74 {
78 Neuron::Copy(lpSource);
88 #pragma region DataAccesMethods
99 Ih(atof(strValue.c_str()));
105 THROW_PARAM_ERROR(Al_Err_lInvalidDataType, Al_Err_strInvalidDataType,
"Data Type", strDataType);
110 void TonicNeuron::QueryProperties(CStdPtrArray<TypeProperty> &aryProperties)
112 Neuron::QueryProperties(aryProperties);
114 aryProperties.Add(
new TypeProperty(
"Ih", AnimatPropertyType::Float, AnimatPropertyDirection::Set));
119 void TonicNeuron::Load(CStdXml &oXml)
125 Ih(oXml.GetChildFloat(
Default constructor.
Firing rate neural module.
virtual bool SetData(const std::string &strDataType, const std::string &strValue, bool bThrowError=true)
Set a variable based on a string data type name.
virtual bool SetData(const std::string &strDataType, const std::string &strValue, bool bThrowError=true)
Set a variable based on a string data type name.
Declares the synapse class.
Declares the firing rate module class.
Declares the tonic neuron class.
virtual ~TonicNeuron()
Contains the classes for a firing rate neural model.
std::string Std_CheckString(std::string strVal)
Converts a string to upper case and trims it.
virtual float CalculateIntrinsicCurrent(FiringRateModule *lpModule, float fltInputCurrent)
Calculates the intrinsic current.
Tonic firing rate neuron.
float m_fltIh
The tonic current.
virtual unsigned char NeuronType()
Gets the neuron type.
float Ih()
Gets the tonic current.