AnimatLab  2
grpConnInfo_s Struct Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for grpConnInfo_s:

Public Attributes

int16_t fixedDestGrpCnt
 destination group count
int * fixedDestGrps
 connected destination groups array, (x=destGrpId, y=startN, z=endN, w=function pointer)
int * fixedDestParam
 connected destination parameters , (x=Start, y=Width, z=Stride, w=height)
int grpDelayVector
 a vector with ones in position having a given delay
int grpMaxM
 the maximum value of the number of post-synaptic connections
bool hasCommonDelay
 'true' if the grpDelayVector is same as the neuron DelayVector
bool hasRandomConn
 set to 'true' if the group has random connections
int * randomDelayPointer
int srcEndN
 ending neuron to stop computation
int16_t srcGrpId
 group id
int srcStartN
 starting neuron to begin computation

Detailed Description

Definition at line 539 of file snn.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: