The simulation object only has two main properties. These deal mostly with the mechanics of the simulation and not with configuring the virtual environment.
Simulation Properties
This controls the error logging level. This level determines how much information is written to log files. Typically this should be kept at the error level, which
means that log entries will only be written when errors occur. However, if you are having problems with your simulation we may request for you to change
the log level to another value and send us a copy of the log file for evaluation. This could help us to figure out where the problem is and how to fix it.
Default value: Error
Acceptable Values: None, Error, Info, Debug, Detail
This is for developers use only. Normal users should always have this value set to true. However, developers need to be able to debug their applications
so if this is set to false then the debug versions of the simulation libraries are used instead of the release versions.
Default value: True
Acceptable Values: True/False