AnimatLab  2
ManagedAnimatInterfaces.ISimulatorInterface Interface Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for ManagedAnimatInterfaces.ISimulatorInterface:
+ Collaboration diagram for ManagedAnimatInterfaces.ISimulatorInterface:

Public Member Functions

bool AddItem (string sParentID, string sItemType, string sID, string sXml, bool bThrowError, bool bDoNotInit)
string AddKeyFrame (string strType, long lStartMillisecond, long lEndMillisecond)
bool AddWindow (IntPtr hParentWnd, string sWindowType, string sWindowXml)
void ConvertV1MeshFile (string sOriginalMeshFile, string NewMeshFile, string strTexture)
void CreateAndRunSimulation (bool bPaused)
void CreateSimulation ()
void CreateSimulation (string sXml)
void CreateStandAloneSim (string sModuleName, string sExePath)
long CurrentMillisecond ()
void DisableVideoPlayback ()
void EnableVideoPlayback (string strID)
string ErrorMessage ()
bool FindItem (string sID, bool bThrowError)
void FireHandleCriticalErrorEvent (string strError)
void FireHandleNonCriticalErrorEvent (string strError)
void FireNeedToStopSimulationEvent ()
void GenerateCollisionMeshFile (string sOriginalMeshFile, string sCollisionMeshFile, float fltScaleX, float fltScaleY, float fltScaleZ)
PositionRotationInfo GetPositionAndRotationFromD3DMatrix (double[,] aryTransform)
bool Loaded ()
string MoveKeyFrame (string strID, long lStartMillisecond, long lEndMillisecond)
void MoveSimulationToKeyFrame (string strID)
void OnWindowGetFocus (string sID)
void OnWindowLoseFocus (string sID)
bool Paused ()
bool PauseSimulation ()
void ReInitializeSimulation ()
bool RemoveItem (string sParentID, string sItemType, string sID, bool bThrowError)
void RemoveKeyFrame (string strID)
void RemoveWindow (IntPtr hParentWnd)
int RetrieveChartData (string sChartKey, ref float[,] aryTimeData, ref float[,] aryData)
void SaveSimulationFile (string sFile)
void SaveVideo (string strPath)
bool SetData (string sID, string sDataType, string sValue, bool bThrowError)
void SetLogger (ILogger lpLog)
void SetProjectPath (string strPath)
void ShutdownSimulation ()
bool SimOpen ()
bool SimRunning ()
void Simulate (bool bPaused)
bool StartSimulation ()
void StartVideoPlayback ()
void StepVideoPlayback (int iFrameCount)
void StopSimulation ()
void StopVideoPlayback ()
void TrackCamera (bool bTrackCamera, string sLookAtStructureID, string sLookAtBodyID)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 20 of file ISimulatorInterface.cs.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: