AnimatLab  2
network_ptr_s Struct Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for network_ptr_s:

Public Attributes

int allocated
 true if all data has been allocated..
float * avgFiring
float * baseFiring
float * baseFiringInv
unsigned int * cumulativePost
unsigned int * cumulativePre
float * current
bool * curSpike
unsigned int * firingTableD1
unsigned int * firingTableD2
float * gAMPA
float * gGABAa
float * gGABAb
float * gNMDA
int3 * groupIdInfo
 used for group Id calculations...
int * I_set
float * Izh_a
float * Izh_b
float * Izh_c
float * Izh_d
unsigned int * lastSpikeTime
 storees the firing time of the neuron
float * maxSynWt
 maximum synaptic weight for given connection..
int memType
int2 * neuronAllocation
uint32_t * neuronFiring
unsigned short * Npost
 stores the number of output connections from a neuron.
unsigned short * Npre
 stores the number of input connections to the neuron
unsigned short * Npre_plastic
 stores the number of plastic input connections
float * Npre_plasticInv
 stores the 1/number of plastic input connections, for use on the GPU
unsigned int * nSpikeCnt
 homeostatic plasticity variables
float * poissonFireRate
unsigned int * poissonRandPtr
 firing random number. max value is 10,000
 delay information
 10 bit syn id, 22 bit neuron id, ordered based on delay More...
float * probeBaseFreq
float * probeHomeoFreq
float * probeI
uint32_t * probeId
float * probeV
float * recovery
uint32_t * spikeGenBits
float * stpu
float * stpx
short int * synIdLimit
float * synMaxWts
uint32_t * synSpikeTime
float * testVar
float * testVar2
float * voltage
float * wt
 stores the synaptic weight and weight change of a synaptic connection
float * wtChange

Detailed Description

Definition at line 360 of file snn.h.

Member Data Documentation

post_info_t* network_ptr_s::postSynapticIds

10 bit syn id, 22 bit neuron id, ordered based on delay

allows maximum synapses of 1024 and maximum network size of 4 million neurons, with 64 bit representation. we can have larger networks for simulation

Definition at line 388 of file snn.h.

uint32_t* network_ptr_s::probeId

homeostatic plasticity variables TODO: Make sure these are used

Definition at line 399 of file snn.h.

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