AnimatLab  2
VortexAnimatSim::Environment Namespace Reference

Implements the light object within osg. More...


 Body part classes that use the vortex physics engine.
 Joint classes that use the vortex physics engine.


class  VsBody
 Vortex base body class. More...
class  VsConstraintFriction
class  VsConstraintRelaxation
class  VsJoint
 A common class for all joint data specific to vortex. More...
class  VsLight
 Vortex physical structure implementation. More...
class  VsLine
class  VsMaterialType
class  VsMotorizedJoint
class  VsMovableItem
class  VsOrganism
 Vortex Organism implementation. More...
class  VsRigidBody
 A common class for all rigid body data specific to vortex. More...
class  VsStructure
 Vortex physical structure implementation. More...


void AddNodeTexture (osg::Node *osgNode, std::string strTexture, osg::StateAttribute::GLMode eTextureMode)
void ApplyVertexTransform (osg::Node *node, osg::Matrix omat)
osg::Geometry * CreateBoxGeometry (float xsize, float ysize, float zsize, float fltXSegWidth, float fltYSegWidth, float fltZSegWidth)
osg::Geode * CreateCircle (int plane, int segments, float radius, float width)
osg::Vec3Array * CreateCircleVerts (int plane, int segments, float radius)
osg::Geometry * CreateConeGeometry (float height, float topradius, float botradius, int sides, bool doSide, bool doTop, bool doBottom)
osg::Geometry * CreateEllipsoidGeometry (int latres, int longres, float rSemiMajorAxis, float rSemiMinorAxis)
osg::Node * CreateHeightField (std::string heightFile, float fltSegWidth, float fltSegLength, float fltMaxHeight, osg::HeightField **osgMap)
osg::MatrixTransform * CreateLinearAxis (float fltGripScale, CStdFPoint vRotAxis)
osg::Geometry * CreateOsgFromVxConvexMesh (Vx::VxConvexMesh *vxGeometry)
osg::Geometry * CreatePlaneGeometry (float fltCornerX, float fltCornerY, float fltXSize, float fltYSize, float fltXGrid, float fltYGrid, bool bBothSides)
osg::Geometry * CreateSphereGeometry (int latres, int longres, float radius)
osg::Geometry * CreateTorusGeometry (float innerRadius, float outerRadius, int sides, int rings)
Vx::VxHeightField * CreateVxHeightField (osg::HeightField *osgHeightField, float fltSegWidth, float fltSegLength, float fltBaseHeight, float fltXCenter, float fltYCenter)
osg::Quat EulerToQuaternion (float fX, float fY, float fZ)
osg::Matrix LoadMatrix (CStdXml &oXml, std::string strElementName)
bool OsgMatricesEqual (osg::Matrix v1, osg::Matrix v2)
CStdFPoint QuaterionToEuler (osg::Quat vQ)
void SaveMatrix (CStdXml &oXml, std::string strElementName, osg::Matrix osgMT)
std::string SaveMatrixString (osg::Matrix osgMT)
void SetNodeColor (osg::Node *osgNode, CStdColor &vAmbient, CStdColor &vDiffuse, CStdColor &vSpecular, float fltShininess)
osg::Matrix SetupMatrix (CStdFPoint &localPos, CStdFPoint &localRot)
osg::Matrix SetupMatrix (CStdFPoint &localPos, osg::Quat qRot)

Detailed Description

Implements the light object within osg.

Classes for the virtual world simulation that use the vortex physics engine.

Function Documentation

osg::Geometry * VortexAnimatSim::Environment::CreateConeGeometry ( float  height,
float  topradius,
float  botradius,
int  sides,
bool  doSide,
bool  doTop,
bool  doBottom 

Create the Geometry Core used by OSG::makeConicalFrustum.

[in]heightHeight of the conical frustum.
[in]topradiusRadius at the top of the conical frustum.
[in]botradiusRadius at the bottom of the conical frustum.
[in]sidesNumber of sides the base is subdivided into.
[in]doSideIf true, side faces are created.
[in]doTopIf true, top cap faces are created.
[in]doBttomIf true, bottom cap faces are created.
GeometryTransitPtr to a newly created Geometry core.

Definition at line 319 of file VortexAnimatSim/OsgGeometry.cpp.

Referenced by VortexAnimatSim::Environment::Joints::VsHinge::CreateCylinderGraphics(), VortexAnimatSim::Environment::Joints::VsPrismaticLimit::SetLimitPos(), and VortexAnimatSim::Environment::Joints::VsPrismaticLimit::SetupGraphics().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

osg::Geometry * VortexAnimatSim::Environment::CreateEllipsoidGeometry ( int  latres,
int  longres,
float  rSemiMajorAxis,
float  rSemiMinorAxis 

Create the Geometry Core used by OSG::makeLatLongSphere.

[in]latresNumber of subdivisions along latitudes.
[in]longresNumber of subdivisions along longitudes.
[in]radiusRadius of sphere.
GeometryTransitPtr to a newly created Geometry core.
See also

Definition at line 591 of file VortexAnimatSim/OsgGeometry.cpp.

osg::Geometry * VortexAnimatSim::Environment::CreateSphereGeometry ( int  latres,
int  longres,
float  radius 

Create the Geometry Core used by OSG::makeLatLongSphere.

[in]latresNumber of subdivisions along latitudes.
[in]longresNumber of subdivisions along longitudes.
[in]radiusRadius of sphere.
GeometryTransitPtr to a newly created Geometry core.
See also

Definition at line 482 of file VortexAnimatSim/OsgGeometry.cpp.

Referenced by VortexAnimatSim::Environment::VsJoint::CreateJointGraphics().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: