AnimatLab  2
AnimatSimPy.Simulator Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for AnimatSimPy.Simulator:
+ Collaboration diagram for AnimatSimPy.Simulator:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, args, kwargs)
def __init__ (self, args, kwargs)
def AddBodiesMode (self, args)
def AddBodiesMode (self, args)
def AddFoodSource (self, lpFood)
def AddFoodSource (self, lpFood)
def AddItem
def AddItem
def AddKeyFrame (self, strType, lStart, lEnd)
def AddKeyFrame (self, strType, lStart, lEnd)
def AddNeuralModuleFactory (self, strModuleName, lpModule)
def AddNeuralModuleFactory (self, strModuleName, lpModule)
def AddToExtractExtraData (self, lpPart)
def AddToExtractExtraData (self, lpPart)
def AddToObjectList (self, lpItem)
def AddToObjectList (self, lpItem)
def AlphaThreshold (self, args)
def AlphaThreshold (self, args)
def AngularCompliance (self, args)
def AngularCompliance (self, args)
def AngularDamping (self, args)
def AngularDamping (self, args)
def AngularKineticLoss (self, args)
def AngularKineticLoss (self, args)
def AttachSourceAdapter (self, lpStructure, lpAdapter)
def AttachSourceAdapter (self, lpStructure, lpAdapter)
def AttachTargetAdapter (self, lpStructure, lpAdapter)
def AttachTargetAdapter (self, lpStructure, lpAdapter)
def AutoGenerateRandomSeed (self, args)
def AutoGenerateRandomSeed (self, args)
def BackgroundColor (self, args)
def BackgroundColor (self, args)
def BlockSimulation (self)
def BlockSimulation (self)
def ConvertV1MeshFile (self, strOriginalMeshFile, strNewMeshFile, strTexture)
def ConvertV1MeshFile (self, strOriginalMeshFile, strNewMeshFile, strTexture)
def CreateObject
def CreateObject
def DenominatorDistanceUnits (self)
def DenominatorDistanceUnits (self)
def DesiredFrameRate (self, args)
def DesiredFrameRate (self, args)
def DesiredFrameStep (self)
def DesiredFrameStep (self)
def DisableCollision (self, lpBody)
def DisableCollision (self, lpBody)
def DisableCollisions (self, lpStruct, m_aryCollisionList)
def DisableCollisions (self, lpStruct, m_aryCollisionList)
def DisableVideoPlayback (self)
def DisableVideoPlayback (self)
def DisplayMassUnits (self)
def DisplayMassUnits (self)
def DistanceUnits (self, args)
def DistanceUnits (self, args)
def EnableCollision (self, lpBody)
def EnableCollision (self, lpBody)
def EnableCollisions (self, lpStruct, m_aryCollisionList)
def EnableCollisions (self, lpStruct, m_aryCollisionList)
def EnableSimRecording (self, args)
def EnableSimRecording (self, args)
def EnableVideoPlayback (self, strKeyFrameID)
def EnableVideoPlayback (self, strKeyFrameID)
def EndSimTime (self, args)
def EndSimTime (self, args)
def EndSimTimeSlice (self, args)
def EndSimTimeSlice (self, args)
def ExecutablePath (self, args)
def ExecutablePath (self, args)
def FindByID
def FindByID
def FindClosestFoodSources (self, oMouthPos, fltMinRadius, arySources, aryDistances)
def FindClosestFoodSources (self, oMouthPos, fltMinRadius, arySources, aryDistances)
def FindJoint
def FindJoint
def FindNeuralModuleFactory
def FindNeuralModuleFactory
def FindOdorType
def FindOdorType
def FindOrganism
def FindOrganism
def FindRigidBody
def FindRigidBody
def FindStructure
def FindStructure
def FindStructureFromAll
def FindStructureFromAll
def ForceFastMoving (self, args)
def ForceFastMoving (self, args)
def ForceNoWindows (self, args)
def ForceNoWindows (self, args)
def GenerateCollisionMeshFile (self, strOriginalMeshFile, strCollisionMeshFile, fltScaleX, fltScaleY, fltScaleZ)
def GenerateCollisionMeshFile (self, strOriginalMeshFile, strCollisionMeshFile, fltScaleX, fltScaleY, fltScaleZ)
def GetDataChartMgr (self)
def GetDataChartMgr (self)
def GetDataPointer (self, strDataType)
def GetDataPointer (self, strDataType)
def GetExternalStimuliMgr (self)
def GetExternalStimuliMgr (self)
def GetLightMgr (self)
def GetLightMgr (self)
def GetMaterialID (self, strID)
def GetMaterialID (self, strID)
def GetMaterialMgr (self)
def GetMaterialMgr (self)
def GetPositionAndRotationFromD3DMatrix (self, aryTransform, vPos, vRot)
def GetPositionAndRotationFromD3DMatrix (self, aryTransform, vPos, vRot)
def GetSimulationRecorder (self)
def GetSimulationRecorder (self)
def GetTimerTick (self)
def GetTimerTick (self)
def GetWindowMgr (self)
def GetWindowMgr (self)
def Gravity (self, args)
def Gravity (self, args)
def IncrementPhysicsBodyCount (self)
def IncrementPhysicsBodyCount (self)
def InDrag (self, args)
def InDrag (self, args)
def Initialize (self, args)
def Initialize (self, args)
def Initialized (self, args)
def Initialized (self, args)
def InSimulation (self)
def InSimulation (self)
def InverseDistanceUnits (self)
def InverseDistanceUnits (self)
def InverseMassUnits (self)
def InverseMassUnits (self)
def IsPhysicsAdapter (self, lpAdapter)
def IsPhysicsAdapter (self, lpAdapter)
def IsPhysicsBeingUpdated (self)
def IsPhysicsBeingUpdated (self)
def IsResetting (self)
def IsResetting (self)
def LinearCompliance (self, args)
def LinearCompliance (self, args)
def LinearDamping (self, args)
def LinearDamping (self, args)
def LinearKineticLoss (self, args)
def LinearKineticLoss (self, args)
def Load (self, args)
def Load (self, args)
def LoadKeyFrameSnapshot (self, aryBytes, lIndex)
def LoadKeyFrameSnapshot (self, aryBytes, lIndex)
def ManualRandomSeed (self, args)
def ManualRandomSeed (self, args)
def ManualStepSimulation (self, args)
def ManualStepSimulation (self, args)
def MassUnits (self, args)
def MassUnits (self, args)
def MicroSleep (self, iMicroTime)
def MicroSleep (self, iMicroTime)
def MicroWait (self, iMicroTime)
def MicroWait (self, iMicroTime)
def Millisecond (self)
def Millisecond (self)
def MillisecondToSlice (self, lMillisecond)
def MillisecondToSlice (self, lMillisecond)
def MinTimeStep (self)
def MinTimeStep (self)
def MouseSpringDamping (self, args)
def MouseSpringDamping (self, args)
def MouseSpringDampingForceMagnitude (self, args)
def MouseSpringDampingForceMagnitude (self, args)
def MouseSpringForceMagnitude (self, args)
def MouseSpringForceMagnitude (self, args)
def MouseSpringLengthMagnitude (self, args)
def MouseSpringLengthMagnitude (self, args)
def MouseSpringStiffness (self, args)
def MouseSpringStiffness (self, args)
def MoveKeyFrame (self, strID, lStart, lEnd)
def MoveKeyFrame (self, strID, lStart, lEnd)
def MoveSimulationToKeyFrame (self, strKeyFrameID)
def MoveSimulationToKeyFrame (self, strKeyFrameID)
def NotifyRigidBodyAdded (self, strID)
def NotifyRigidBodyAdded (self, strID)
def NotifyRigidBodyRemoved (self, strID)
def NotifyRigidBodyRemoved (self, strID)
def ObjectList (self)
def ObjectList (self)
def Paused (self, args)
def Paused (self, args)
def PauseSimulation (self)
def PauseSimulation (self)
def PhysicsSliceCount (self, args)
def PhysicsSliceCount (self, args)
def PhysicsStepCount (self)
def PhysicsStepCount (self)
def PhysicsStepInterval (self, args)
def PhysicsStepInterval (self, args)
def PhysicsSubsteps (self, args)
def PhysicsSubsteps (self, args)
def PhysicsSubstepTime (self)
def PhysicsSubstepTime (self)
def PhysicsTimeStep (self, args)
def PhysicsTimeStep (self, args)
def PlaybackControlMode (self, args)
def PlaybackControlMode (self, args)
def PresetPlaybackTimeStep (self, args)
def PresetPlaybackTimeStep (self, args)
def ProjectPath (self, args)
def ProjectPath (self, args)
def QueryProperties (self, aryProperties)
def QueryProperties (self, aryProperties)
def RealTime (self)
def RealTime (self)
def RecFieldSelRadius (self, args)
def RecFieldSelRadius (self, args)
def RemoveFoodSource (self, lpFood)
def RemoveFoodSource (self, lpFood)
def RemoveFromExtractExtraData (self, lpPart)
def RemoveFromExtractExtraData (self, lpPart)
def RemoveFromObjectList (self, lpItem)
def RemoveFromObjectList (self, lpItem)
def RemoveItem
def RemoveItem
def RemoveKeyFrame (self, strID)
def RemoveKeyFrame (self, strID)
def RemoveSourceAdapter (self, lpStructure, lpAdapter)
def RemoveSourceAdapter (self, lpStructure, lpAdapter)
def RemoveTargetAdapter (self, lpStructure, lpAdapter)
def RemoveTargetAdapter (self, lpStructure, lpAdapter)
def Reset (self)
def Reset (self)
def ResetSimulation (self)
def ResetSimulation (self)
def RobotAdpaterSynch (self, args)
def RobotAdpaterSynch (self, args)
def RunSimulation (self)
def RunSimulation (self)
def Save (self, strFilename)
def Save (self, strFilename)
def SaveKeyFrameSnapshot (self, aryBytes, lIndex)
def SaveKeyFrameSnapshot (self, aryBytes, lIndex)
def SaveVideo (self, strPath)
def SaveVideo (self, strPath)
def Script (self, args)
def Script (self, args)
def SetData
def SetData
def SetEndSimTime (self, args)
def SetEndSimTime (self, args)
def ShutdownSimulation (self)
def ShutdownSimulation (self)
def ShuttingDown (self)
def ShuttingDown (self)
def SimCallback (self)
def SimCallback (self)
def SimCallBack (self, lpCallback)
def SimCallBack (self, lpCallback)
def SimRunning (self)
def SimRunning (self)
def Simulate (self)
def Simulate (self)
def SimulateHydrodynamics (self, args)
def SimulateHydrodynamics (self, args)
def SimulationBlockConfirm (self)
def SimulationBlockConfirm (self)
def SimulationFile (self, args)
def SimulationFile (self, args)
def SliceToMillisecond (self, lSlice)
def SliceToMillisecond (self, lSlice)
def SnapshotByteSize (self)
def SnapshotByteSize (self)
def StabilityScale (self, args)
def StabilityScale (self, args)
def StartSimTick (self)
def StartSimTick (self)
def StartSimulation (self)
def StartSimulation (self)
def StartVideoPlayback (self)
def StartVideoPlayback (self)
def StepSimEndTick (self)
def StepSimEndTick (self)
def StepStartTick (self)
def StepStartTick (self)
def StepVideoPlayback
def StepVideoPlayback
def Stopped (self)
def Stopped (self)
def StopSimulation (self)
def StopSimulation (self)
def StopVideoPlayback (self)
def StopVideoPlayback (self)
def Time (self)
def Time (self)
def TimerDiff_m (self, lStart, lEnd)
def TimerDiff_m (self, lStart, lEnd)
def TimerDiff_s (self, lStart, lEnd)
def TimerDiff_s (self, lStart, lEnd)
def TimerDiff_u (self, lStart, lEnd)
def TimerDiff_u (self, lStart, lEnd)
def TimeSlice (self, args)
def TimeSlice (self, args)
def TimeStep (self)
def TimeStep (self)
def ToggleSimulation (self)
def ToggleSimulation (self)
def UnblockSimulation (self)
def UnblockSimulation (self)
def VideoLoops (self, args)
def VideoLoops (self, args)
def VideoPlayback (self, args)
def VideoPlayback (self, args)
def VideoRecorder (self, args)
def VideoRecorder (self, args)
def VideoSliceCount (self, args)
def VideoSliceCount (self, args)
def VisualSelectionMode (self, args)
def VisualSelectionMode (self, args)
def WaitForSimulationBlock
def WaitForSimulationBlock
def WriteToConsole (self, strMessage)
def WriteToConsole (self, strMessage)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSimPy.AnimatBase
def __init__ (self)
def __init__ (self)
def AddItem
def AddItem
def AfterResetSimulation (self)
def AfterResetSimulation (self)
def CalculateSnapshotByteSize (self)
def CalculateSnapshotByteSize (self)
def Copy (self, lpSource)
def Copy (self, lpSource)
def Enabled (self, args)
def Enabled (self, args)
def GetDataPointer (self, strDataType)
def GetDataPointer (self, strDataType)
def GetNeuralModule (self)
def GetNeuralModule (self)
def GetNode (self)
def GetNode (self)
def GetSimulator (self)
def GetSimulator (self)
def GetStructure (self)
def GetStructure (self)
def HasProperty (self, strName)
def HasProperty (self, strName)
def ID (self, args)
def ID (self, args)
def Initialize (self)
def Initialize (self)
def Kill
def Kill
def Load (self, oXml)
def Load (self, oXml)
def LoadKeyFrameSnapshot (self, aryBytes, lIndex)
def LoadKeyFrameSnapshot (self, aryBytes, lIndex)
def Name (self, args)
def Name (self, args)
def PropertyType (self, strName)
def PropertyType (self, strName)
def QueryProperties (self, aryProperties)
def QueryProperties (self, aryProperties)
def ReInitialize (self)
def ReInitialize (self)
def RemoveItem
def RemoveItem
def Reset (self)
def Reset (self)
def ResetSimulation (self)
def ResetSimulation (self)
def RigidBodyAdded (self, strID)
def RigidBodyAdded (self, strID)
def RigidBodyRemoved (self, strID)
def RigidBodyRemoved (self, strID)
def SaveKeyFrameSnapshot (self, aryBytes, lIndex)
def SaveKeyFrameSnapshot (self, aryBytes, lIndex)
def Selected (self, args)
def Selected (self, args)
def SetData (self, args)
def SetData (self, args)
def SetSystemPointers (self, lpSim, lpStructure, lpModule, lpNode, bVerify)
def SetSystemPointers (self, lpSim, lpStructure, lpModule, lpNode, bVerify)
def SimPausing (self)
def SimPausing (self)
def SimStarting (self)
def SimStarting (self)
def SimStopping (self)
def SimStopping (self)
def StepSimulation (self)
def StepSimulation (self)
def TimeStepModified (self)
def TimeStepModified (self)
def Type (self, args)
def Type (self, args)
def VerifySystemPointers (self)
def VerifySystemPointers (self)
def VisualSelectionModeChanged (self, iNewMode)
def VisualSelectionModeChanged (self, iNewMode)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnimatSimPy.CStdSerialize
def __init__ (self)
def __init__ (self)
def Clone (self)
def Clone (self)
def Copy (self, lpSource)
def Copy (self, lpSource)
def Load (self, oXml)
def Load (self, oXml)
def Save (self, oXml)
def Save (self, oXml)
def Trace (self, oOs)
def Trace (self, oOs)

Static Public Attributes

tuple CastToDerived = staticmethod(_AnimatSimPy.Simulator_CastToDerived)
tuple CreateAndInitializeSimulator = staticmethod(_AnimatSimPy.Simulator_CreateAndInitializeSimulator)
tuple CreateSimulator = staticmethod(_AnimatSimPy.Simulator_CreateSimulator)
tuple LoadClassFactory = staticmethod(_AnimatSimPy.Simulator_LoadClassFactory)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from AnimatSimPy.AnimatBase
- Public Attributes inherited from AnimatSimPy.CStdSerialize

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14061 of file bin/

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: