AnimatLab  2
FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron:
+ Collaboration diagram for FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron:

Public Member Functions

 PacemakerNeuron ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~PacemakerNeuron ()
 Destructor. More...
float Btl ()
 Gets the intercept used to calculate length of time that Il current remains active. More...
void Btl (float fltVal)
 Sets the intercept used to calculate length of time that Il current remains active. More...
virtual long CalculateSnapshotByteSize ()
 Calculates the snapshot byte size. More...
virtual void Copy (CStdSerialize *lpSource)
virtual float * GetDataPointer (const std::string &strDataType)
 Returns a float pointer to a data item of interest in this object. More...
float Ih ()
 Gets the high intrinsic current value. More...
void Ih (float fltVal)
 Sets the high intrinsic current value. More...
float Il ()
 Gets the low intrinsic current value. More...
void Il (float fltVal)
 Sets the low intrinsic current value. More...
unsigned char IntrinsicType ()
 Gets the intrinsic current type. (HI or LOW) More...
void IntrinsicType (unsigned char iVal)
 Sets the intrinsic current type. (HI or LOW) More...
float ITime ()
 Gets the duration for the current mode. More...
void ITime (float fltVal)
 Sets the duration for the current mode. More...
virtual void Load (CStdXml &oXml)
virtual void LoadKeyFrameSnapshot (byte *aryBytes, long &lIndex)
 Loads a key frame snapshot. More...
float Mtl ()
 Gets the slope used to calculate length of time that Il current remains active. More...
void Mtl (float fltVal)
 Sets the slope used to calculate length of time that Il current remains active. More...
virtual unsigned char NeuronType ()
 Gets the neuron type. More...
virtual void QueryProperties (CStdPtrArray< TypeProperty > &aryProperties)
virtual void ResetSimulation ()
 Resets the simulation back to time 0. More...
virtual void SaveKeyFrameSnapshot (byte *aryBytes, long &lIndex)
 Saves a key frame snapshot. More...
virtual bool SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const std::string &strValue, bool bThrowError=true)
 Set a variable based on a string data type name. More...
virtual void StepSimulation ()
 Step the simulation for this object. More...
float Th ()
 Gets the time that the high current is active. More...
void Th (float fltVal)
 Sets the time that the high current is active. More...
float Vssm ()
 Gets the lower steady state threshold. More...
void Vssm (float fltVal)
 Sets the lower steady state threshold. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron
 Neuron ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~Neuron ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual float AccommodationTimeConstant ()
 Gets the accomodation time constant. More...
virtual void AccommodationTimeConstant (float fltVal)
 Sets the accomodation time constant. More...
virtual void AddExternalI (float fltVal)
 Adds to the external current. More...
virtual void AddExternalNodeInput (int iTargetDataType, float fltInput)
 Adds an external node input. More...
virtual bool AddItem (const std::string &strItemType, const std::string &strXml, bool bThrowError=true, bool bDoNotInit=false)
 Adds a new object to this parent. More...
virtual void AddSynapse (Synapse *lpSynapse)
 Adds a synapse to this neuron. More...
virtual void AddSynapse (std::string strXml, bool bDoNotInit)
 Adds a synapse using an xml packet. More...
virtual void ClearSynapses ()
 Clears the synapses list. More...
virtual float Cn ()
 Gets the membrane capacitance. More...
virtual void Cn (float fltVal)
 Sets the membrane capacitance. More...
virtual float ExternalI ()
 Gets the external current. More...
virtual void ExternalI (float fltVal)
 Sets the external current. More...
virtual int FindSynapseListPos (std::string strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Searches for a synapse with the specified ID and returns its position in the list. More...
virtual float FiringFreq (FiringRateModule *lpModule)
 Calculates the current firing frequency. More...
virtual float Fmin ()
 Gets the minimum firing frequency. More...
virtual void Fmin (float fltVal)
 Sets the minimum firing frequency. More...
virtual float Gain ()
 Gets the firing frequency gain. More...
virtual void Gain (float fltVal)
 Sets the firing frequency gain. More...
virtual bool GainType ()
 Gets the gain type. (Old way or new way) More...
virtual void GainType (bool bVal)
 Sets the gain type. (Old way or new way) More...
virtual SynapseGetSynapse (int iIndex)
 Gets a synapse by its index in the array. More...
virtual CStdPtrArray< Synapse > * GetSynapses ()
 Gets a pointer to the synapses array. More...
virtual float Gn ()
 Gets the membrane conductance. More...
virtual void Gn (float fltVal)
 Sets the membrane conductance. More...
virtual float Iinit ()
virtual void Iinit (float fltVal)
virtual void Initialize ()
 Initializes this object. More...
virtual float InitTime ()
virtual void InitTime (float fltVal)
virtual void InjectCurrent (float fltVal)
 Injects current into this neuron. More...
virtual float IntrinsicCurrent ()
 Gets the intrinsic current. More...
virtual void IntrinsicCurrent (float fltVal)
 Sets the intrinsic current. More...
virtual float RelativeAccommodation ()
 Gets the relative accomodation. More...
virtual void RelativeAccommodation (float fltVal)
 Sets the relative accomodation. More...
virtual bool RemoveItem (const std::string &strItemType, const std::string &strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Removes a child item from this parent. More...
virtual void RemoveSynapse (int iIndex)
 Removes the synapse described by iIndex. More...
virtual void RemoveSynapse (std::string strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Removes the synapse by the GUID ID. More...
virtual void SetSystemPointers (Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule, Node *lpNode, bool bVerify)
 Sets the system pointers. More...
virtual void TimeStepModified ()
 Notification method that the time step modified has been modified. Objects should recalculate any slice times as needed. More...
virtual int TotalSynapses ()
 Gets the total number of synapses. More...
virtual bool UseAccom ()
 Gets whether to use accommodation. More...
virtual void UseAccom (bool bVal)
 Sets whether to use accommodation. More...
virtual bool UseNoise ()
 Gets whether to use noise. More...
virtual void UseNoise (bool bVal)
 Sets whether to use noise. More...
virtual void VerifySystemPointers ()
 Verify that system pointers have been set correctly. More...
virtual float Vn ()
 Gets the membrane voltage. More...
virtual float VNoiseMax ()
 Gets the maximum noise voltage. More...
virtual void VNoiseMax (float fltVal)
 Sets the maximum noise voltage. More...
virtual float Vrest ()
 Gets the rest potential. More...
virtual void Vrest (float fltVal)
 Sets the rest potential. More...
virtual float Vth ()
 Gets the voltage threshold for firing. More...
virtual void Vth (float fltVal)
 Sets the voltage threshold for firing. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Node
 Node ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~Node ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool Enabled ()
 Tells whether this node is enabled. More...
virtual void Enabled (bool bValue)
 Enables the node. More...
virtual int GetTargetDataTypeIndex (const std::string &strDataType)
 Used to convert a string target data type into an integer index. More...
virtual void Kill (bool bState=true)
 Kills. More...
virtual void QueryProperties (CStdPtrArray< TypeProperty > &aryProperties)
 Queries this object for a list of properties that can be changed using SetData. More...
virtual void SetSystemPointers (Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule, Node *lpNode, bool bVerify)
 Sets the system pointers. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::AnimatBase
 AnimatBase ()
 Constructs an AnimatBase object. More...
virtual ~AnimatBase ()
 Destroys the AnimatBase object.. More...
virtual void AfterResetSimulation ()
 Called after a simulation reset for some objects. More...
virtual NeuralModuleGetNeuralModule ()
 Gets the neural module. More...
virtual NodeGetNode ()
 Gets the node. More...
virtual SimulatorGetSimulator ()
 Gets the simulator pointer. More...
virtual StructureGetStructure ()
 Gets the structure for this node. More...
virtual bool HasProperty (const std::string &strName)
 Queries this object if it has a property with the given name. More...
virtual std::string ID ()
 Gets the unique GUID ID of this object. More...
virtual void ID (std::string strValue)
 Sets the unique GUID ID of the object. More...
virtual void Load (StdUtils::CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the item using an XML data packet. More...
virtual std::string Name ()
 Gets the name of this object. More...
virtual void Name (std::string strValue)
 Sets the name of the object. Blank is acceptable. More...
virtual AnimatPropertyType PropertyType (const std::string &strName)
virtual void ReInitialize ()
 Re-initialize this object. More...
virtual void Reset ()
 Resets this object. More...
virtual void RigidBodyAdded (std::string strID)
virtual void RigidBodyRemoved (std::string strID)
virtual bool Selected ()
 Tells if this items is selected or not. More...
virtual void Selected (bool bValue, bool bSelectMultiple)
 Selects this object. More...
virtual bool SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const float fltValue, bool bThrowError=true)
 Set a variable based on a string data type name. More...
virtual bool SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const long lValue, bool bThrowError=true)
 Set a variable based on a string data type name. More...
virtual void SimPausing ()
 Called just before the simulation pauses. More...
virtual void SimStarting ()
 Called just before the simulation starts. More...
virtual void SimStopping ()
 Called just before the simulation stops. More...
virtual std::string Type ()
 returns the string type name of this object. More...
virtual void Type (std::string strValue)
 Sets the class type for this object. More...
virtual void VisualSelectionModeChanged (int iNewMode)
 Visual selection mode changed. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual float CalculateIntrinsicCurrent (FiringRateModule *lpModule, float fltInputCurrent)
 Calculates the intrinsic current. More...
void HighCurrentOn ()
 Turns the high current on. More...
void LowCurrentOn (float fltVss)
 Turns the low current on. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron
virtual float CalculateFiringFrequency (float fltVn, float fltVth)
 Calculates the firing frequency of the neuron. More...
virtual float CalculateSynapticCurrent (FiringRateModule *lpModule)
 Calculates the total incoming synaptic current. More...
SynapseLoadSynapse (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads a synapse. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Node
virtual void UpdateData ()
 Updates any reporting data for this time step. More...

Protected Attributes

float m_fltBtl
 The intercept of the linear function that is used to calculate the length of time that Il current remains active.
float m_fltIh
 The slope of the linear function that is used to calculate the length of time that Il current remains active.
float m_fltIl
 The hyperpolarizing current that brings the membrane potential back down after it has been firing.
float m_fltInterburstInterval
 The interburst interval.
float m_fltITime
 Time that the current intrinsic current mode is active.
float m_fltMtl
 The slope of the linear function that is used to calculate the length of time that Il current remains active.
float m_fltTh
 This is the length of time that the Ih current remains active.
float m_fltVss
 The steady state voltage.
float m_fltVssm
 A lower steady state threshold. If the steady state voltage of the neuron goes below this value then the Il current is locked on until that voltage rises above this threshold.
unsigned char m_iIntrinsicType
 Type of the intrinsic current that is active. (HI or LOW)
- Protected Attributes inherited from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron
CStdPtrArray< Synapse > m_arySynapses
 The array of synapses that are in-coming to this neuron.
float m_aryVn [2]
 Current and next Membrane voltage. Vn.
float m_aryVth [2]
 Current and next threshold voltage. Vth.
bool m_bGainType
 Tells whether to use the old type gain or new type gain.
bool m_bUseAccom
 true use accomodation
bool m_bUseNoise
 Tells if we should use noise or not.
float m_fltAccomTimeConst
 The accomodation time constant tells how fast the neuron accomodates to a new membrane potential.
float m_fltAccomTimeMod
 If we are setting the accomodation time constant through modulation then this keeps track of it.
float m_fltAdapterI
 current added from all of the adapters.
float m_fltAdapterMemoryI
 Used to allow datacharts to track current input from adapters.
float m_fltCn
 Membrane capacitance.
float m_fltDCTH
 expon decline working factor for thresh accomm
float m_fltExternalI
 Externally injected current.
float m_fltFiringFreq
 Current firing frequency.
float m_fltFmin
 Minimum Firing frequency.
float m_fltGain
float m_fltGn
 Membrane conductance.
float m_fltIinit
 The initialization current to turn on at the beginning of the simulation.
float m_fltInitTime
 The duration for how long the Iinit current is on at the beginning of the simulation.
float m_fltIntrinsicI
 Intrinsic current.
float m_fltInvCn
 Inverse membrane capacitance.
float m_fltRelativeAccom
 The relative accomodation rate.
float m_fltSynapticI
 Current synaptic current.
float m_fltTotalMemoryI
 Total current applied to the neuron.
float m_fltVn
 Current membrane voltage.
float m_fltVndisp
 this is the membrane voltage that is reported back to animatlab.
float m_fltVNoise
 This is the random noise that should be added to the membrane voltage at a timestep.
float m_fltVNoiseMax
 Tells the maximum noise to use when running sim.
float m_fltVrest
 this is the resting potential of the neuron.
float m_fltVth
 Firing frequency voltage threshold.
float m_fltVthadd
 The component added to Vthi for accomodation.
float m_fltVthdisp
 this is the theshold voltage that is reported back to animatlab.
float m_fltVthi
 Initial firing frequency voltage threshold.
 Pointer to the parent FiringRateModule.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::Node
bool m_bInitEnabled
 Keeps track of the enabled state at sim startup.
float m_fltEnabled
 This is used for reporting the enabled state in a GetDataPointer call.
Organism * m_lpOrganism
 The pointer to this node's organism.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::AnimatBase
bool m_bEnabled
 Tells if this item is enabled or not. If it is not enabled then it is not run.
bool m_bSelected
 Tells whether the object is selected or not.
 The pointer to this items parentNeuralModule. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL.
 The pointer to this items parent Node. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL.
 The pointer to a Simulation.
 The pointer to this items parent Structure. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL.
std::string m_strID
 The unique Id for this object.
std::string m_strName
 The name for this object.
std::string m_strType
 The type for this object. Examples are Box, Plane, Neuron, etc..

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Node
static NodeCastToDerived (AnimatBase *lpBase)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file PacemakerNeuron.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::PacemakerNeuron ( )

Default constructor.


Definition at line 24 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltBtl, m_fltIh, m_fltIl, m_fltInterburstInterval, FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::m_fltIntrinsicI, m_fltITime, m_fltMtl, m_fltTh, m_fltVss, m_fltVssm, and m_iIntrinsicType.

FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::~PacemakerNeuron ( )



Definition at line 47 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

float FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Btl ( )

Gets the intercept used to calculate length of time that Il current remains active.


Definition at line 156 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltBtl.

Referenced by SetData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Btl ( float  fltVal)

Sets the intercept used to calculate length of time that Il current remains active.

fltValThe new value.

Definition at line 167 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltBtl.

float FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::CalculateIntrinsicCurrent ( FiringRateModule m_lpFRModule,
float  fltInputCurrent 

Calculates the intrinsic current.

[in,out]m_lpFRModulePointer to the parent FiringRateModule.
fltInputCurrentThe input current.
The calculated intrinsic current.

Reimplemented from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron.

Definition at line 273 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References HighCurrentOn(), LowCurrentOn(), FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::m_fltGn, FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::m_fltIntrinsicI, m_fltITime, m_fltVss, m_iIntrinsicType, and AnimatSim::Behavior::NeuralModule::TimeStep().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

long FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::CalculateSnapshotByteSize ( )

Calculates the snapshot byte size.

Sometimes the user may want to capture a snapshot of the simulation at a given point in time, and then be able to go back to that specific point. To do this we grab a snapshot of all the data in the system, including the neural variables. We essentially serialize the data into a binary format for later re-use. This method calculates the number of bytes that will be required to store the entire object.

The calculated snapshot byte size.

Reimplemented from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron.

Definition at line 367 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::CalculateSnapshotByteSize(), m_fltITime, and m_iIntrinsicType.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

float * FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::GetDataPointer ( const std::string &  strDataType)

Returns a float pointer to a data item of interest in this object.

This is a generic method used to get a pointer to data variable of interest. It is used by a variety of systems in the simulation. The most prominent are the data charting and stimulus classes. Within this method we associate a variable with a string name. By passing in the name of the data type we are interested in we can recieve back a float pointer to that data type. We can use that to read or set the data item in other classes. For example, the data charting system gets the pointer and then each time it needs to log a data point it reads the value into an array.

strDataTypename of the data item for which we are looking.
float pointer of the data item. If not found then it throws an exception.
IfDataType is not found.

Reimplemented from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron.

Definition at line 375 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::GetDataPointer(), m_fltInterburstInterval, m_fltITime, m_fltVss, and StdUtils::Std_CheckString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::HighCurrentOn ( )

Turns the high current on.


Definition at line 296 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltIh, FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::m_fltIntrinsicI, m_fltITime, m_fltTh, and m_iIntrinsicType.

Referenced by CalculateIntrinsicCurrent(), and StepSimulation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

float FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Ih ( )

Gets the high intrinsic current value.

Current value.

Definition at line 84 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltIh.

Referenced by SetData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Ih ( float  fltVal)

Sets the high intrinsic current value.

fltValThe new value.

Definition at line 95 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltIh.

float FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Il ( )

Gets the low intrinsic current value.

Current value.

Definition at line 60 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltIl.

Referenced by SetData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Il ( float  fltVal)

Sets the low intrinsic current value.

fltValThe new value.

Definition at line 71 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltIl.

unsigned char FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::IntrinsicType ( )

Gets the intrinsic current type. (HI or LOW)

current type.

Definition at line 228 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_iIntrinsicType.

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::IntrinsicType ( unsigned char  iVal)

Sets the intrinsic current type. (HI or LOW)

iValThe new value.

Definition at line 239 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_iIntrinsicType.

float FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::ITime ( )

Gets the duration for the current mode.


Definition at line 204 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltITime.

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::ITime ( float  fltVal)

Sets the duration for the current mode.

fltValThe new value.

Definition at line 215 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltITime.

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::LoadKeyFrameSnapshot ( byte *  aryBytes,
long &  lIndex 

Loads a key frame snapshot.

Sometimes the user may want to capture a snapshot of the simulation at a given point in time, and then be able to go back to that specific point. To do this we grab a snapshot of all the data in the system, including the neural variables. We essentially serialize the data into a binary format for later re-use. This method goes through each module and loads its data from the byte array.

[in,out]aryBytesThe array of bytes where the data is being stored.
[in,out]lIndexCurrent zero-based index of the read position in the array.

Reimplemented from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron.

Definition at line 470 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::LoadKeyFrameSnapshot(), m_fltITime, and m_iIntrinsicType.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::LowCurrentOn ( float  fltVss)

Turns the low current on.

fltVssThe steady state voltage.

Definition at line 311 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltBtl, m_fltIh, m_fltIl, m_fltInterburstInterval, FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::m_fltIntrinsicI, m_fltITime, m_fltMtl, m_fltVssm, and m_iIntrinsicType.

Referenced by CalculateIntrinsicCurrent(), and StepSimulation().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

float FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Mtl ( )

Gets the slope used to calculate length of time that Il current remains active.


Definition at line 132 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltMtl.

Referenced by SetData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Mtl ( float  fltVal)

Sets the slope used to calculate length of time that Il current remains active.

fltValThe new value.

Definition at line 143 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltMtl.

unsigned char FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::NeuronType ( )

Gets the neuron type.

Neuron type.

Reimplemented from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron.

Definition at line 252 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::ResetSimulation ( )

Resets the simulation back to time 0.

This method calls the ResetSimulation method on all subitems in order to reset the simulation back to the beginning.


Reimplemented from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron.

Definition at line 340 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltInterburstInterval, m_fltITime, m_fltVss, m_iIntrinsicType, and FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::ResetSimulation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::SaveKeyFrameSnapshot ( byte *  aryBytes,
long &  lIndex 

Saves a key frame snapshot.

Sometimes the user may want to capture a snapshot of the simulation at a given point in time, and then be able to go back to that specific point. To do this we grab a snapshot of all the data in the system, including the neural variables. We essentially serialize the data into a binary format for later re-use. This method goes through each module and saves its data into the byte array.

[in,out]aryBytesThe array of bytes where the data is being stored.
[in,out]lIndexCurrent zero-based index of the write position in the array.

Reimplemented from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron.

Definition at line 459 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltITime, m_iIntrinsicType, and FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::SaveKeyFrameSnapshot().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

bool FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::SetData ( const std::string &  strDataType,
const std::string &  strValue,
bool  bThrowError = true 

Set a variable based on a string data type name.

This is a generic method that can be used to set any variable in an AnimatBase object by specifying the name of the variable and a string representation of that data. The GUI uses this method to set data into variables in the simulation when the user changes them in the UI. The value string can be as simple as a float or int, or as complex as an xml packet. It is the developers responsibilty to know what type of data is needed and to process it accordingly.

strDataTypestring name of the data type to set.
strValueThe string value of the data. It is up to the developer to determine what this should be. For example, in most cases it is simply a float and you just have to convert it to a float and make the appropriate mutator method call. However, it can be any type of string, including an entire xml packet. It is the developers responsibility to know how to set and process the data as required.
bThrowErrortrue to throw error if there is a problem. If false then it will not return an error, just return false.
true if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Reimplemented from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron.

Definition at line 391 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References Btl(), Ih(), Il(), Mtl(), FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::SetData(), StdUtils::Std_CheckString(), Th(), and Vssm().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::StepSimulation ( )

Step the simulation for this object.

This is called on an object each time it is stepped in the simulation. this is where its simulation code is processed. However, StepSimulation is not necessarily called every single time that the simulation as a whole is stepped. A good example of this is that neural modules can have different integration time steps. So a firing rate module may have a DT of 0.5 ms, while an integrate and fire model may have one of 0.1 ms. So the firing rate module would only get its StepSimulation method called every 5th time that the other module was called. This is all handed in the StepSimulation method of the Simulator and NervousSystem.


Reimplemented from FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron.

Definition at line 350 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References FiringRateSim::FiringRateModule::ActiveArray(), HighCurrentOn(), FiringRateSim::FiringRateModule::InactiveArray(), LowCurrentOn(), FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::m_aryVn, FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::m_fltVth, FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::m_lpFRModule, and FiringRateSim::Neurons::Neuron::StepSimulation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

float FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Th ( )

Gets the time that the high current is active.

Time for high current.

Definition at line 180 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltTh.

Referenced by SetData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Th ( float  fltVal)

Sets the time that the high current is active.

fltValThe new value.

Definition at line 191 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltTh.

float FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Vssm ( )

Gets the lower steady state threshold.

threshold value.

Definition at line 108 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltVssm.

Referenced by SetData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FiringRateSim::Neurons::PacemakerNeuron::Vssm ( float  fltVal)

Sets the lower steady state threshold.

fltValThe new value.

Definition at line 119 of file PacemakerNeuron.cpp.

References m_fltVssm.

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