58 virtual float CalculateIntrinsicCurrent(
FiringRateModule *lpModule,
float fltInputCurrent);
65 void ITime(
float fltVal);
67 unsigned char IntrinsicType();
68 void IntrinsicType(
unsigned char iVal);
70 float IntrinsicCurrent();
71 void IntrinsicCurrent(
float fltVal);
74 void Il(
float fltVal);
77 void Ilinit(
float fltVal);
79 virtual unsigned char NeuronType();
85 void CurrentDistribution(std::string strXml);
89 void BurstLengthDistribution(std::string strXml);
93 void InterbusrtLengthDistribution(std::string strXml);
95 #pragma region SnapshotMethods
96 virtual long CalculateSnapshotByteSize();
97 virtual void SaveKeyFrameSnapshot(byte *aryBytes,
long &lIndex);
98 virtual void LoadKeyFrameSnapshot(byte *aryBytes,
long &lIndex);
101 virtual bool SetData(
const std::string &strDataType,
const std::string &strValue,
bool bThrowError =
102 virtual void QueryProperties(CStdPtrArray<TypeProperty> &aryProperties);
103 virtual void ResetSimulation();
105 virtual void Load(CStdXml &oXml);
unsigned char m_iIntrinsicTypeDefault
Firing rate neural module.
AnimatSim::Gains::Gain * m_lpBurstGraph
The pointer to the graph used to calculate the hi current duration.
float m_fltIntrinsic
The active intrinsic current.
Random firing rate neuron.
float m_fltITime
Duration of the current mode (HI or LOW)
float m_fltIlinit
The low intrinsic current init value.
float m_fltIl
The low intrinsic current.
unsigned char m_iIntrinsicType
Type of the intrinsic current that is active (HI or LOW)
Firing Rate Neuron model.
AnimatSim::Gains::Gain * m_lpIBurstGraph
The pointer to the graph used to calculate the low current duration.
Contains the classes for a firing rate neural model.
AnimatSim::Gains::Gain * m_lpCurrentGraph
Pointer to the graph used to calculate the hi current.