Each Robot IO controller runs its IO in a separate thread in the background. This allows it to try and do its IO as fast as possible, and then when the simulation takes its time step it pulls the latest settings, and gives the IO its latest commands. Below is a list of the currently available Robot IO controllers. Please see the individual pages for a more detailed description of how to use each one.
There are often hard, physical limits on how fast you can update your data on a real system. In order to get the simulation of the hardware as close as possible you will need to configure your simulation to update data in a similar manner. There are a number of new features that were added to AnimatLab to allow you to do this. Most of these were added to the adapter configuration. There are now several new adapter settings that relate to robot control. Below is a list of them and a description of how to use them.
Please see the video tutorials for a hands-on example of how you use these features. Once you have the robot interface setup you can add your IO interfaces.
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