12 namespace ExternalStimuli
101 virtual float GetCurrentOn();
102 virtual void SetSliceData();
111 virtual std::string Type();
112 virtual void Type(std::string strValue);
114 virtual void AlwaysActive(
bool bVal);
116 virtual std::string TargetNodeID();
117 virtual void TargetNodeID(std::string strID);
119 virtual float CurrentOn();
120 virtual void CurrentOn(
float fltVal);
122 virtual float CurrentOff();
123 virtual void CurrentOff(
float fltVal);
125 virtual float CurrentBurstOff();
126 virtual void CurrentBurstOff(
float fltVal);
128 virtual float CycleOnDuration();
129 virtual void CycleOnDuration(
float fltVal);
131 virtual float CycleOffDuration();
132 virtual void CycleOffDuration(
float fltVal);
134 virtual float BurstOnDuration();
135 virtual void BurstOnDuration(
float fltVal);
137 virtual float BurstOffDuration();
138 virtual void BurstOffDuration(
float fltVal);
140 virtual std::string CurrentEquation();
141 virtual void CurrentEquation(std::string strEquation);
143 virtual void Load(CStdXml &oXml);
146 virtual void Initialize();
147 virtual void ResetSimulation();
148 virtual void Activate();
149 virtual void StepSimulation();
150 virtual void Deactivate();
152 virtual float *GetDataPointer(
const std::string &strDataType);
153 virtual bool SetData(
const std::string &strDataType,
const std::string &strValue,
bool bThrowError =
154 virtual void QueryProperties(CStdPtrArray<TypeProperty> &aryProperties);
float m_fltCurrentBurstOff
The current to apply when the burst is off.
long m_lCycleOffDuration
Duration of the cycle off period in time slices.
Root namespace for the base simulation library for AnimatLab.
float m_fltBurstOnDuration
Duration of the burst on period in time.
std::string m_strTargetNodeID
GUID ID of the neuron we are stimulating.
long m_lCycleOnDuration
Duration of the cycle on period in time slices.
bool m_bBurstOn
Tells whether a burst is on or not.
float m_fltCycleOnDuration
Duration of the cycle on period in time.
std::string m_strCurrentEquation
The post-fix string current equation.
bool m_bCycleOn
Tells whether a cycle is on or not.
long m_lBurstStart
The time slice where the burst starts.
float m_fltCurrentOff
The current to apply when the cycle is off.
float m_fltBurstOffDuration
Duration of the burst off period in time.
float m_fltInitialActiveCurrent
The initial active current that is used when reseting the simulation.
Current stimulus for neural items.
External stimulus base class.
long m_lBurstOffDuration
Duration of the burst off period in time slices.
float * m_lpExternalCurrent
float m_fltCycleOffDuration
Duration of the cycle off period in time.
int m_iType
Tells the type of current to apply. (Constant, Repetitive, Bursting)
CStdPostFixEval * m_lpCurrentOnEval
Pointer to the post-fix equation evaluator.
long m_lBurstOnDuration
Duration of the burst on period in time slices.
float m_fltActiveCurrent
The active current at that time step.
float m_fltCurrentOn
The current to apply when the cycle is on.
long m_lCycleStart
The time slice where the cycle starts.