AnimatLab  2
VortexAnimatSim::Environment::VsOrganism Class Reference

Vortex Organism implementation. More...

#include <VsOrganism.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for VortexAnimatSim::Environment::VsOrganism:
+ Collaboration diagram for VortexAnimatSim::Environment::VsOrganism:

Public Member Functions

 VsOrganism ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual void * Assembly ()
virtual void Body (RigidBody *lpBody)
virtual void Create ()
virtual osg::Group * ParentOSG ()
virtual void Physics_Resize ()
virtual void ResetSimulation ()
 Resets the simulation back to time 0. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Organism
 Organism ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~Organism ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool AddItem (const std::string &strItemType, const std::string &strXml, bool bThrowError=true, bool bDoNotInit=false)
 Adds a new object to this parent. More...
virtual long CalculateSnapshotByteSize ()
 Calculates the snapshot byte size. More...
virtual AnimatSim::Behavior::NervousSystemGetNervousSystem ()
virtual RobotInterface * GetRobotInterface ()
virtual void Initialize ()
 Initializes this object. More...
virtual bool IsDead ()
 Query if this object is dead. More...
virtual void Kill (bool bState=true)
 Kills. More...
virtual void Load (CStdXml &oXml)
virtual void LoadKeyFrameSnapshot (byte *aryBytes, long &lIndex)
 Loads a key frame snapshot. More...
virtual void MinTimeStep (float &fltMin)
virtual bool RemoveItem (const std::string &strItemType, const std::string &strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Removes a child item from this parent. More...
virtual void SaveKeyFrameSnapshot (byte *aryBytes, long &lIndex)
 Saves a key frame snapshot. More...
virtual bool SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const std::string &strValue, bool bThrowError=true)
 Set a variable based on a string data type name. More...
virtual void StepNeuralEngine ()
 Step neural engine. More...
virtual void StepPhysicsEngine ()
 Allows the organism and its parts to update at each time slice. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Structure
 Structure ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~Structure ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void AddCollisionPair (std::string strID1, std::string strID2)
 Adds a collision pair to m_aryExcludeCollisionList. More...
void AddJoint (Joint *lpJoint)
 Adds a new joint to the list of all joints for this structure. More...
void AddRigidBody (RigidBody *lpBody)
 Adds a new rigid body to the list of all bodies for this structure. More...
virtual bool AllowRotateDragX ()
 Gets whether this body part can be rotated along the x-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowRotateDragY ()
 Gets whether this body part can be rotated along the y-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowRotateDragZ ()
 Gets whether this body part can be rotated along the z-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowTranslateDragX ()
 Gets whether this body part can be translated along the x-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowTranslateDragY ()
 Gets whether this body part can be translated along the y-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual bool AllowTranslateDragZ ()
 Gets whether this body part can be translated along the z-axis by the user with the drag handlers. More...
virtual void Body (RigidBody *lpBody)
 Sets the root body. More...
virtual RigidBodyBody ()
 Gets the root body. More...
virtual void DisableCollision (RigidBody *lpCollisionBody)
 Disables collision between the past-in object and all rigid bodies of this structure. More...
virtual void EnableCollision (RigidBody *lpCollisionBody)
 Enables collision between the past-in object and all rigid bodies of this structure. More...
virtual void EnableMotor (std::string strJointID, bool bVal)
 Enables the given joints motor. More...
virtual CStdPtrArray< CollisionPairExclusionList ()
 Gets the collision exclusion list as an array. More...
virtual JointFindJoint (std::string strJointID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Finds a joint with a specified ID within this structure. More...
virtual NodeFindNode (std::string strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Searches for a Node with the given ID. More...
virtual RigidBodyFindRigidBody (std::string strBodyID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Finds a rigid body with a specified ID within this structure. More...
virtual float * GetDataPointer (const std::string &strDataType)
 Returns a float pointer to a data item of interest in this object. More...
virtual CStdFPoint Position ()
 Gets the local position. (m_oPosition) More...
virtual void Position (CStdFPoint &oPoint, bool bUseScaling=true, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the local position. (m_oPosition) More...
virtual void QueryProperties (CStdPtrArray< TypeProperty > &aryProperties)
 Queries this object for a list of properties that can be changed using SetData. More...
void RemoveJoint (std::string strID)
 Removes the joint with the specified ID. More...
void RemoveRigidBody (std::string strID)
 Removes the rigid body with the specified ID. More...
virtual void Script (ScriptProcessor *lpScript)
virtual ScriptProcessorScript ()
virtual void Selected (bool bValue, bool bSelectMultiple)
 Selects this object. More...
virtual void SetMotorInput (std::string strJointID, float fltInput)
 Sets the velocity for the specified joint. More...
virtual void SetSystemPointers (Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule, Node *lpNode, bool bVerify)
void Sim (Simulator *lpSim)
 Sets the simulator object. More...
virtual void SimPausing ()
 Called just before the simulation pauses. More...
virtual void SimStarting ()
 Called just before the simulation starts. More...
virtual void SimStopping ()
 Called just before the simulation stops. More...
virtual float Size ()
 Gets the size of the graphical representation of this joint. More...
virtual void Size (float fltVal, bool bUseScaling=true)
 Sets the size of the graphical representation of this joint. More...
virtual void UpdatePhysicsPosFromGraphics ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::AnimatBase
 AnimatBase ()
 Constructs an AnimatBase object. More...
virtual ~AnimatBase ()
 Destroys the AnimatBase object.. More...
virtual void AfterResetSimulation ()
 Called after a simulation reset for some objects. More...
virtual void Copy (CStdSerialize *lpSource)
virtual void Enabled (bool bVal)
 Tells whether this item is enabled or not. This is not actually used for all objects, only specific ones. I am putting it in the base class though to prevent numerous duplications. More...
virtual bool Enabled ()
 Tells whether this item is enabled or not. This is not actually used for all objects, only specific ones. I am putting it in the base class though to prevent numerous duplications. More...
virtual NeuralModuleGetNeuralModule ()
 Gets the neural module. More...
virtual NodeGetNode ()
 Gets the node. More...
virtual SimulatorGetSimulator ()
 Gets the simulator pointer. More...
virtual StructureGetStructure ()
 Gets the structure for this node. More...
virtual bool HasProperty (const std::string &strName)
 Queries this object if it has a property with the given name. More...
virtual std::string ID ()
 Gets the unique GUID ID of this object. More...
virtual void ID (std::string strValue)
 Sets the unique GUID ID of the object. More...
virtual void Load (StdUtils::CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the item using an XML data packet. More...
virtual std::string Name ()
 Gets the name of this object. More...
virtual void Name (std::string strValue)
 Sets the name of the object. Blank is acceptable. More...
virtual AnimatPropertyType PropertyType (const std::string &strName)
virtual void ReInitialize ()
 Re-initialize this object. More...
virtual void Reset ()
 Resets this object. More...
virtual void RigidBodyAdded (std::string strID)
virtual void RigidBodyRemoved (std::string strID)
virtual bool Selected ()
 Tells if this items is selected or not. More...
virtual bool SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const float fltValue, bool bThrowError=true)
 Set a variable based on a string data type name. More...
virtual bool SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const long lValue, bool bThrowError=true)
 Set a variable based on a string data type name. More...
virtual void SetSystemPointers (Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule, Node *lpNode, bool bVerify)
 Sets the system pointers. More...
virtual void StepSimulation ()
 Step the simulation for this object. More...
virtual void TimeStepModified ()
 Notification method that the time step modified has been modified. Objects should recalculate any slice times as needed. More...
virtual std::string Type ()
 returns the string type name of this object. More...
virtual void Type (std::string strValue)
 Sets the class type for this object. More...
virtual void VerifySystemPointers ()
 Verify that system pointers have been set correctly. More...
virtual void VisualSelectionModeChanged (int iNewMode)
 Visual selection mode changed. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MovableItem
 MovableItem (void)
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~MovableItem (void)
 Destructor. More...
virtual CStdFPoint AbsolutePosition ()
 Gets the absolute position of this body part. More...
virtual void AbsolutePosition (CStdFPoint &oPoint)
 Sets the absolute position of this body part. (m_oAbsPosition) More...
virtual void AbsolutePosition (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ)
 Sets the absolute position of this body part. (m_oAbsPosition) More...
virtual void AddBodyClicked (float fltPosX, float fltPosY, float fltPosZ, float fltNormX, float fltNormY, float fltNormZ)
 Called when the user clicks on this object while the AddBody mode is active. More...
virtual bool AllowMouseManipulation ()
 Tells if a given part can be manipulated using the mouse and draggers. More...
virtual float Alpha ()
 Gets the current alpha. More...
virtual void Alpha (float fltAlpha)
 Sets the current alpha. More...
virtual CStdColorAmbient ()
 Gets the ambient color value. More...
virtual void Ambient (CStdColor &aryColor)
virtual void Ambient (float *aryColor)
 Sets the Ambient color. More...
virtual void Ambient (std::string strXml)
 Loads the Ambient color from an XML data packet. More...
virtual bool CalculateLocalPosForWorldPos (float fltWorldX, float fltWorldY, float fltWorldZ, CStdFPoint &vLocalPos)
 Calculates the local position values for matrix transform for the part to be in a specific world position. More...
virtual IMovableItemCallbackCallback ()
 Gets the callback interface pointer. This is an interface pointer to a callback class that allows us to notify the GUI of events that occur within the simulation. More...
virtual void Callback (IMovableItemCallback *lpCallback)
 Sets the callback interface pointer. This is an interface pointer to a callback class that allows us to notify the GUI of events that occur within the simulation. More...
virtual float CollisionsAlpha ()
 Gets the collisions alpha. More...
virtual void CollisionsAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the collisions alpha. More...
virtual CStdColorDiffuse ()
 Gets the diffuse color. More...
virtual void Diffuse (CStdColor &aryColor)
virtual void Diffuse (float *aryColor)
 Sets the Diffuse color. More...
virtual void Diffuse (std::string strXml)
 Loads the Diffuse color from an XML data packet. More...
virtual BoundingBox GetBoundingBox ()
 Gets the bounding box for this part. More...
virtual float GetBoundingRadius ()
 Gets the bounding radius of this part. More...
virtual CStdFPoint GetCurrentPosition ()
 Gets the current position of this part. More...
virtual float GraphicsAlpha ()
 Gets the graphics alpha. More...
virtual void GraphicsAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the graphics alpha. More...
virtual bool IsSelected ()
 Query if this object is selected. More...
virtual bool IsVisible ()
 Query if this object is visible. More...
virtual void IsVisible (bool bVal)
 Sets whether this part is visible or not. More...
virtual float JointsAlpha ()
 Gets the joints alpha. More...
virtual void JointsAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the joints alpha. More...
virtual std::string LocalTransformationMatrixString ()
 Returns a string representation of the transformation matrix of this object. This is primarily used to save off the transform matrix into the project file. More...
virtual void OrientNewPart (float fltXPos, float fltYPos, float fltZPos, float fltXNorm, float fltYNorm, float fltZNorm)
 Orients a new part based on where the parent was clicked and the normal of the surface face. More...
RigidBodyParent ()
 Gets the parent RigidBody of this part. More...
void Parent (RigidBody *lpValue)
 Sets the parent RigidBody of this part. More...
virtual IPhysicsMovableItemPhysicsMovableItem ()
 Gets the physics body interface pointer. This is an interface reference to the Vs version of this object. It will allow us to call methods directly in the Vs (OSG) version of the object directly without having to overload a bunch of methods in each box, sphere, etc.. More...
virtual void PhysicsMovableItem (IPhysicsMovableItem *lpBase)
 Sets the physics body interface pointer. This is an interface reference to the Vs version of this object. It will allow us to call methods directly in the Vs (OSG) version of the object directly without having to overload a bunch of methods in each box, sphere, etc.. More...
virtual void Position (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ, bool bUseScaling=true, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the local position. (m_oPosition) More...
virtual void Position (std::string strXml, bool bUseScaling=true, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the local position. (m_oPosition). This method is primarily used by the GUI to reset the local position using an xml data packet. More...
virtual float ReceptiveFieldsAlpha ()
 Gets the receptive fields alpha. More...
virtual void ReceptiveFieldsAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the receptive fields alpha. More...
virtual CStdFPoint ReportPosition ()
 Gets the reported local position. (m_oReportPosition). More...
virtual void ReportPosition (CStdFPoint &oPoint)
 Sets the reported local position. (m_oReportPosition). More...
virtual void ReportPosition (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ)
 Sets the reported local position. (m_oReportPosition). More...
virtual CStdFPoint ReportRotation ()
 Gets the reported rotation of this part. (m_oReportRotation) More...
virtual void ReportRotation (CStdFPoint &oPoint)
 Sets the reported rotation of this part. (m_oReportRotation) More...
virtual void ReportRotation (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ)
 Sets the reported rotation of this part. (m_oReportRotation) More...
virtual CStdFPoint ReportWorldPosition ()
 Gets the reported world position. (m_oReportWorldPosition) More...
virtual void ReportWorldPosition (CStdFPoint &oPoint)
 Sets the reported world position (m_oReportWorldPosition) More...
virtual void ReportWorldPosition (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ)
 Sets the reported world position (m_oReportWorldPosition) More...
virtual CStdFPoint Rotation ()
 Gets the rotation of this body in radians. More...
virtual void Rotation (CStdFPoint &oPoint, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the rotation of this body in radians. (m_oRotation) More...
virtual void Rotation (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the rotation of this body in radians. (m_oRotation) More...
virtual void Rotation (std::string strXml, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdateMatrix=true)
 Sets the rotation of this body in radians. (m_oRotation). This method is primarily used by the GUI to reset the rotation using an xml data packet. More...
virtual CStdFPoint SelectedVertex ()
 Gets the relative position of the selected vertex. (m_vSelectedVertex) More...
virtual void SelectedVertex (CStdFPoint &vPoint, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdatePhysics=true)
 Sets the relative position of the selected vertex. (m_vSelectedVertex) More...
virtual void SelectedVertex (float fltX, float fltY, float fltZ, bool bFireChangeEvent=false, bool bUpdatePhysics=true)
 Sets the relative position of the selected vertex. (m_vSelectedVertex) More...
virtual void SetBoundingBox (int iIdx, float fltVal)
 Sets one dimension of the bounding box. This does nothing for all parts except a mesh. More...
virtual float Shininess ()
 Gets the shininess. More...
virtual void Shininess (float fltVal)
 Sets the shininess value. More...
virtual float SimulationAlpha ()
 Gets the simulation alpha. More...
virtual void SimulationAlpha (float fltVal)
 Sets the simulation alpha. More...
virtual CStdColorSpecular ()
 Gets the specular color. More...
virtual void Specular (CStdColor &aryColor)
virtual void Specular (float *aryColor)
 Sets the Specular color. More...
virtual void Specular (std::string strXml)
 Loads the Specular color from an XML data packet. More...
virtual std::string Texture ()
 Gets the texture filename. More...
virtual void Texture (std::string strValue)
 Sets the Texture filename. More...
virtual CStdFPoint UpdateAbsolutePosition ()
virtual void UserDefinedDraggerRadius (float fltRadius)
 User defined dragger radius. More...
virtual float UserDefinedDraggerRadius ()
 Gets the user defined dragger radius. More...
virtual void VisualSelectionModeChanged (int iNewMode)
 Called when the visual selection mode changed in GUI. More...
virtual int VisualSelectionType ()
 Gets the visual selection type for this part. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VortexAnimatSim::Environment::VsMovableItem
virtual void BuildLocalMatrix ()
virtual void BuildLocalMatrix (CStdFPoint localPos, CStdFPoint localRot, std::string strName)
virtual void CreateItem ()
virtual void EndGripDrag ()
virtual osg::Matrix FinalMatrix ()
virtual osg::MatrixTransform * GetCameraMatrixTransform ()
 Gets the matrix transform used by the camera for the mouse spring. More...
virtual osg::MatrixTransform * GetMatrixTransform ()
virtual CStdFPoint GetOSGWorldCoords ()
virtual osg::Matrix GetOSGWorldMatrix (bool bUpdate=false)
virtual osg::Matrix GetParentWorldMatrix ()
virtual VsSimulatorGetVsSimulator ()
virtual osg::Matrix GetWorldMatrix ()
virtual osg::Matrix LocalMatrix ()
virtual osg::Group * NodeGroup ()
virtual void Physics_AfterResetSimulation ()
virtual bool Physics_CalculateLocalPosForWorldPos (float fltWorldX, float fltWorldY, float fltWorldZ, CStdFPoint &vLocalPos)
virtual void Physics_CollectData ()
virtual void Physics_CollectExtraData ()
virtual BoundingBox Physics_GetBoundingBox ()
virtual float Physics_GetBoundingRadius ()
virtual float * Physics_GetDataPointer (const std::string &strDataType)
virtual std::string Physics_GetLocalTransformMatrixString ()
virtual std::string Physics_ID ()
virtual void Physics_LoadLocalTransformMatrix (CStdXml &oXml)
virtual void Physics_OrientNewPart (float fltXPos, float fltYPos, float fltZPos, float fltXNorm, float fltYNorm, float fltZNorm)
virtual void Physics_PositionChanged ()
virtual void Physics_ResetGraphicsAndPhysics ()
virtual void Physics_ResetSimulation ()
virtual void Physics_ResizeDragHandler (float fltRadius)
virtual void Physics_RotationChanged ()
virtual void Physics_SaveLocalTransformMatrix (CStdXml &oXml)
virtual void Physics_Selected (bool bValue, bool bSelectMultiple)
virtual void Physics_SelectedVertex (float fltXPos, float fltYPos, float fltZPos)
virtual void Physics_SetChild (MovableItem *lpParent)
virtual void Physics_SetColor ()
virtual void Physics_SetParent (MovableItem *lpParent)
virtual void Physics_TextureChanged ()
virtual void Physics_UpdateAbsolutePosition ()
virtual void Physics_UpdateMatrix ()
virtual osg::Group * RootGroup ()
virtual void SetAlpha ()
virtual void SetColor (CStdColor &vAmbient, CStdColor &vDiffuse, CStdColor &vSpecular, float fltShininess)
virtual void SetCulling ()
virtual void SetMaterialAlpha (osg::Material *osgMat, osg::StateSet *ss, float fltAlpha)
virtual void SetTexture (std::string strTexture)
virtual void SetVisible (bool bVisible)
virtual void SetVisible (osg::Node *osgNode, bool bVisible)
virtual VsMovableItemVsParent ()
virtual void WorldToBodyCoords (VxReal3 vWorldPos, StdVector3 &vLocalPos)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::IPhysicsMovableItem
virtual void Physics_SetChild (MovableItem *lpChild)=0
virtual void Physics_SetParent (MovableItem *lpParent)=0

Protected Member Functions

virtual void DeletePhysics ()
virtual void SetThisPointers ()
virtual void SetupPhysics ()
virtual void UpdatePositionAndRotationFromMatrix ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Organism
virtual RobotInterfaceAddRobotInterface (std::string strXml)
 Creates and adds a robot interface control. More...
virtual RobotInterfaceLoadRobotInterface (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads a robot interface Control. More...
virtual void RemoveRobotInterface (std::string strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Removes the robot interface with the specified ID. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Structure
virtual void AddRoot (std::string strXml)
 Creates and adds a root body part. More...
virtual void AddScript (std::string strXml)
 Creates and adds a scripting object to this structure. More...
virtual void LoadCollisionPair (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads a collision pair. More...
virtual void LoadLayout (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the layout for this structure from an asl configuration file. More...
virtual RigidBodyLoadRoot (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the root rigid body. More...
virtual ScriptProcessorLoadScript (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the script. More...
virtual void RemoveRoot (std::string strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Removes the root based on ID. More...
virtual void RemoveScript (std::string strID, bool bThrowError=true)
 Removes the script based on ID. More...
virtual void UpdateData ()
 Collects reporting data for the structure at each time step. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MovableItem
virtual void LoadPosition (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the items position. More...
virtual void LoadRotation (CStdXml &oXml)
 Loads the items rotation. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VortexAnimatSim::Environment::VsMovableItem
virtual void AttachedPartMovedOrRotated (std::string strID)
virtual void CreateDragger (std::string strName)
virtual void CreateGeometry ()
virtual void CreateGraphicsGeometry ()
virtual void CreatePhysicsGeometry ()
virtual void CreateSelectedGraphics (std::string strName)
virtual void CreateSelectedVertex (std::string strName)
virtual void DeleteGraphics ()
virtual void DeleteSelectedVertex ()
virtual void GeometryRotationMatrix (osg::Matrix osgGeometryMT)
virtual void HideSelectedVertex ()
virtual void LocalMatrix (osg::Matrix osgLocalMT)
virtual void ResizePhysicsGeometry ()
virtual void SetupGraphics ()
virtual void ShowSelectedVertex ()
virtual void UpdatePositionAndRotationFromMatrix (osg::Matrix osgMT)
virtual void UpdateWorldMatrix ()

Protected Attributes

Vx::VxAssembly * m_lpAssembly
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Organism
bool m_bDead
 Tells if the organism is dead or not.
NervousSystem * m_lpNervousSystem
 The pointer to the nervous system.
RobotInterface * m_lpRobot
 Pointer to a robot interface node to allow the organism to be hooked to a robot.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Structure
CStdPtrArray< CollisionPairm_aryExcludeCollisionList
 This is the list of other body part ID's to exclude from collision tests.
CStdMap< std::string, Joint * > m_aryJoints
CStdMap< std::string, RigidBody * > m_aryRigidBodies
float m_fltSize
 The radius of the graphical sphere shown for the structure position.
 The root rigid body object of this structure.
 Script processor for running python or other scripting systems related to this structure.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::AnimatBase
bool m_bEnabled
 Tells if this item is enabled or not. If it is not enabled then it is not run.
bool m_bSelected
 Tells whether the object is selected or not.
 The pointer to this items parentNeuralModule. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL.
 The pointer to this items parent Node. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL.
 The pointer to a Simulation.
 The pointer to this items parent Structure. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL.
std::string m_strID
 The unique Id for this object.
std::string m_strName
 The name for this object.
std::string m_strType
 The type for this object. Examples are Box, Plane, Neuron, etc..
- Protected Attributes inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::MovableItem
bool m_bIsSelected
 Keeps track of whether this movable item has been selected or not.
bool m_bIsVisible
float m_fltAlpha
 The current alpha transparency for this body part.
float m_fltCollisionsAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Collisions VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltGraphicsAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Graphics VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltJointsAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Joints VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltReceptiveFieldsAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Receptive Fields VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltReportIsVisible
float m_fltShininess
 The shininess of the part. A value between 0 and 128.
float m_fltSimulationAlpha
 The alpha transparency used in the Simulation VisualSelectionMode.
float m_fltUserDefinedDraggerRadius
 User defined drag handle radius. If this is -1 then the user has not set the value and the default is used.
 The pointer to a Simulation.
CStdFPoint m_oAbsPosition
CStdFPoint m_oPosition
 These are rotation and position coords relative to the parent if this is a body part.
CStdFPoint m_oReportPosition
 This is used for reporting the position back to the GUI. It is the position scaled for distance units.
CStdFPoint m_oReportRotation
CStdFPoint m_oReportWorldPosition
 This is used for reporting the position back to the GUI. It is the world position scaled for distance units.
CStdFPoint m_oRotation
std::string m_strTexture
 An optional texture to apply to the rigid body.
CStdColor m_vAmbient
 The ambient color to apply to this part. It is specified as red, green, blue, and alpha.
CStdColor m_vDiffuse
 The diffuse color to apply to this part. It is specified as red, green, blue, and alpha.
CStdFPoint m_vSelectedVertex
 The relative position of the selected vertex.
CStdColor m_vSpecular
 The specular color to apply to this part. It is specified as red, green, blue, and alpha.
- Protected Attributes inherited from VortexAnimatSim::Environment::VsMovableItem
bool m_bCullBackfaces
osg::StateAttribute::GLMode m_eTextureMode
float m_fltNullReport
 This is used to report back 0 from GetDataPointer for items that are not supported in vortex.
AnimatBase * m_lpThisAB
MovableItem * m_lpThisMI
osg::ref_ptr< osg::CullFace > m_osgCull
osg::ref_ptr< VsDragger > m_osgDragger
osg::Matrix m_osgFinalMatrix
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > m_osgGeometry
osg::ref_ptr< osg::MatrixTransform > m_osgGeometryRotationMT
osg::Matrix m_osgLocalMatrix
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Material > m_osgMaterial
osg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::Selection > m_osgMT
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node > m_osgNode
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Group > m_osgNodeGroup
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Group > m_osgParent
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Group > m_osgRoot
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Group > m_osgSelectedGroup
osg::ref_ptr< osg::MatrixTransform > m_osgSelVertexMT
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geode > m_osgSelVertexNode
osg::ref_ptr< osg::StateSet > m_osgStateSet
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Texture2D > m_osgTexture
osg::Matrix m_osgWorldMatrix

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Organism
static OrganismCastToDerived (AnimatBase *lpBase)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSim::Environment::Structure
static StructureCastToDerived (AnimatBase *lpBase)

Detailed Description

Vortex Organism implementation.


Definition at line 20 of file VsOrganism.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VortexAnimatSim::Environment::VsOrganism::VsOrganism ( )

Default constructor.


Definition at line 28 of file VsOrganism.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void VortexAnimatSim::Environment::VsOrganism::ResetSimulation ( )

Resets the simulation back to time 0.

This method calls the ResetSimulation method on all subitems in order to reset the simulation back to the beginning.


Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Environment::Organism.

Definition at line 77 of file VsOrganism.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: