References AnimatSim::Environment::ConstraintLimit::LimitPos(), AnimatSim::Environment::Joint::m_bEnableLimits, m_lpLowerLimit, and m_lpUpperLimit.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

float AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::GetPositionWithinLimits ( float  fltPos)

Gets a position value within the constraint limits.

If limits are enabled then it checks to see if the specified position is within the limits. If it is not, then it adjusts the position to be at the limit and returns that value.

fltPosThe position to check.
The position within limits.

Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Environment::Joint.

Definition at line 158 of file Hinge.cpp.

References AnimatSim::Environment::ConstraintLimit::LimitPos(), AnimatSim::Environment::Joint::m_bEnableLimits, m_lpLowerLimit, and m_lpUpperLimit.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::GetTargetDataTypeIndex ( const std::string &  strDataType)

Used to convert a string target data type into an integer index.

We do not want to be doing any string comparisons within the main simulation loop. To avoid this we need to convert the target data type into an index to use when AddExternalNodeInput is called so it knows to which input we are adding.

strDataTypeString descriptor of the target data we want.
index. Zero is the default.

Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Node.

Definition at line 193 of file Hinge.cpp.

References StdUtils::Std_CheckString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ConstraintLimit * AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::LowerLimit ( )

Gets a pointer to the lower limit ConstraintLimit.

Pointer to ConstraintLimit.

Definition at line 156 of file Hinge.cpp.

References m_lpLowerLimit.

void AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::ResetSimulation ( )

Resets the simulation back to time 0.

This method calls the ResetSimulation method on all subitems in order to reset the simulation back to the beginning.


Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint.

Reimplemented in BulletAnimatSim::Environment::Joints::BlHinge, and RoboticsAnimatSim::Environment::Joints::RbHinge.

Definition at line 212 of file Hinge.cpp.

References m_fltDesiredPositionDeg, m_fltRotationDeg, and AnimatSim::Environment::MotorizedJoint::ResetSimulation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::UpdateData ( )
ConstraintLimit * AnimatSim::Environment::Joints::Hinge::UpperLimit ( )

Gets a pointer to the upper limit ConstraintLimit.

Pointer to ConstraintLimit.

Definition at line 146 of file Hinge.cpp.

References m_lpUpperLimit.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: