AnimatLab  2
ManagedAnimatInterfaces.IDataObjectInterface Interface Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for ManagedAnimatInterfaces.IDataObjectInterface:
+ Collaboration diagram for ManagedAnimatInterfaces.IDataObjectInterface:

Public Member Functions

bool CalculateLocalPosForWorldPos (double dblXWorldX, double dblWorldY, double dblWorldZ, System.Collections.ArrayList aryLocalPos)
void DisableCollisions (string strOtherBodyID)
void EnableCollisions (string strOtherBodyID)
void FireAddBodyClickedEvent (float fltPosX, float fltPosY, float fltPosZ, float fltNormX, float fltNormY, float fltNormZ)
void FirePositionChangedEvent ()
void FireRotationChangedEvent ()
void FireSelectedVertexChangedEvent (float fltPosX, float fltPosY, float fltPosZ)
void FireSelectionChangedEvent (bool bSelected, bool bSelectMultiple)
void FireSizeChangedEvent ()
float get_Position (int iIndex)
float get_Rotation (int iIndex)
float get_WorldPosition (int iIndex)
float GetBoundingBoxValue (int iIndex)
void GetDataPointer (string sData)
float GetDataValue (string sData)
float GetDataValueImmediate (string sData)
string GetLocalTransformMatrixString ()
void OrientNewPart (double dblXPos, double dblYPos, double dblZPos, double dblXNorm, double dblYNorm, double dblZNorm)
void QueryProperties (System.Collections.ArrayList aryPropertyNames, System.Collections.ArrayList aryPropertyTypes, System.Collections.ArrayList aryDirections)
void SelectItem (bool bVal, bool bSelectMultiple)
void set_Position (int iIndex, float value)
void set_Rotation (int iIndex, float value)
void set_WorldPosition (int iIndex, float value)
bool SetData (string sDataType, string sValue, bool bThrowError)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file IDataObjectInterface.cs.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: