Integrate and fire neuron model. More...
#include <Neuron.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Neuron () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~Neuron () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | AccomodationTimeConstant (double dVal) |
Sets the accomodation time constant. More... | |
double | AccomodationTimeConstant () |
Gets the accomodation time constant. More... | |
virtual void | AddExternalI (float fltVal) |
Adds to the external current. More... | |
virtual void | AddExternalNodeInput (int iTargetDataType, float fltInput) |
Adds an external node input. More... | |
virtual bool | AddItem (const std::string &strItemType, const std::string &strXml, bool bThrowError=true, bool bDoNotInit=false) |
Adds a new object to this parent. More... | |
void | AHPAmplitude (double dVal) |
Sets the after-hyperpolarizing conductance amplitude. More... | |
double | AHPAmplitude () |
Gets the after-hyperpolarizing conductance amplitude. More... | |
void | AHPTimeConstant (double dVal) |
Sets the after-hyperpolarizing time constant. More... | |
double | AHPTimeConstant () |
Gets the after-hyperpolarizing time constant. More... | |
void | BurstGMaxCa (double dVal) |
Sets the burst maximum calcium conductance. More... | |
double | BurstGMaxCa () |
Gets the burst maximum calcium conductance. More... | |
void | BurstHTimeConstant (double dVal) |
Sets the burst inactivation time constant. More... | |
double | BurstHTimeConstant () |
Gets the burst inactivation time constant. More... | |
void | BurstInitAtBottom (bool bVal) |
Sets the burst inactivation time constant. More... | |
bool | BurstInitAtBottom () |
Gets the burst inactivation time constant. More... | |
void | BurstMTimeConstant (double dVal) |
Gets the burst activation time constant. More... | |
double | BurstMTimeConstant () |
Gets the burst activation time constant. More... | |
void | BurstSh (double dVal) |
Sets the burst inactivation slope. More... | |
double | BurstSh () |
Gets the burst inactivation slope. More... | |
void | BurstSm (double dVal) |
Sets the burst Activation slope. More... | |
double | BurstSm () |
Gets the burst Activation slope. More... | |
void | BurstVh (double dVal) |
Sets the burst inactivation mid point. More... | |
double | BurstVh () |
Gets the burst inactivation mid point. More... | |
void | BurstVm (double dVal) |
Sets the burst activation mid point. More... | |
double | BurstVm () |
Gets the burst activation mid point. More... | |
void | CalcUpdate (IntegrateFireNeuralModule *lpNS) |
Calculates the update during a time step. More... | |
void | CalcUpdateFinal (IntegrateFireNeuralModule *lpNS) |
Calculates the final update during a step. More... | |
virtual bool | Enabled () |
Tells whether this node is enabled. More... | |
virtual void | Enabled (bool bValue) |
Enables the node. More... | |
virtual int | FindIonChannelListPos (std::string strID, bool bThrowError=true) |
Searches for an ion channel with the specified ID and returns its position in the array. More... | |
virtual float * | GetDataPointer (const std::string &strDataType) |
Returns a float pointer to a data item of interest in this object. More... | |
double | GetMemPot () |
Gets the membrane potential. More... | |
double | GetRestingPot () |
Gets the resting potential. More... | |
bool | GetSpike () |
Gets whether a spike occured. More... | |
double | GetThresh () |
Gets the votlge threshold. More... | |
bool | GetZapped () |
Gets if the neuron is disabled. More... | |
void | IncNonSpikingSynCond (double cond) |
Increment non-spiking syn conductance. More... | |
void | IncNonSpikingSynCurr (double cur) |
Increment non-spiking syn current. More... | |
void | IncrementStim (double stim) |
Increments the current stimulus. More... | |
void | InElectricalSynapseCond (double cond) |
Increments electrical synapse conductance. More... | |
void | InElectricalSynapseCurr (double cur) |
Increments electrical synapse current. More... | |
void | InitialThreshold (double dVal) |
Sets the initial threshold. More... | |
double | InitialThreshold () |
Gets the initial threshold. More... | |
CStdPtrArray< IonChannel > * | IonChannels () |
Gets the ion channels. More... | |
virtual void | Load (CStdXml &oXml) |
int | NeuronID () |
Gets the neuron ID. More... | |
void | NeuronID (int iID) |
Sets the Neuron ID. More... | |
void | PostCalc (IntegrateFireNeuralModule *lpNS) |
Called when simulation is ended. More... | |
void | PreCalc (IntegrateFireNeuralModule *lpNS) |
Initialization routine. More... | |
virtual void | QueryProperties (CStdPtrArray< TypeProperty > &aryProperties) |
void | RelativeAccomodation (double dVal) |
Sets the relative accomodation value. More... | |
double | RelativeAccomodation () |
Gets the relative accomodation. More... | |
virtual bool | RemoveItem (const std::string &strItemType, const std::string &strID, bool bThrowError=true) |
Removes a child item from this parent. More... | |
virtual void | ResetSimulation () |
Resets the simulation back to time 0. More... | |
void | RestingPotential (double dVal) |
Sets the resting potential. More... | |
double | RestingPotential () |
Gets the resting potential. More... | |
virtual bool | SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const std::string &strValue, bool bThrowError=true) |
Set a variable based on a string data type name. More... | |
virtual void | SetSystemPointers (Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, AnimatSim::Behavior::NeuralModule *lpModule, Node *lpNode, bool bVerify) |
void | Size (double dVal) |
Sets the size of the neuron. More... | |
double | Size () |
Gets the size of the neuron. More... | |
void | TimeConstant (double dVal) |
Sets the time constant. More... | |
double | TimeConstant () |
Gets the time constant. More... | |
void | TonicNoise (double dblVal) |
double | TonicNoise () |
void | TonicStimulus (double dblVal) |
Sets the neurons tonic stimulus current. More... | |
double | TonicStimulus () |
Gets the tonic stimulus current of the neuron. More... | |
virtual void | VerifySystemPointers () |
Verify that system pointers have been set correctly. More... | |
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Node () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~Node () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | Copy (CStdSerialize *lpSource) |
virtual int | GetTargetDataTypeIndex (const std::string &strDataType) |
Used to convert a string target data type into an integer index. More... | |
virtual void | Kill (bool bState=true) |
Kills. More... | |
virtual void | QueryProperties (CStdPtrArray< TypeProperty > &aryProperties) |
Queries this object for a list of properties that can be changed using SetData. More... | |
virtual void | SetSystemPointers (Simulator *lpSim, Structure *lpStructure, NeuralModule *lpModule, Node *lpNode, bool bVerify) |
Sets the system pointers. More... | |
![]() | |
AnimatBase () | |
Constructs an AnimatBase object. More... | |
virtual | ~AnimatBase () |
Destroys the AnimatBase object.. More... | |
virtual void | AfterResetSimulation () |
Called after a simulation reset for some objects. More... | |
virtual long | CalculateSnapshotByteSize () |
Calculates the snapshot byte size. More... | |
virtual NeuralModule * | GetNeuralModule () |
Gets the neural module. More... | |
virtual Node * | GetNode () |
Gets the node. More... | |
virtual Simulator * | GetSimulator () |
Gets the simulator pointer. More... | |
virtual Structure * | GetStructure () |
Gets the structure for this node. More... | |
virtual bool | HasProperty (const std::string &strName) |
Queries this object if it has a property with the given name. More... | |
virtual std::string | ID () |
Gets the unique GUID ID of this object. More... | |
virtual void | ID (std::string strValue) |
Sets the unique GUID ID of the object. More... | |
virtual void | Initialize () |
Initializes this object. More... | |
virtual void | Load (StdUtils::CStdXml &oXml) |
Loads the item using an XML data packet. More... | |
virtual void | LoadKeyFrameSnapshot (byte *aryBytes, long &lIndex) |
Loads a key frame snapshot. More... | |
virtual std::string | Name () |
Gets the name of this object. More... | |
virtual void | Name (std::string strValue) |
Sets the name of the object. Blank is acceptable. More... | |
virtual AnimatPropertyType | PropertyType (const std::string &strName) |
virtual void | ReInitialize () |
Re-initialize this object. More... | |
virtual void | Reset () |
Resets this object. More... | |
virtual void | RigidBodyAdded (std::string strID) |
virtual void | RigidBodyRemoved (std::string strID) |
virtual void | SaveKeyFrameSnapshot (byte *aryBytes, long &lIndex) |
Saves a key frame snapshot. More... | |
virtual bool | Selected () |
Tells if this items is selected or not. More... | |
virtual void | Selected (bool bValue, bool bSelectMultiple) |
Selects this object. More... | |
virtual bool | SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const float fltValue, bool bThrowError=true) |
Set a variable based on a string data type name. More... | |
virtual bool | SetData (const std::string &strDataType, const long lValue, bool bThrowError=true) |
Set a variable based on a string data type name. More... | |
virtual void | SimPausing () |
Called just before the simulation pauses. More... | |
virtual void | SimStarting () |
Called just before the simulation starts. More... | |
virtual void | SimStopping () |
Called just before the simulation stops. More... | |
virtual void | StepSimulation () |
Step the simulation for this object. More... | |
virtual void | TimeStepModified () |
Notification method that the time step modified has been modified. Objects should recalculate any slice times as needed. More... | |
virtual std::string | Type () |
returns the string type name of this object. More... | |
virtual void | Type (std::string strValue) |
Sets the class type for this object. More... | |
virtual void | VisualSelectionModeChanged (int iNewMode) |
Visual selection mode changed. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | AddIonChannel (std::string strXml, bool bDoNotInit) |
Adds an ion channel from an xml packet definition. More... | |
void | CalculateFiringFreq (IntegrateFireNeuralModule *lpNS) |
Calculates the firing freq. More... | |
IonChannel * | FindIonChannel (std::string strID, bool bThrowError) |
Searches for an ion channel with the matching ID. More... | |
virtual IonChannel * | LoadIonChannel (CStdXml &oXml) |
Loads an ion channel. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveIonChannel (std::string strID, bool bThrowError=true) |
Removes the ion channel. More... | |
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virtual void | UpdateData () |
Updates any reporting data for this time step. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
CStdArray< double > | m_aryDG |
exponential decline factor in syn G. | |
CStdArray< double > | m_aryFacilD |
exponential decline factor in facilitation. | |
CStdArray< double > | m_aryFacilSponSynG |
facilitated initial g increase caused by spontaneous input | |
CStdPtrArray< IonChannel > | m_aryIonChannels |
The array of ion channels. | |
CStdArray< double > | m_aryNextSponSynTime |
Time to next spontaneous occurrence of this syn type. | |
CStdArray< double > | m_arySynG |
Current conductance of each synaptic type. | |
CStdArray< double > | m_aryTonicInputPeriod |
An array of tonic inputs that can be applied to the neuron. | |
CStdArray< int > | m_aryTonicInputPeriodType |
An array of tonic input types that can be applied to the neuron. | |
bool | m_bBurstInitAtBottom |
bool | m_bSpike |
true if spike occured. | |
bool | m_bZapped |
Sets whether the neuron is disabled or not. | |
double | m_dAccomTimeConst |
The accommodation time constant. | |
double | m_dAHPAmp |
The after-hyperpolarizing conductance amplitude. | |
double | m_dAHPTimeConst |
The after-hyperpolarizing time constant. | |
double | m_dCm |
The membrane capacitance. | |
double | m_dDCTH |
exponential decline working factor for threshold accommodation | |
double | m_dDGK |
exponential decline factor for AHP | |
double | m_dElecSynCond |
The electrical synaptic condutance. | |
double | m_dElecSynCur |
The electrical synaptic current. | |
double | m_dGK |
cummulative amplitude of AHP conductance | |
double | m_dGMaxCa |
The maximum conductance of the calcium current. | |
double | m_dGTot |
cummulative total contuctance | |
double | m_dH |
The inactivation variable. | |
double | m_dHTimeConst |
Inactivation time constant the calcium current. | |
double | m_dInitialThresh |
The initial voltage threshold for the neuron. | |
double | m_dM |
The activation variable. | |
double | m_dMemPot |
The membrane potential. | |
double | m_dMTimeConst |
activation time constant the calcium current. | |
double | m_dNewMemPot |
The next membrane potential. | |
double | m_dNoise |
The noise being applied to the membrane. | |
double | m_dNonSpikingSynCond |
The non-spiking synaptic condutance. | |
double | m_dNonSpikingSynCur |
The non-spiking synaptic current. | |
double | m_dRelativeAccom |
The amount of relative accommodation. This ranges from 0 to 1. | |
double | m_dRestingPot |
The resting potential of the neuron. | |
double | m_dSH |
Inactivation slope of the calcium current. | |
double | m_dSize |
Size of the neuron. This is essentially equivalent to the membrane conductance. | |
double | m_dSM |
Activation slope of the calcium current. | |
double | m_dStim |
The stimulus current. | |
double | m_dThresh |
The voltage threshold. | |
double | m_dTimeConst |
The time constant for the neuron. | |
double | m_dToniCurrentStimulusulus |
A tonic current stimulus that can be applied to the neuron. | |
double | m_dVH |
Inactivation mid point of the calcium current. | |
double | m_dVM |
Activation mid point of the calcium current. | |
float | m_fltAdapterI |
The adapter current. | |
float | m_fltAdapterMemoryI |
The adapter current memory. This is used to allow datacharts to track current input from adapters. | |
float | m_fltChannelI |
The ioin channel current. | |
float | m_fltChannelMemoryI |
The ion channel current memory. This is used to allow datacharts to track current input from ion channels. | |
float | m_fltElecSynCurMemory |
The electrical synaptic current memory. Used for reporting purposes. | |
float | m_fltEMemory |
The Reporting variable for E. | |
float | m_fltExternalI |
The external current. | |
float | m_fltFiringFreq |
The firing frequency. | |
float | m_fltGm |
The membrane conductance. Used for reporting purposes. | |
float | m_fltGTotal |
Reported g total. | |
float | m_fltICaMemory |
The ca current memory. | |
double | m_fltLastSpikeTime |
Time of the last spike. | |
float | m_fltMemPot |
The memory potential. This is for reporting purposes. | |
float | m_fltNonSpikingSynCurMemory |
The non-spiking synaptic current memory. Used for reporting purposes. | |
float | m_fltSpike |
The spike memory. Used for reporting purposes. | |
float | m_fltSpikingSynCurMemory |
The spiking synaptic current memory. Used for reporting purposes. | |
float | m_fltThresholdMemory |
The threshold potential memory. Used to allow us to chart the threshold if needed. | |
float | m_fltTotalI |
The total current. | |
float | m_fltTotalMemoryI |
The total current memory. This is used to allow datacharts to track current input from ion channels. | |
float | m_fltVrest |
The rest potential. Used for reporting purposes. | |
int | m_iIonChannels |
Number of ion channels. | |
int | m_iNeuronID |
Integer ID for the neuron. This is its index in the array of neruons in the neural module. | |
CaActivation * | m_lpCaActive |
The pointer to the calcium activation object. | |
CaActivation * | m_lpCaInactive |
The pointer to the calcium inactivation object. | |
IntegrateFireNeuralModule * | m_lpIGFModule |
The pointer to the parent IntegrateFireNeuralModule. | |
long | m_lRefrCountDown |
The refractory count down. | |
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bool | m_bInitEnabled |
Keeps track of the enabled state at sim startup. | |
float | m_fltEnabled |
This is used for reporting the enabled state in a GetDataPointer call. | |
Organism * | m_lpOrganism |
The pointer to this node's organism. | |
![]() | |
bool | m_bEnabled |
Tells if this item is enabled or not. If it is not enabled then it is not run. | |
bool | m_bSelected |
Tells whether the object is selected or not. | |
AnimatSim::Behavior::NeuralModule * | m_lpModule |
The pointer to this items parentNeuralModule. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL. | |
Node * | m_lpNode |
The pointer to this items parent Node. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL. | |
Simulator * | m_lpSim |
The pointer to a Simulation. | |
AnimatSim::Environment::Structure * | m_lpStructure |
The pointer to this items parent Structure. If this is not relevant for this object then this is NULL. | |
std::string | m_strID |
The unique Id for this object. | |
std::string | m_strName |
The name for this object. | |
std::string | m_strType |
The type for this object. Examples are Box, Plane, Neuron, etc.. | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static double | m_dAbsoluteRefr =2 |
The static absolute refractory period after an action potential. | |
static double | m_dAHPEquilPot =-70 |
The static after-hyperpolarizing equil pot. Typically equil pot for K. | |
static double | m_dCaEquilPot =200 |
The static calcium equil pot. | |
static double | m_dDT =0.5 |
The statoc time step. | |
static double | m_dSpikePeak =0 |
The static spike peak. | |
static double | m_dSpikeStrength =1 |
The static spike strength used when calculating the action potential. | |
static long | m_lAbsoluteRefr =0 |
The static absolute refractory period in timeslices after an action potential. | |
Friends | |
class | IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static Node * | CastToDerived (AnimatBase *lpBase) |
Integrate and fire neuron model.
This class implements an integrate and fire neuron model.
Definition at line 26 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.h.
IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::Neuron | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
Definition at line 36 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_bBurstInitAtBottom, m_bSpike, m_bZapped, m_dAccomTimeConst, m_dAHPAmp, m_dAHPTimeConst, m_dCm, m_dDCTH, m_dDGK, m_dElecSynCond, m_dElecSynCur, m_dGK, m_dGMaxCa, m_dGTot, m_dH, m_dHTimeConst, m_dInitialThresh, m_dM, m_dMemPot, m_dMTimeConst, m_dNewMemPot, m_dNoise, m_dNonSpikingSynCond, m_dNonSpikingSynCur, m_dRelativeAccom, m_dRestingPot, m_dSH, m_dSize, m_dSM, m_dStim, m_dThresh, m_dTimeConst, m_dToniCurrentStimulusulus, m_dVH, m_dVM, m_fltAdapterI, m_fltAdapterMemoryI, m_fltChannelI, m_fltChannelMemoryI, m_fltElecSynCurMemory, m_fltEMemory, m_fltExternalI, m_fltFiringFreq, m_fltGm, m_fltGTotal, m_fltICaMemory, m_fltLastSpikeTime, m_fltMemPot, m_fltNonSpikingSynCurMemory, m_fltSpike, m_fltSpikingSynCurMemory, m_fltThresholdMemory, m_fltTotalI, m_fltTotalMemoryI, m_fltVrest, m_iIonChannels, m_iNeuronID, m_lpCaActive, m_lpCaInactive, and m_lRefrCountDown.
virtual |
Definition at line 114 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_lpCaActive, and m_lpCaInactive.
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::AccomodationTimeConstant | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the accomodation time constant.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 408 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dAccomTimeConst, m_dDCTH, and m_dDT.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::AccomodationTimeConstant | ( | ) |
Gets the accomodation time constant.
Definition at line 422 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dAccomTimeConst.
Referenced by SetData().
virtual |
Adds to the external current.
fltVal | The new value to add. |
Definition at line 162 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_fltExternalI.
Referenced by SetData().
virtual |
Adds an external node input.
This is used by the adapter to add a new external value to this node. It is up to the node to interpret what that value means. For example, if it is a neuron then it can interpret it to be a current. This value is added to the current total so that multiple adapters can call this in a given time step. It is cleared out to zero at the beginning of the time step. You can now also specify which data you are adding to for this method call. This allows adapters to be setup to change multiple different variables in the system.
iTargetDataType | The index of the target data type we are adding to. |
fltInput | The new input. |
Implements AnimatSim::Node.
Definition at line 1283 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_bZapped, m_fltAdapterI, and m_fltAdapterMemoryI.
protectedvirtual |
Adds an ion channel from an xml packet definition.
strXml | The xml to load. |
Definition at line 1615 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References AnimatSim::AnimatBase::Initialize(), and LoadIonChannel().
Referenced by AddItem().
virtual |
Adds a new object to this parent.
Generic method to add a new child item to this parent by specifying a string item type descriptor and an xml packet that can be used to load in the new object. The GUI uses this method to create new items that were added with the user interface. The item type lets the method determine what type of item is being created, like synapse, neuron, body part, etc.. It then gets the modulename, classname, and type from the xml and calls CreateObject to create the appropriate type of object. Then it passes in the xml packet to the new objects load method and does any needed initialization and adds it to the parent.
strItemType | String descriptor of the type of item that is being created. |
strXml | XML packet that is used to create and load the new item. |
bThrowError | If true then throw an error if there is a problem, otherwise return false. |
Reimplemented from AnimatSim::AnimatBase.
Definition at line 1643 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References AddIonChannel(), and StdUtils::Std_CheckString().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::AHPAmplitude | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the after-hyperpolarizing conductance amplitude.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 432 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dAHPAmp.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::AHPAmplitude | ( | ) |
Gets the after-hyperpolarizing conductance amplitude.
Definition at line 442 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dAHPAmp.
Referenced by SetData().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::AHPTimeConstant | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the after-hyperpolarizing time constant.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 452 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dAHPTimeConst, m_dDGK, and m_dDT.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::AHPTimeConstant | ( | ) |
Gets the after-hyperpolarizing time constant.
Definition at line 466 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dAHPTimeConst.
Referenced by SetData().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstGMaxCa | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the burst maximum calcium conductance.
dVal | The value. |
Definition at line 476 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_bBurstInitAtBottom, m_dGMaxCa, m_dH, m_dM, m_dMemPot, and m_dRestingPot.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstGMaxCa | ( | ) |
Gets the burst maximum calcium conductance.
Definition at line 503 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dGMaxCa.
Referenced by BurstInitAtBottom(), and SetData().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstHTimeConstant | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the burst inactivation time constant.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 613 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dHTimeConst.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::CaActivation::SetData().
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstHTimeConstant | ( | ) |
Gets the burst inactivation time constant.
Definition at line 623 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dHTimeConst.
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstInitAtBottom | ( | bool | bVal | ) |
Sets the burst inactivation time constant.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 633 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References BurstGMaxCa(), m_bBurstInitAtBottom, and m_dGMaxCa.
bool IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstInitAtBottom | ( | ) |
Gets the burst inactivation time constant.
Definition at line 647 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_bBurstInitAtBottom.
Referenced by SetData().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstMTimeConstant | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Gets the burst activation time constant.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 553 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dMTimeConst.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::CaActivation::SetData().
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstMTimeConstant | ( | ) |
Gets the burst activation time constant.
Definition at line 563 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dMTimeConst.
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstSh | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the burst inactivation slope.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 593 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dSH.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::CaActivation::SetData().
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstSh | ( | ) |
Gets the burst inactivation slope.
Definition at line 603 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dSH.
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstSm | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the burst Activation slope.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 533 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dSM.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::CaActivation::SetData().
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstSm | ( | ) |
Gets the burst Activation slope.
Definition at line 543 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dSM.
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstVh | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the burst inactivation mid point.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 573 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dVH.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::CaActivation::SetData().
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstVh | ( | ) |
Gets the burst inactivation mid point.
Definition at line 583 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dVH.
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstVm | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the burst activation mid point.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 513 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dVM.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::CaActivation::SetData().
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::BurstVm | ( | ) |
Gets the burst activation mid point.
Definition at line 523 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dVM.
protected |
Calculates the firing freq.
[in,out] | lpNS | Pointer to the neural module. |
Definition at line 896 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::GetCurrentTime(), m_bSpike, m_fltFiringFreq, and m_fltLastSpikeTime.
Referenced by CalcUpdateFinal().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::CalcUpdate | ( | IntegrateFireNeuralModule * | lpNS | ) |
Calculates the update during a time step.
[in,out] | lpNS | Pointer to the neural module. |
Definition at line 1073 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::Cd(), IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::EquilibriumPotential(), GetMemPot(), IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::GetSpikingChemSynAt(), IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::GetSpikingChemSynCount(), IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::GetTimeStep(), IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::HH(), m_aryFacilD, m_aryFacilSponSynG, m_aryIonChannels, m_aryNextSponSynTime, m_arySynG, m_aryTonicInputPeriod, m_aryTonicInputPeriodType, m_bSpike, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_bVoltDep, m_bZapped, m_dAHPAmp, m_dAHPEquilPot, m_dCaEquilPot, m_dCm, m_dDCTH, m_dDGK, m_dDT, m_dElecSynCond, m_dElecSynCur, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_dEquil, m_dGK, m_dGMaxCa, m_dGTot, m_dH, m_dHTimeConst, m_dInitialThresh, m_dM, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_dMaxRelCond, m_dMemPot, m_dMTimeConst, m_dNewMemPot, m_dNoise, m_dNonSpikingSynCond, m_dNonSpikingSynCur, m_dRelativeAccom, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_dRelFacil, m_dRestingPot, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_dSatPSPot, m_dSH, m_dSize, m_dSM, m_dStim, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_dSynAmp, m_dThresh, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_dThreshPSPot, m_dTimeConst, m_dVH, m_dVM, m_fltAdapterI, m_fltChannelI, m_fltChannelMemoryI, m_fltElecSynCurMemory, m_fltEMemory, m_fltExternalI, m_fltGTotal, m_fltICaMemory, m_fltNonSpikingSynCurMemory, m_fltSpikingSynCurMemory, m_fltTotalI, m_fltTotalMemoryI, m_iIonChannels, IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::ScaleCondForVoltDep(), and StdUtils::Std_LRand().
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::CalcUpdateFinal | ( | IntegrateFireNeuralModule * | lpNS | ) |
Calculates the final update during a step.
[in,out] | lpNS | Pointer to the neural module. |
Definition at line 1015 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References CalculateFiringFreq(), IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::HH(), m_aryDG, m_arySynG, m_bSpike, m_bZapped, m_dMemPot, m_dNewMemPot, m_dSpikePeak, m_dThresh, m_fltMemPot, m_fltSpike, m_fltThresholdMemory, m_lAbsoluteRefr, m_lRefrCountDown, and IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::TTX().
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate().
virtual |
Tells whether this node is enabled.
Some types of nodes can be enabled/disabled. For example, joints or muscles. This tells what enabled state the node is in. This will not apply to every node object type.
Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Node.
Definition at line 146 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_bZapped.
virtual |
Enables the node.
Some types of nodes can be enabled/disabled. This sets the enabled state of the object.
bValue | true to enable. |
Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Node.
Definition at line 148 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_bZapped.
protected |
Searches for an ion channel with the matching ID.
strID | GUID ID of the channel to find. |
bThrowError | true to throw error if channel is not found. |
Definition at line 1303 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References AnimatSim::AnimatBase::ID(), m_aryIonChannels, and m_iIonChannels.
virtual |
Searches for an ion channel with the specified ID and returns its position in the array.
strID | GUID ID for of the channel to find. |
bThrowError | true to throw error if channel is not found. |
Definition at line 1326 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References AnimatSim::AnimatBase::ID(), m_aryIonChannels, StdUtils::Std_ToUpper(), and StdUtils::Std_Trim().
Referenced by RemoveIonChannel().
virtual |
Returns a float pointer to a data item of interest in this object.
This is a generic method used to get a pointer to data variable of interest. It is used by a variety of systems in the simulation. The most prominent are the data charting and stimulus classes. Within this method we associate a variable with a string name. By passing in the name of the data type we are interested in we can recieve back a float pointer to that data type. We can use that to read or set the data item in other classes. For example, the data charting system gets the pointer and then each time it needs to log a data point it reads the value into an array.
strDataType | name of the data item for which we are looking. |
If | DataType is not found. |
Reimplemented from AnimatSim::AnimatBase.
Definition at line 1421 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_fltAdapterMemoryI, m_fltChannelMemoryI, m_fltElecSynCurMemory, m_fltEMemory, m_fltExternalI, m_fltFiringFreq, m_fltGm, m_fltGTotal, m_fltICaMemory, m_fltMemPot, m_fltNonSpikingSynCurMemory, m_fltSpike, m_fltSpikingSynCurMemory, m_fltThresholdMemory, m_fltTotalMemoryI, m_fltVrest, and StdUtils::Std_CheckString().
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::GetMemPot | ( | ) |
Gets the membrane potential.
Definition at line 185 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_bSpike, m_bZapped, m_dMemPot, and m_dSpikePeak.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate(), and CalcUpdate().
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::GetRestingPot | ( | ) |
Gets the resting potential.
Definition at line 175 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dRestingPot.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate().
bool IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::GetSpike | ( | ) |
Gets whether a spike occured.
Definition at line 205 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_bSpike, and m_bZapped.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate().
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::GetThresh | ( | ) |
Gets the votlge threshold.
Definition at line 195 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
bool IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::GetZapped | ( | ) |
Gets if the neuron is disabled.
Definition at line 215 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_bZapped.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::IncNonSpikingSynCond | ( | double | cond | ) |
Increment non-spiking syn conductance.
cond | The conductance. |
Definition at line 265 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dNonSpikingSynCond.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::IncNonSpikingSynCurr | ( | double | cur | ) |
Increment non-spiking syn current.
cur | The current. |
Definition at line 255 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dNonSpikingSynCur.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::IncrementStim | ( | double | stim | ) |
Increments the current stimulus.
stim | The stim. |
Definition at line 225 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dStim.
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::InElectricalSynapseCond | ( | double | cond | ) |
Increments electrical synapse conductance.
cond | The conductance. |
Definition at line 245 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dElecSynCond.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::InElectricalSynapseCurr | ( | double | cur | ) |
Increments electrical synapse current.
cur | The current. |
Definition at line 235 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dElecSynCur.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::CalcUpdate().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::InitialThreshold | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the initial threshold.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 363 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dInitialThresh, m_dThresh, and m_fltThresholdMemory.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::InitialThreshold | ( | ) |
Gets the initial threshold.
Definition at line 378 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dInitialThresh.
Referenced by SetData().
CStdPtrArray< IonChannel > * IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::IonChannels | ( | ) |
Gets the ion channels.
Definition at line 275 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_aryIonChannels.
protectedvirtual |
Loads an ion channel.
[in,out] | oXml | The xml to load. |
Definition at line 801 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_aryIonChannels, AnimatSim::AnimatBase::m_lpModule, AnimatSim::AnimatBase::m_lpSim, AnimatSim::AnimatBase::m_lpStructure, and AnimatSim::AnimatBase::SetSystemPointers().
Referenced by AddIonChannel().
int IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::NeuronID | ( | ) |
Gets the neuron ID.
Definition at line 134 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_iNeuronID.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::Connexion::ResetIDs().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::NeuronID | ( | int | iID | ) |
Sets the Neuron ID.
iID | The identifier. |
Definition at line 144 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_iNeuronID.
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::PostCalc | ( | IntegrateFireNeuralModule * | lpNS | ) |
Called when simulation is ended.
[in,out] | lpNS | Pointer to the neural module. |
Definition at line 1056 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_aryDG, m_aryFacilD, m_aryFacilSponSynG, m_aryNextSponSynTime, and m_arySynG.
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::PostCalc().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::PreCalc | ( | IntegrateFireNeuralModule * | lpNS | ) |
Initialization routine.
[in,out] | lpNS | Pointer to the neural module. |
Definition at line 924 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::GetSpikingChemSynAt(), IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::GetSpikingChemSynCount(), m_aryDG, m_aryFacilD, m_aryFacilSponSynG, m_aryNextSponSynTime, m_arySynG, m_aryTonicInputPeriod, m_aryTonicInputPeriodType, m_bBurstInitAtBottom, m_bSpike, m_dAccomTimeConst, m_dAHPTimeConst, m_dCm, m_dDCTH, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_dDecay, m_dDGK, m_dDT, m_dElecSynCond, m_dElecSynCur, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_dFacilDecay, m_dGK, m_dGMaxCa, m_dH, m_dInitialThresh, m_dM, m_dMemPot, m_dNewMemPot, m_dNonSpikingSynCond, m_dNonSpikingSynCur, m_dRestingPot, m_dSize, m_dStim, IntegrateFireSim::Synapses::SpikingChemicalSynapse::m_dSynAmp, m_dThresh, m_dTimeConst, m_fltAdapterI, m_fltAdapterMemoryI, m_fltMemPot, m_fltThresholdMemory, m_lRefrCountDown, and StdUtils::Std_LRand().
Referenced by IntegrateFireSim::IntegrateFireNeuralModule::PreCalc().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::RelativeAccomodation | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the relative accomodation value.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 388 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dRelativeAccom.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::RelativeAccomodation | ( | ) |
Gets the relative accomodation.
Definition at line 398 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dRelativeAccom.
Referenced by SetData().
protectedvirtual |
Removes the ion channel.
strID | GUID ID for the channel to remove. |
bThrowError | true to throw error if channel is not found. |
Definition at line 1637 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References FindIonChannelListPos(), and m_aryIonChannels.
Referenced by RemoveItem().
virtual |
Removes a child item from this parent.
This is a generic method that is used to delete a child object from this parent. The GUI uses this method to remove objects from the simulation that have been deleted in the UI. The item type lets the method determine what type of item is being deleted, like synapse, neuron, body part, etc.. The ID is then used to delete that specific item.
strItemType | String descriptor of the type of item that is being created. |
strID | Unique ID of the item that will be removed. |
bThrowError | If true then throw an error if there is a problem, otherwise return false. |
Reimplemented from AnimatSim::AnimatBase.
Definition at line 1660 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References RemoveIonChannel(), and StdUtils::Std_CheckString().
virtual |
Resets the simulation back to time 0.
This method calls the ResetSimulation method on all subitems in order to reset the simulation back to the beginning.
Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Node.
Definition at line 1341 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_aryDG, m_aryFacilD, m_aryFacilSponSynG, m_aryIonChannels, m_aryNextSponSynTime, m_arySynG, m_aryTonicInputPeriod, m_aryTonicInputPeriodType, m_bBurstInitAtBottom, m_bSpike, m_dAccomTimeConst, m_dAHPTimeConst, m_dCm, m_dDCTH, m_dDGK, m_dDT, m_dElecSynCond, m_dElecSynCur, m_dGK, m_dGMaxCa, m_dGTot, m_dH, m_dInitialThresh, m_dM, m_dMemPot, m_dNewMemPot, m_dNonSpikingSynCond, m_dNonSpikingSynCur, m_dRestingPot, m_dSize, m_dStim, m_dThresh, m_dTimeConst, m_fltAdapterI, m_fltAdapterMemoryI, m_fltChannelI, m_fltChannelMemoryI, m_fltElecSynCurMemory, m_fltEMemory, m_fltExternalI, m_fltFiringFreq, m_fltGm, m_fltICaMemory, m_fltLastSpikeTime, m_fltMemPot, m_fltNonSpikingSynCurMemory, m_fltSpike, m_fltSpikingSynCurMemory, m_fltThresholdMemory, m_fltTotalI, m_fltTotalMemoryI, m_fltVrest, m_iIonChannels, and m_lRefrCountDown.
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::RestingPotential | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the resting potential.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 285 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dMemPot, m_dNewMemPot, and m_dRestingPot.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::RestingPotential | ( | ) |
Gets the resting potential.
Definition at line 304 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dRestingPot.
Referenced by SetData().
virtual |
Set a variable based on a string data type name.
This is a generic method that can be used to set any variable in an AnimatBase object by specifying the name of the variable and a string representation of that data. The GUI uses this method to set data into variables in the simulation when the user changes them in the UI. The value string can be as simple as a float or int, or as complex as an xml packet. It is the developers responsibilty to know what type of data is needed and to process it accordingly.
strDataType | string name of the data type to set. |
strValue | The string value of the data. It is up to the developer to determine what this should be. For example, in most cases it is simply a float and you just have to convert it to a float and make the appropriate mutator method call. However, it can be any type of string, including an entire xml packet. It is the developers responsibility to know how to set and process the data as required. |
bThrowError | true to throw error if there is a problem. If false then it will not return an error, just return false. |
Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Node.
Definition at line 1479 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References AccomodationTimeConstant(), AddExternalI(), AHPAmplitude(), AHPTimeConstant(), BurstGMaxCa(), BurstInitAtBottom(), InitialThreshold(), RelativeAccomodation(), RestingPotential(), Size(), StdUtils::Std_CheckString(), StdUtils::Std_ToBool(), TimeConstant(), and TonicStimulus().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::Size | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the size of the neuron.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 314 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dCm, m_dSize, m_dTimeConst, and m_fltGm.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::Size | ( | ) |
Gets the size of the neuron.
Definition at line 329 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dSize.
Referenced by SetData().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::TimeConstant | ( | double | dVal | ) |
Sets the time constant.
dVal | The new value. |
Definition at line 339 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dCm, m_dSize, and m_dTimeConst.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::TimeConstant | ( | ) |
Gets the time constant.
Definition at line 353 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dTimeConst.
Referenced by SetData().
void IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::TonicStimulus | ( | double | dblVal | ) |
Sets the neurons tonic stimulus current.
dblVal | The stimulus value. |
Definition at line 657 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dToniCurrentStimulusulus.
double IntegrateFireSim::Neuron::TonicStimulus | ( | ) |
Gets the tonic stimulus current of the neuron.
Definition at line 670 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_dToniCurrentStimulusulus.
Referenced by SetData().
virtual |
Verify that system pointers have been set correctly.
The system pointers should be set just after an object is created. However, if for some reason it was not then this could cause read/write memory access errors later on because we would be using NULL pointers. This method is called during SetSystemPointers, Load, and Initialize to verify that the pointers for that type of object have been set correctly. We are calling three different places to ensure that it is checked before use. For example, if you are doing a Load call then you want to check it before attempting the load, but there may be an object that does not Load, but only does Initialize. So we need to check it there as well.
Reimplemented from AnimatSim::Node.
Definition at line 691 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.cpp.
References m_lpIGFModule, and AnimatSim::AnimatBase::m_strID.
protected |
If this is true then when Max Burst Ca is > 0 then it will reset the burst params. If it is false it will start at equilibruim
Definition at line 133 of file IntegrateFireSim/Neuron.h.
Referenced by BurstGMaxCa(), BurstInitAtBottom(), Neuron(), PreCalc(), and ResetSimulation().