AnimatLab  2
ManagedAnimatInterfaces.IStdXml Interface Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for ManagedAnimatInterfaces.IStdXml:
+ Collaboration diagram for ManagedAnimatInterfaces.IStdXml:

Public Member Functions

void AddChildCData (string strElementName, string strCData)
void AddChildDoc (string Doc)
void AddChildElement (string strElementName)
void AddChildElement (string strElementName, string strVal)
void AddChildElement (string strElementName, long lVal)
void AddChildElement (string strElementName, int iVal)
void AddChildElement (string strElementName, double dblVal)
void AddChildElement (string strElementName, float fltVal)
void AddChildElement (string strElementName, bool bVal)
void AddChildElement (string strElementName, byte[] aryData)
void AddElement (string strElementName)
void AddElement (string strElementName, string strData)
string ChildTagName ()
void Deserialize (string strXml)
bool FindChildByIndex (int iIndex)
bool FindChildByIndex (int iIndex, bool bThrowError)
bool FindChildElement (string strElementName)
bool FindChildElement (string strElementName, bool bThrowError)
bool FindElement (string strElementName)
bool FindElement (string strElementName, bool bThrowError)
string FullTagPath ()
string FullTagPath (bool bAddChildName)
bool GetAttribBool (string strAttribName)
bool GetAttribBool (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
bool GetAttribBool (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, bool bDefault)
double GetAttribDouble (string strAttribName)
double GetAttribDouble (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
double GetAttribDouble (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, double dblDefault)
float GetAttribFloat (string strAttribName)
float GetAttribFloat (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
float GetAttribFloat (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, float fltDefault)
int GetAttribInt (string strAttribName)
int GetAttribInt (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
int GetAttribInt (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, int iDefault)
long GetAttribLong (string strAttribName)
long GetAttribLong (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
long GetAttribLong (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, long lDefault)
string GetAttribString (string strAttribName)
string GetAttribString (string strAttribName, bool bCanBeBlank)
string GetAttribString (string strAttribName, bool bCanBeBlank, bool bThrowError)
string GetAttribString (string strAttribName, bool bCanBeBlank, bool bThrowError, string strDefault)
bool GetChildAttribBool (string strAttribName)
bool GetChildAttribBool (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
bool GetChildAttribBool (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, bool bDefault)
double GetChildAttribDouble (string strAttribName)
double GetChildAttribDouble (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
double GetChildAttribDouble (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, double dblDefault)
float GetChildAttribFloat (string strAttribName)
float GetChildAttribFloat (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
float GetChildAttribFloat (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, float fltDefault)
int GetChildAttribInt (string strAttribName)
int GetChildAttribInt (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
int GetChildAttribInt (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, int iDefault)
long GetChildAttribLong (string strAttribName)
long GetChildAttribLong (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError)
long GetChildAttribLong (string strAttribName, bool bThrowError, long lDefault)
string GetChildAttribString (string strAttribName)
string GetChildAttribString (string strAttribName, bool bCanBeBlank)
string GetChildAttribString (string strAttribName, bool bCanBeBlank, bool bThrowError)
string GetChildAttribString (string strAttribName, bool bCanBeBlank, bool bThrowError, string strDefault)
bool GetChildBool (string strElementName)
bool GetChildBool (string strElementName, bool bDefault)
bool GetChildBool ()
byte[] GetChildByteArray (string strElementName)
string GetChildDoc ()
double GetChildDouble (string strElementName)
double GetChildDouble (string strElementName, double dblDefault)
double GetChildDouble ()
float GetChildFloat (string strElementName)
float GetChildFloat (string strElementName, float fltDefault)
float GetChildFloat ()
int GetChildInt (string strElementName)
int GetChildInt (string strElementName, int iDefault)
int GetChildInt ()
long GetChildLong (string strElementName)
long GetChildLong (string strElementName, long lDefault)
long GetChildLong ()
string GetChildString (string strElementName)
string GetChildString (string strElementName, string strDefault)
string GetChildString ()
string GetParentTagName ()
bool IntoChildElement (string strElementName)
bool IntoChildElement (string strElementName, bool bThrowError)
bool IntoElem ()
void Load (string strFilename)
int NumberOfChildren ()
bool OutOfElem ()
void Save (string strFilename)
string Serialize ()
void SetAttrib (string strAttribName, string strVal)
void SetAttrib (string strAttribName, long lVal)
void SetAttrib (string strAttribName, int iVal)
void SetAttrib (string strAttribName, double dblVal)
void SetAttrib (string strAttribName, float fltVal)
void SetAttrib (string strAttribName, bool bVal)
void SetChildAttrib (string strAttribName, string strVal)
void SetChildAttrib (string strAttribName, long lVal)
void SetChildAttrib (string strAttribName, int iVal)
void SetChildAttrib (string strAttribName, double dblVal)
void SetChildAttrib (string strAttribName, float fltVal)
void SetChildAttrib (string strAttribName, bool bVal)
void SetLogger (ILogger oLog)
string TagName ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17 of file IStdXml.cs.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: