56 virtual void CalculateTension() = 0;
65 void Tension(
float fltVal);
68 void MaxTension(
float fltVal);
74 virtual bool Enabled();
75 virtual void Enabled(
bool bVal);
77 virtual SigmoidGain *StimTension();
78 virtual void StimTension(std::string strXml);
80 virtual LengthTensionGain *LengthTension();
81 virtual void LengthTension(std::string strXml);
95 virtual void CalculateInverseDynamics(
float fltLength,
float fltVelocity,
float fltT,
float &fltVm,
float &fltA) = 0;
96 virtual void AddExternalNodeInput(
int iTargetDataType,
float fltInput);
98 virtual void SetSystemPointers(
Simulator *lpSim,
Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule,
Node *lpNode,
bool bVerify);
99 virtual void VerifySystemPointers();
101 virtual void ResetSimulation();
103 virtual float *GetDataPointer(
const std::string &strDataType);
104 virtual bool SetData(
const std::string &strDataType,
const std::string &strValue,
bool bThrowError =
105 virtual void QueryProperties(CStdPtrArray<TypeProperty> &aryProperties);
107 virtual void Load(CStdXml &oXml);
Simulates the entire environment.
Root namespace for the base simulation library for AnimatLab.
SigmoidGain m_gainStimTension
The stimulus-tension gain.
A "static" structure in the simulation.
float m_fltPrevTension
Tension of the muscle in the last time slice.
float m_fltMaxTension
The maximum tension that this muscle can ever generate. This is an upper limit to prevent unrealistic...
Base class for body parts and neural network nodes.
float m_fltTension
Tension of the muscle.
LengthTensionGain m_gainLengthTension
The length-tension gain.
Base class for Line body part types.
float m_fltTdot
The derivative of tension at the current time step.