9 #include "ScriptProcessor.h"
12 #include "RobotPartInterface.h"
119 virtual void LoadLayout(CStdXml &oXml);
120 virtual void LoadCollisionPair(CStdXml &oXml);
121 virtual RigidBody *LoadRoot(CStdXml &oXml);
123 virtual void AddRoot(std::string strXml);
124 virtual void RemoveRoot(std::string strID,
bool bThrowError =
127 virtual void AddScript(std::string strXml);
128 virtual void RemoveScript(std::string strID,
bool bThrowError =
130 virtual void UpdateData();
143 virtual CStdFPoint Position();
144 virtual void Position(CStdFPoint &oPoint,
bool bUseScaling =
bool bFireChangeEvent =
bool bUpdateMatrix =
146 virtual float Size();
147 virtual void Size(
float fltVal,
bool bUseScaling =
149 virtual RobotInterface *GetRobotInterface() {
return NULL;};
151 virtual bool AllowTranslateDragX();
152 virtual bool AllowTranslateDragY();
153 virtual bool AllowTranslateDragZ();
155 virtual bool AllowRotateDragX();
156 virtual bool AllowRotateDragY();
157 virtual bool AllowRotateDragZ();
159 virtual CStdPtrArray<CollisionPair> ExclusionList();
160 virtual void AddCollisionPair(std::string strID1, std::string strID2);
162 virtual void MinTimeStep(
float &fltMin);
164 virtual void Create();
165 virtual void StepPhysicsEngine();
166 virtual void ResetSimulation();
168 void AddJoint(Joint *lpJoint);
169 void RemoveJoint(std::string strID);
170 void AddRigidBody(RigidBody *lpBody);
171 void RemoveRigidBody(std::string strID);
173 virtual Joint *FindJoint(std::string strJointID,
bool bThrowError =
174 virtual RigidBody *FindRigidBody(std::string strBodyID,
bool bThrowError =
175 virtual Node *FindNode(std::string strID,
bool bThrowError =
178 virtual void EnableMotor(std::string strJointID,
bool bVal);
179 virtual void SetMotorInput(std::string strJointID,
float fltInput);
181 virtual void EnableCollision(RigidBody *lpCollisionBody);
182 virtual void DisableCollision(RigidBody *lpCollisionBody);
184 virtual void Selected(
bool bValue,
bool bSelectMultiple);
185 virtual void UpdatePhysicsPosFromGraphics();
190 #pragma region DataAccesMethods
192 virtual void SetSystemPointers(
Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule,
Node *lpNode,
bool bVerify);
193 virtual float *GetDataPointer(
const std::string &strDataType);
194 virtual bool SetData(
const std::string &strDataType,
const std::string &strValue,
bool bThrowError =
195 virtual void QueryProperties(CStdPtrArray<TypeProperty> &aryProperties);
196 virtual bool AddItem(
const std::string &strItemType,
const std::string &strXml,
bool bThrowError =
bool bDoNotInit =
197 virtual bool RemoveItem(
const std::string &strItemType,
const std::string &strID,
bool bThrowError =
201 #pragma region SnapshotMethods
202 virtual long CalculateSnapshotByteSize();
203 virtual void SaveKeyFrameSnapshot(byte *aryBytes,
long &lIndex);
204 virtual void LoadKeyFrameSnapshot(byte *aryBytes,
long &lIndex);
207 virtual void Initialize();
208 virtual void Kill(
bool bState =
209 virtual void SimStarting();
210 virtual void SimPausing();
211 virtual void SimStopping();
213 virtual void Load(CStdXml &oXml);
IMovableItemCallback * m_lpCallback
Movable Item callback to the GUI.
Declares the Robot IO control interface base class.
Simulates the entire environment.
Root namespace for the base simulation library for AnimatLab.
Default constructor.
CStdMap< std::string, RigidBody * > m_aryRigidBodies
std::string m_strPart2ID
GUID ID of the second part of the collision pair.
RigidBody * m_lpBody
The root rigid body object of this structure.
Baes class for all items that can be moved/roated within the environment.
CStdPtrArray< CollisionPair > m_aryExcludeCollisionList
This is the list of other body part ID's to exclude from collision tests.
A "static" structure in the simulation.
float m_fltSize
The radius of the graphical sphere shown for the structure position.
ScriptProcessor * m_lpScript
Script processor for running python or other scripting systems related to this structure.
Base class for body parts and neural network nodes.
CStdMap< std::string, Joint * > m_aryJoints
std::string m_strPart1ID
GUID ID of the first part of the collision pair.
Declares the robotics inerface for animatlab.
The base class for all of the basic rigid body type of objects.