11 #include "CsSynapseIndividual.h"
12 #include "CsConnectionGenerator.h"
65 void LoadNetworkXml(CStdXml &oXml);
67 virtual void StepThread();
68 virtual void CloseThread();
70 virtual void SetCARLSimulation();
72 virtual void WaitForPhysicsToCatchUp();
73 virtual void WaitForNeuralToCatchUp();
87 virtual std::string ModuleName();
89 virtual CpuSNN *SNN() {
return m_lpSNN;};
91 virtual bool stepUpdate(
CpuSNN* s,
int step);
92 virtual void updateMonitors(
CpuSNN* s,
int step);
94 virtual void SimMode(
int iMode);
95 virtual int SimMode();
97 virtual unsigned int SimulationStepInterval();
102 virtual void Kill(
bool bState =
103 virtual void Initialize();
104 virtual void SimStarting();
105 virtual void SimStopping();
106 virtual void ResetSimulation();
107 virtual void StepSimulation();
108 virtual void Load(CStdXml &oXml);
110 #pragma region DataAccesMethods
111 virtual bool SetData(
const std::string &strDataType,
const std::string &strValue,
bool bThrowError =
112 virtual void QueryProperties(CStdPtrArray<TypeProperty> &aryProperties);
113 virtual bool AddItem(
const std::string &strItemType,
const std::string &strXml,
bool bThrowError =
bool bDoNotInit =
114 virtual bool RemoveItem(
const std::string &strItemType,
const std::string &strID,
bool bThrowError =
117 virtual void AddNeuronGroup(std::string strXml,
bool bDoNotInit =
118 virtual void RemoveNeuronGroup(std::string strID,
bool bThrowError =
119 virtual int FindNeuronGroupListPos(std::string strID,
bool bThrowError =
121 virtual CStdPtrArray<CsSynapseGroup> *GetSynapses();
131 virtual void AddSynapse(std::string strXml,
bool bDoNotInit);
132 virtual void RemoveSynapse(
int iIndex);
133 virtual void RemoveSynapse(std::string strID,
bool bThrowError =
135 virtual int TotalSynapses();
136 virtual void ClearSynapses();
137 virtual int FindSynapseListPos(std::string strID,
bool bThrowError =
Contains the classes for a firing rate neural model.
used for fine-grained control over the stepping behavior during a runNetwork execution ...
Declares the CsNeuronGroup class.
A Threaded neural module base class.
CStdPtrArray< CsSynapseGroup > m_arySynapses
The array of synapses in this module.
bool m_bWaitingForNeuralToCatchUp
True if the physics simulation has finished and is waiting on the neural sim to catch up...
Firing rate synapse model.
Firing rate neural module.
Declares the synapse class.
float m_fltNeuralTime
The current time of the neural simulation.
Firing Rate Neuron model.
int m_iSimMode
The mode of the simulation. GPU vs CPU.
CpuSNN * m_lpSNN
Pointer to the CARLsim simulator.
CStdPtrMap< std::string, CsConnectionGenerator > m_aryGenerators
bool m_bWaitingForPhysicsToCatchUp
True if the neural simulation has finished and is waiting on the physics sim to catch up...
Firing rate synapse model.
CStdPtrArray< CsNeuronGroup > m_aryNeuronGroups
The array of neuron groups in this module.
Contains all of CARLsim's core functionality.