133 float m_fltAvgMuscleVel;
135 float Ftl(
float fltLce);
136 float Fact(
float fltStim);
139 virtual void CalculateTension();
148 virtual void Kse(
float fltVal);
151 virtual void Kpe(
float fltVal);
154 virtual void B(
float fltVal);
156 virtual float RestingLength();
157 virtual void RestingLength(
float fltVal);
159 virtual float IbDischargeConstant();
160 virtual void IbDischargeConstant(
float fltVal);
162 virtual float SeLength();
163 virtual float PeLength();
164 virtual float Displacement();
165 virtual float DisplacementRatio();
169 virtual float InternalTension();
170 virtual float Vmuscle();
172 virtual void Enabled(
bool bVal);
174 virtual void CalculateInverseDynamics(
float fltLength,
float fltVelocity,
float fltT,
float &fltVm,
float &fltA);
176 virtual void ResetSimulation();
177 virtual void AfterResetSimulation();
179 virtual void CreateJoints();
180 virtual float *GetDataPointer(
const std::string &strDataType);
181 virtual bool SetData(
const std::string &strDataType,
const std::string &strValue,
bool bThrowError =
182 virtual void QueryProperties(CStdPtrArray<TypeProperty> &aryProperties);
184 virtual void Load(CStdXml &oXml);
Root namespace for the base simulation library for AnimatLab.
float m_fltTLPerc
The Tl percentage. This is primarily used for reporting purposes. It is m_fltTl*100. It ranges from 0-100 %.
float m_fltVse
The velocity of change of the SE section of the muscle.
float m_fltSeLPrev
The previous length of the se section of the muscle.
float m_fltPrevA
Used to store the previous value of A when calculating the inverse muscle dynamics.
float m_fltPeLPrev
The previous length of the pe section of the muscle.
float * m_aryMuscleVelocities
float m_fltDisplacementRatio
This is the ratio of displacement of this muscle from its resting length.
float m_fltSeLength
The length of the SE section of the muscle. The resting length is one half the total muscle length...
float m_fltA
The total active force that is developed from both the current stimulus level and the tension-length ...
float m_fltB
Damping coefficient.
float m_fltIbDischargeConstant
Constant that relates length of muscle segment to discharge rate of type Ib fibers.
float m_fltVpe
The velocity of change of the PE section of the muscle.
float m_fltSeDisplacement
The displacement of the SE section of the muscle.
float m_fltTL
The proportion of active force developed that can actually be used at this muscle length...
float m_fltKse
Spring constant for the series spring.
float m_fltAct
The active force that is developed from the current stimulus level before the tension-length relation...
float m_fltKseByB
Precalculation of Kse divided by B.
float m_fltVmuscle
The velocity of shortenting of the muscle.
int m_iMuscleVelAvgCount
The number of instantanious velocity readings to average to calculate the average velocity...
A muscle that is connected between two attachment points.
float m_fltIbRate
Ib fiber discharge rate.
float m_fltInternalTension
Internal tension.
float m_fltDisplacement
This is the amount of displacement of this muscle from its resting length.
float m_fltKpeByKse
Precalculation of (1+(Kpe/Kse))
float m_fltKpe
Spring constant for the parrallel spring.
float m_fltPeLength
The length of the PE section of the muscle. The resting length is one half the total muscle length...