AnimatLab  2
OsgAnimatSim::Environment Namespace Reference

Implements the light object within osg. More...


class  OsgBody
 Vortex base body class. More...
class  OsgJoint
 A common class for all joint data specific to vortex. More...
class  OsgLight
 Vortex physical structure implementation. More...
class  OsgLine
class  OsgMovableItem
class  OsgOrganism
 Vortex Organism implementation. More...
class  OsgRigidBody
 A common class for all rigid body data specific to vortex. More...
class  OsgStructure
 Vortex physical structure implementation. More...


enum  DynamicsControlType { ControlAnimated, ControlNode, ControlDynamic, ControlStatic }


void ANIMAT_OSG_PORT AddNodeTexture (osg::Node *osgNode, std::string strTexture, osg::StateAttribute::GLMode eTextureMode)
void ANIMAT_OSG_PORT ApplyVertexTransform (osg::Node *node, osg::Matrix omat)
osg::Geometry ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreateBoxGeometry (float xsize, float ysize, float zsize, float fltXSegWidth, float fltYSegWidth, float fltZSegWidth)
osg::Geode ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreateCircle (int plane, int segments, float radius, float width)
osg::Vec3Array ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreateCircleVerts (int plane, int segments, float radius)
osg::Geometry ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreateConeGeometry (float height, float topradius, float botradius, int sides, bool doSide, bool doTop, bool doBottom)
osg::Geometry ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreateEllipsoidGeometry (int latres, int longres, float rSemiMajorAxis, float rSemiMinorAxis)
osg::Node ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreateHeightField (std::string heightFile, float fltSegWidth, float fltSegLength, float fltMaxHeight, osg::HeightField **osgMap, bool bAdjustHeight)
osg::MatrixTransform ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreateLinearAxis (float fltGripScale, CStdFPoint vRotAxis)
osg::Geometry ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreatePlaneGeometry (float fltCornerX, float fltCornerY, float fltXSize, float fltYSize, float fltXGrid, float fltYGrid, bool bBothSides)
osg::Geometry ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreateSphereGeometry (int latres, int longres, float radius)
osg::Geometry ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * CreateTorusGeometry (float innerRadius, float outerRadius, int sides, int rings)
CStdFPoint ANIMAT_OSG_PORT EulerRotationFromMatrix (osg::Matrix osgMT)
osg::Matrix ANIMAT_OSG_PORT LoadMatrix (CStdXml &oXml, std::string strElementName)
bool ANIMAT_OSG_PORT OsgMatricesEqual (osg::Matrix v1, osg::Matrix v2)
void ANIMAT_OSG_PORT SaveMatrix (CStdXml &oXml, std::string strElementName, osg::Matrix osgMT)
std::string ANIMAT_OSG_PORT SaveMatrixString (osg::Matrix osgMT)
void ANIMAT_OSG_PORT SetMatrixUtil (OsgMatrixUtil *lpUtil)
void ANIMAT_OSG_PORT SetNodeColor (osg::Node *osgNode, CStdColor &vAmbient, CStdColor &vDiffuse, CStdColor &vSpecular, float fltShininess)
osg::Matrix ANIMAT_OSG_PORT SetupMatrix (CStdFPoint &localPos, CStdFPoint &localRot)
osg::Matrix ANIMAT_OSG_PORT SetupMatrix (CStdFPoint &localPos, osg::Quat qRot)


OsgMatrixUtilg_lpUtil = NULL

Detailed Description

Implements the light object within osg.

Classes for the virtual world simulation that use the vortex physics engine.

Function Documentation

osg::Geometry ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * OsgAnimatSim::Environment::CreateConeGeometry ( float  height,
float  topradius,
float  botradius,
int  sides,
bool  doSide,
bool  doTop,
bool  doBottom 

Create the Geometry Core used by OSG::makeConicalFrustum.

[in]heightHeight of the conical frustum.
[in]topradiusRadius at the top of the conical frustum.
[in]botradiusRadius at the bottom of the conical frustum.
[in]sidesNumber of sides the base is subdivided into.
[in]doSideIf true, side faces are created.
[in]doTopIf true, top cap faces are created.
[in]doBttomIf true, bottom cap faces are created.
GeometryTransitPtr to a newly created Geometry core.

Definition at line 407 of file OsgAnimatSim/OsgGeometry.cpp.

Referenced by OsgAnimatSim::Environment::Joints::OsgHinge::CreateCylinderGraphics().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

osg::Geometry ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * OsgAnimatSim::Environment::CreateEllipsoidGeometry ( int  latres,
int  longres,
float  rSemiMajorAxis,
float  rSemiMinorAxis 

Create the Geometry Core used by OSG::makeLatLongSphere.

[in]latresNumber of subdivisions along latitudes.
[in]longresNumber of subdivisions along longitudes.
[in]radiusRadius of sphere.
GeometryTransitPtr to a newly created Geometry core.
See also

Definition at line 679 of file OsgAnimatSim/OsgGeometry.cpp.

osg::Geometry ANIMAT_OSG_PORT * OsgAnimatSim::Environment::CreateSphereGeometry ( int  latres,
int  longres,
float  radius 

Create the Geometry Core used by OSG::makeLatLongSphere.

[in]latresNumber of subdivisions along latitudes.
[in]longresNumber of subdivisions along longitudes.
[in]radiusRadius of sphere.
GeometryTransitPtr to a newly created Geometry core.
See also

Definition at line 570 of file OsgAnimatSim/OsgGeometry.cpp.

Referenced by OsgAnimatSim::Environment::OsgJoint::CreateJointGraphics().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: